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Monday, November 23, 2009
Vacant Positions in MBPJ
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Illegal Gatings In PJ Draw Fire
Dear DAP leaders,The illegal gating has come too close to home.Now the illegal gaters is going to block up a road I used daily to and fro work and other places. SS2/74. And on the board it says from 11pm to 6am.When is Selangor State Govt going to make a stand?Enough said, I have state publicly that I will make police reports if nothing is done.Yours sincerely,XXX----2 public comments I made earlier for your reference :03 Nov 2009My position statements:1. We should NOT support setting up of ILLEGAL gated community who are blocking PUBLIC roads.2. The root of the problem is Police failed. The govt failed.
Arguments :1. This illegal gated community is set up on PUBLIC ROADS. The roads and parks and road shoulders are all managed by the town council. If the community wants gated community. The town council should DE-GAZETTE the roads and area as public road and area. And hand over the management/maintenance of the area to the community just like condos. And make the whole area PRIVATE AREA.2. Illegal gated communities are opened to abuses. This companies setting up illegal gated communities are equivalent to collecting PROTECTION MONEY! And they might very well be working with the crooks. Or they are the crooks themselves. Why bother breaking into house when you can collect money "legally" from them?3. Police force fails, can I build my own private police force?4. Politicians should not look for easy way out by encouraging ILLEGAL gated community just like the police.Compromise :1. While the police have failed, the state govt should make it clear that all this illegal gated communities on PUBLIC ROADS should be removed and not allowed to set up anymore after the crime rate goes down.2. The state govt should make it clear that building pondoks on the road shoulder and setting up illegal road blocks on public roads is ILLEGAL.If the above is not the position of the state govt. What is there to stop me from building my house on an empty land and call it my gated community?------05 Nov 2009This is a follow up on the illegal gated community. In-fact it is actually not gated community. It is just guarded.This questions I ask specific to the MBPJ councillors and Selangor State Govt.Refer to the map.There's a Dewan Serbaguna at the intersection of SS21/12 and SS21/5 and also a field there. Obviously this Dewan Serbaguna is a public entity under MBPJ.Now, the Dewan Serbaguna happens to be smack in the middle of a illegal gated area. Which is gated 24/7, and the pak guards stop ppl at the entrance.Question to the MBPJ and Selangor State Govt, have the Dewan Serbaguna being privatise? Why should public face harassment from illegal pak guards from going to a public place? Why is it being "gated up" by a third party?
Water service disruption - what to do?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
MACC Selangor State Director has yet to brief elected representatives on allocation management
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tugas berat 2 Ahli Dewan Negara lantikan DUN Selangor
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Attending State Legislative Assembly
For those who have been calling me this week, I wish to extend my apologies to all of you if you could not get me on the phone as I am now attending the Budget session of the State Legislative Assembly. The Pakatan Rakyat (PR)-led state government is tabling a budget totalling RM1.3 billion for development and administration purpose next year.
The Excutive Councillors (EXCOs) is now winding up the debates. They are expected to reply to the questions raised by State Assemblypersons (ADUNs).
Most of PR ADUNs spoke on the subjet. BN ADUNs also participated in the debate and some of them took part in the debate with preparations despite that I disagreed on most of their points. Among some of the BN ADUns who spoke with preparations were Seri Serdang, the former Deputy Speaker of the State Assembly. Even UMNO ADUN of Kuang, Abdul Shukor bin Idrus, who is also the Selangor UMNO Publicity Secretary delivered his speech with written text. I wondered whether the text was written by him or somebody else.
Yesterday, DAP ADUN for Kota Alam Shah, M. Manoharan, who was one of the five Hindraf leaders detained under ISA and was released in May 2009. He participated the debate yesterday and criticized the State Government for doing nothing to assist the Indian community. He claimed that the State Government did not contribute any allocation to Tamil schools.
I think there is a big misunderstanding.
The State Government has allocated RM4 million for Tamil schools for 2010. The same amount was also allocated last year. It cannot be true that just because the Menteri Besar did not mention it in the press, then there is no allocation for Tamil schools. The allocation is there and it is in the budget.
Another allegation was the state government continues to demolish Hindu temples. This is untrue and the government had issued a circular to all local councils last year that the demolitions of all religious structures cannot be conducted without the approval from the state authority, namely the State Executive Council.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Kerajaan kutip hutang RM392j daripada syarikat pemaju swasta
Program Air PercumaKerajaan negeri telah memperuntukkan pinjaman jangka pendek berjumlah RM50 juta kepada Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (KDEB) untuk membiayai kos Program Air Percuma.Saya ingin bertanya apakah perkembangan terbaru pengambilalihan syarikat-syarikat pengurusan air di Selangor?Mengapakah kerajaan perlu memberi pinjaman jangka pendek kepada KDEB? Adakah ini menunjukkan KDEB mempunyai masalah aliran wang tunai untuk membiayai program ini?Walaupun kerajaan mempunyai hasrat yang murni semasa melancarkan program ini sebagai salah satu program utama dalam Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES), tetapi kerajaan negeri juga perlu berhati-hati supaya wang yang digunakan untuk membiayai program ini dapat memberi manfaat dan pulangan yang melebihi nilainya baik kepada rakyat dan juga kepada kerajaan negeri.Lebih-lebih lagi, program air percuma ini masih belum dapat dinikmati oleh penduduk-penduduk pangsapuri kos rendah yang rata-ratanya merupakan golongan berpendapatan rendah.Program Air Percuma ini sewajarnya dilaksanakan dalam cara-cara yang membolehkan rakyat di golongan bawah menikmatinya. Tiada guna untuk seorang yang tinggal dalam rumah banglo menikmati air percuma sebanyak 20 meter padu setiap bulan sedangkan mereka yang memerlukannya, yakni golongan berpendapatan kurang daripada RM1500 sebulan tidak dapat menikmatinya hanya kerana penduduk si banglo mempunyai meter air individu.Pemberian geran sebanyak RM392 juta kepada Pemerbadanan Menteri Besar Selangor (MBI)Wang yang sebegini besar telah diperuntukkan kepada MBI untuk membeli hutang Syarikat Talam Corporation Berhad sebanyak RM392 juta daripada Selangor Industrial Corporation.Saya ingin bertanya kepada Kerajaan tentang rasionalnya untuk kerajaan memperuntukkan tambahan wang sebanyak RM392 juta ini kepada MBI untuk membeli hutang itu dan apakah pulangan yang akan dapat dinikmati daripada exercise ini?Apa yang lebih menarik lagi ialah bagaimana Selangor Indstrial Corporation, sebuah anak syarikat Perbadanan kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) boleh mengumpulkan tanggungan hutang yang begitu besar?