Dear Friends,
The 10th by-election is over at Hulu Selangor and it is most unfortunate that we suffered a setback amidst the hundreds of millions of ringgit poured in by the BN government.
Nevertheless, our struggle for a Malaysian's Malaysia is now shifted to Sibu Sarawak and we at DAP will lead the challenge. We expect the BN in Sarawak will pour even more resources into maintaining their grip in this by-election.
Despite that we at DAP still believe we can make a difference and a clear statement that Malaysians from both East and West want and deserve a change.
The diverse landscape makes effort to reach out tothe voters even more challenging.
That's where you and me can come in and help. We are appealing to ALL MALAYSIANS to donate generously to fund our effort in Sibu Sarawak. Your funds will be used for the following:
1) Printing campaign materials
2) Securing transportation
3) Organizing road shows, talks, ceramahs
4) Hiring of AV / PA system
5) Other expenses in connection to help our team
We ask you to consider donating RM500 or more for this effort including asking your friends and relatives who believe in our good cause to do likewise.
Cheques can be written to "DAP MALAYSIA" and all donations for DAP can be banked into our Party’s account at any Public Bank branches with reference to our account No. 306 382 8309 or, you can send cheque to:
DAP MALAYSIA No. 24 Jalan 20/9, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
You can also donate online by way of credit card. Please check for more details here: sibu4change.com
Your love for the nation will definitely make a difference.
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