I was invited to attend a programme to officially open the Section 22 Rukun Tetangga badminton court this morning.
Also attending are Petaling Jaya DAP Councillor, Mr Jeeyaselan T. Anthony, Mr G. Rajendran, chairman of Section 22 Rukun Tetangga and his committee members.
I used to call Mr G. Rajendran as "Uncle Raj" and I met him numerously before and after 2008 General Election. The last time I met him was to resolve the pending back-lane street-lighting works left over by BN during election time. That issue was resolved already and during that meeting, he thrown me an idea of upgrading a large piece of empty land which was then grown with bushes into a badminton court.
Jeeyaselan agreed to look into the request and I wish to thank MBPJ that some RM16,000 were spent to build the court and we officiated it this morning. Children and women folks were very happy as they will have a new place for all their recreational activities. There will still some repainting works to be done by the contractor and I hope the RT can make full use of the court to promote neighbourhood spirit and healthy lifestyle.
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