TEL: +6-012-6834724, +6-012-6924724,
EMAIL: lauwengsan@gmail.com
Service centre hour: 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tarikh: 1hb July 2009
Masa : 8.00 pm – 10.30 pm
Tempat: Dewan Banquet, MBPJ
Lim Kit Siang – Ketua Parlimen DAP
Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad – MP Kuala Selangor
Tony Pua – MP Petaling Jaya Utara
Ronnie Liu – Ahli Exco Selangor
Charles Santiago – MP Klang
Datanglah beramai-ramai!
Forum - PKFZ Scandal: Still No Answers?
Despite the fact that the PKFZ scandal has bloated up to RM12.5 billion was exposed since February this year, the mystery of “Who's Dunnit?” remains completely unanswered.
Who - from the long list of current and ex-Minister of Transports, Port Klang Authority chairmans, and Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) chairpersons - is to be held responsible and accountable? Why has the blatant misuse of tax-payers monies not explained or revealed appropriately?
A concerted effort is being made to hide the truth. The Dewan Rakyat Speaker to immediately allow the full PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report to be to all MPs, the Transport Minister Ong Tee Keat escaped to the “prestigious” Paris Air Show returning only to give an 8-minute ministerial non-statement, the MACC's refusal to divulge their findings to the parliamentary public accounts committee (PAC), the refusal of the PAC to summon key witnesses like the former Transport Ministers, Tun Ling Liong Sik and Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy...
The seach to uncover the truth has hit a brickwall... should we let the matter rest?
We want you to come and share your sentiments at our forum:
RM12.5b PKFZ Scandal: No Competency, No Accountability & No Transparency!
Date : 1st July 2009 (Wed)
Time : 8pm
Venue : Civic Hall, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ)
Panelists will include:
Lim Kit Siang, DAP Parliamentary Leader
Tony Pua, MP for Petaling Jaya Utara
Charles Santiago, MP for Klang
Ronnie Liu, ADUN for Pandamaran, Selangor State EXCO
Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, MP for Kuala Selangor
All are welcome and attendance is free.
For more information, please contact Ms Teh Joo Shin @ jshin48@gmail.com or 016-5941995
Monday, June 29, 2009
涉及者 – 多位前任以及现任交通部部长、巴生港务局主席以及Kuala Dimensi有限公司(KDSB)的主席 – 是否应该为这起丑闻负起责任?为何仍未为公然滥用纳税人的税款作出应有的解释和透露?
- 林吉祥 (民主行动党国会领袖)
- 潘俭伟 (八打灵再也北区国会议员)
- 查尔斯 圣地亚哥(巴生区国会议员)
- 刘天球 (班达马兰区州议员)
- 祖基菲里阿末 (瓜拉雪兰莪区国会议员)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mesra Usia Emas
But note that we will still be accepting applications of Selangorians or those who has stayed in the state more than 15 years who have not passed on. Applications must attach with the Selangor senior citizen's photostated IC, guardian's photostated IC and beneficiary's photostated ICs.
Applicant's beneficiary will be given a total monetary aid of RM2,500 upon death to help bear funeral expenses.
The registration can be done at the nearest state assemblyman’s office, or please visit Selangor Government Website for further information.
若他们的家庭成员年龄超过60岁,就应马上向雪州政府登记,以取得“乐龄亲善基金”(Mesra Usia Emas)的津贴。
若他们的家庭成员年龄超过60岁,就应马上向雪州政府登记,以取得“乐龄亲善基金”(Mesra Usia Emas)的津贴。
Skim Mesra Usia Emas: Daftar Segera (sebelum jun 30)
Skim ini disediakan kerajaan Selangor Darul Ehsan untuk dimanfaatkan oleh semua warga emas dan OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya) yang berdaftar secara sah dengan Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat tanpa mengira jantina, agama, pendapatan, kedudukan dalam masyarakat dan faham politik.
Pendaftaran skim berkenaan adalah percuma. Warga emas yang layak berumur 60 tahun ke atas dan, sama ada lahir dan sedang menetap di Selangor atau lahir di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur sebelum 1/1/1974 sedang menentap di Selangor atau bermastautin di Wilayah Persekutuan, dan bermastautin di Selangor secara sah sekurang-kurangnya 15 tahun.
Warga emas yang berdaftar menerusi skim ini akan mendapat sumbangan sebanyak RM2,500. Sebanyak RM1,000 akan diberikan dalam tempoh 24 jam selepas menerima laporan kematian warga emas yang berdaftar berkenaan. Sijil kematian yang original diperlukan.
Siapakah yang boleh membuat tuntutan ke atas manfaat perlindungan tersebut?
Tuntutan hendaklah dibuat oleh penama, seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam Borang Mesra Usia Emas semasa pendaftaran dibuat.Penama boleh terdiri daripada individu seperti suami, isteri, anak, saudara, kenalan atau sesiapa sahaja. Ia juga boleh merupakan sebuah pertubuhan seperti badan kebajikan, rumah orang tua-tua, rumah anak yatim, rumah ibadat seperti surau, masjid, tokong, kuil, gereja dan sebagainya.
Siapakah urusetia yang boleh dihubungi untuk pertanyaan selanjutnya?
En. Kamsani Bin Nasir,
Ketua Pegawai Operasi,
Rantaian Mesra Sdn Bhd
Alamat : Tingkat (G), Bangunan Darul Ehsan (bersebelahan Plaza Alam Sentral)
No. 3, Jalan Indah, Seksyen 14,
40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Telefon: 03-5510 3468, 03-5510 3472 Faks: 03-5510 3455
E-mel: mesrausiaemas@gmail.com
Akhirnya, saya merayu kepada semua warga emas dan OKU yang layak menurut syarat-syarat yang disebutkan tadi mendaftarkan diri sebelum 30 Jun 2009. Selepas 30 Jun mana-mana kematian warga emas yang belum mendaftarkan diri selepas 30 Jun mereka tidak akan mendapat manfaat daripada skim berkenaan.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Telco base-stations mushrooming in SS3
You can see 15 base-stations on the roof-tops of about 4 shophouses, which is against the law.
Construction Site Working On Sunday
A construction site located next to 1-Utama and 1-World Hotel worked on Sunday and this breaches the local by-law and JKKP's regulations.
My written questions for the upcoming State Assembly
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Residents complain of poor garbage collection and maintenance
My oral questions for the upcoming State Assembly
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Spruce up at Sri Aman apartment
Led by Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua, Kampung Tunku assemblyman Lau Weng San and Petaling Jaya city councillor Ramakrishnan Suppiah, the residents sweated it out to scour the apartment where three dengue cases have been reported in the past months.
Alam Flora sent its workers to lend a hand, Fumakilla Malaysia Berhad sponsored the mosquito repellent products while the Petaling Jaya City Council’s (MBPJ) trucks and equipment facilitated the operation.
“This is the only place in my constituency reported to have dengue cases. The situation in areas under the MBPJ is not serious as compared with other municipalities in the state,” Lau said.
He urged the residents to take care of cleanliness in their houses and the surrounding area, adding that he was also following up on other problems they faced, such as leaking pipes and the setting up of seven more shops on the ground floor that have taken up motorcycle parking space.
He also bought a fogging machine, aerosol and mosquito liquid vaporiser for the residents.
Monday, June 15, 2009
张念群(中)、刘永山(站左)、叶南进(站右2)、陈汉国(右3)与双溪龙镇居民一起见证“500天了,双溪龙华小在哪里?”仪式。 (图:光明日报)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
此会议是由甘榜东姑区州议员刘永山,八打灵再也市议员张菲倩小姐及双溪威新村村长陈有才先生主持。 出席村民共有11 位。
在对话会中,村民提出4项严重威胁村民生命及安全问题: 1)建筑木板从高空坠下 2)空气污染 3)晚上建筑工程太吵闹 4)塔式起重机建立太靠近4路房屋,威胁居民生命的安全。
1) 木板从高空坠下:
在2009 年6月4日早上大约8点,一块很大的木板从新建的建筑高楼坠下把欧先生的房屋损坏,欧先生要求发展商赔偿及如何避免此事重演。
发展商Taipan Focus 经理答应以下补救行动:
i) 在一星期内把欧先生的房屋损坏处维修.
ii) 按装安全网在所有还没有完成的楼层以防物件从高空坠下。
iii) 指示所有建筑工人遵安全规则。
iv) 立刻拆除及清除在高楼层所有的木板及物料。
v) 严格禁止燃烧垃圾.
vi) 发展商将安排村长在下星期会见建筑工程的负责人,以商讨处理工地紧急事务。
2) 空气污染:
3) 晚上建筑工程太吵闹:
为了居民的安全,塔式起重机必须拆除以免威胁居民生命的安全。 发展商建议在塔式起重机的范围建筑保护处(protective shelter),不过,居民激烈反对。甘榜东姑区州议员YB 刘永山将进一步与发展上讨论另一个解决方案, 详情在近期内通知.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sungai Way Residents Meet Developer
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Letter to MB to review methodology of appointing Alam flora contractors
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Public Forum – The RM12.5 billion PKFZ Scandal: Will Heads Roll?
Time : 8.00 pm
Venue : 2nd floor, The KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall,
No. 1, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
* Tan Sri Dr Ramon Navaratnam - Chairman of the Asli-Center of Public Policy Studies, former President of Transparency International Malaysia, prominent Malaysian economist
* Captain Yusof Ahmad - former pilot superintendent of the Klang Port Authority and pioneer general manager of West Port
* Teh Chi Chang - Economic Advisor to DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng
* Tony Pua - DAP Publicity Secretary, MP for PJ Utara
* Dr Tan Seng Giaw - DAP Deputy Chairman, PAC Deputy Chairman, MP for Kepong
* Lim Kit Siang - DAP Parliamentary Leader, MP for Ipoh Timur
Moderator of the forum:
* Izad Salehuddin, Foreign Investment Bank Manager
* Phone : 03-79578022
* Email : dap [at] dapmalaysia [d0t] org - Subject: PKFZ Public Forum
The cost has blasted out of proportions. DAP Parliamentary Leader, Lim Kit Siang exclaims that it is an “astronomical rip-off, a can of worms that has turned out to be a pit of crocodiles and alligators.”
In 2007, the Ministry of Finance extended a RM4.6 billion soft loan at 4% interest rate to PKA to salvage the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project. Now, it appears that they will have to extend an additional RM3.56 billion loan to cover the cashflow deficit over the next 20 years! As projected by PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC), this restructured financing will cost an additional RM5 billion in interest costs over the next 42 years!
The question now is, will heads roll over Malaysia's record bailout scandal, especially with existing Barisan Nasional leaders implicated by the project? Should the government continue to support the project with up to RM8.56 billion in tax payers' monies or should it cut losses and make better use of the funds for the rakyat in other more productive means?
To address the distress and concerns over the controversial oversizing of the PKFZ project, DAP Malaysia and office of MP for PJU is organizing a forum titled “The RM12.5 billion PKFZ Scandal: Will Heads Roll?”.
Amongst the distinguished list of panelists is Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, a significant Malaysian economist that have played an immense role to the economic development of Malaysia, including contributions towards the recovery of the 1997 Malaysian financial crisis. His previous experience as the ex-President of Transparency International Malaysia - an independent, non-governmental and non-partisan organisation committed to the fight against corruption – can further highlight the underlying problems of this scandal.
Adding to the gist of the forum is Kapten Yusof Ahmad, a former pilot superintendent of the Klang Port Authority and pioneer general manager of West Port. He is currently an active port & marine consultant and maritime arbitrator. His experience and contacts within the Klang Port Authority will shed light to the management of the PKFZ project.
Monday, June 08, 2009
英文座谈会:“125亿令吉巴生港口自贸区(PKFZ) 丑闻:怎么办?”
地点:隆雪华堂2楼讲堂,No 1, Jalan Maharajalela, 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
电话: 03-79578022
电邮: dap@dapmalaysia.org - Subject: PKFZ Public Forum
Izad Salehuddin,外国投资银行经理
在2007年,财政部批准46亿令吉4 %利息的软贷款予巴生港务局以挽救巴生港自贸区计划。现在看来,他们将不得不在未来20年增加额外35.6亿令吉的贷款以支付现金周转累积。正如普华永道所预测,这一融资改组利息将在未来的42年增加50亿令吉。
Walkabout by Lau an eye-opener
This was decided after Kampung Tunku State assemblyman Lau Weng San went on a recent walkabout around several congested roads in the old neighbourhood.
For the past few years, residents have been complaining of problems that have been affecting them, but nothing has been done.
Lau met residents who briefed him on the frequent accidents at the junctions of Jalan 1/36 and Jalan 1/32 and Jalan 1/36 and Jalan 1/26.
They also expressed concern over the heavy traffic flow on Jalan 1/36 that made it dangerous for pedestrians to cross the road.
"I will propose to Petaling Jaya City Council that guardrails be placed at the junctions to help minimise accidents," Lau said after the walkabout.
He acknowledged that motorists coming from nearby areas like SS5, SS4 and SS3 used Jalan 1/32 and Jalan 1/38 as shortcuts to get to other parts of PJ and the Federal Highway. This made conditions worse at the already congested roads in the neighbourhood.
To alleviate the traffic snarl along Jalan SS1/ 22, Lau proposed that traffic emerging from SS1/26 should be allowed to only turn left on to the main road.
Getting to PJ New Town or Old Town or to the hospitals like University Malaya Medical Centre is also an acute problem for these residents as bus services are sorely lacking. "There has to be an efficient bus service here. I will be contacting RapidKL soon," he said.
Due to the high crime rate in the area, residents are asking for more streetlights, which Lau also promised to look into.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Kerajaan Persekutuan harus mengumumkan punca-punca kebakaran Hospital Putrajaya pada pertengahan bulan April
Friday, June 05, 2009
Debate: Should Local Council Elections be Restored in Malaysia?
Date : 7th June 2009 (Sunday)
Time : 2:30pm
Venue : Sri Sedaya School, SS13 Subang Jaya
Free admission to all.
Participating debaters will include:
-Tony Pua Kiam Wee (MP for Petaling Jaya Utara)
-Gobind Singh Deo (MP for Puchong) and
-Sivarasa Rasiah (MP for Subang).
-Iqbal Hafiedz Ahmed Bazari (Best debater in the Inter Asian Universities Debate)
-Suresh Gnasegarah (Semifinalist in All Asians Debating Championship 2002, overall best speaker)
-Faisal Moideen (Semifinalist in All Asians Debating Championship 2002)
The objectives in organizing this debate are:
- Exploring methods of local govt elections
- Pros and cons of local govt elections
For more information, please contact:
Rajiv Risyakaran
Special Assistant,
Office of State Assemblyman of Subang Jaya Hannah Yeoh
Tel: 016 - 238 0045
Email: rajiv@dapsj.com
Have you ever felt that the service of the local town council is not up to par or below standard? Or having made numerous complaints through various media and yet nothing seem to be done about the problem for many years? Overcharged for simple fixes such as damaged drain by the local council?
The cause of the problem can be traced to the way the local council is set up. The control of power has been the same for many, many years. When this happens, the local council tends to take the needs of the residents lightly as there are no external parties to threaten them and they end up slacking in their duties and thus not serving effectively.
The general public was never given the chance or freedom to have a say about their local town council.
One way to resolve the problem is by giving a chance to the local public to have their say about the way the local council is set up. This can be done by having a vote or election just like how the public normally votes for their government but the people will be voting for their local council instead. The practice of having a local election is not new as it has already been established in other countries such as Australia.
In this way the local council committee will be forced to improve services or risk being rejected by unsatisfied citizens and replaced with a more promising local council board that can better take care of their needs. The local council also will be more transparent to the public and the people’s state of living will be vastly improved.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Jawatankuasa ABAS Nilai Prestasi SGLC
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
"新美国,一个马来西亚", 2009年亚洲21世纪青年领袖峰会前奏
日期: 2009年6月3日(星期三)
地点:Bintang 1 & 2会议室,
Relish Floor, JW万豪酒店,
183, Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 55100.
*洁珂琳,《The NutGraph》联办人兼编辑
* Suryani Senja Alias,马来西亚国库控股国民投资有限公司副高级总裁
New America, One Malaysia, a prelude to 2009 Asia 21 Young Leaders Initiative
As a prelude to this year’s Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit 2009, which is hosted by Malaysia, a forum featuring outstanding Malaysian young leaders and Jamie Metzl, the Executive Vice President of Asia Society, will be held as follows:
“New America, One Malaysia:Young Leaders And The Global Agenda for Change”
Date : 3 Jun 2009 (Wed)
Time : 8pm-11pm
Venue : Bintang 1 & 2 Conference Rooms,
Relish Floor, JW Mariott Hotel,
183 Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 55100
Email: prem@malaysiakini.com
* Jamie Metzl, Executive Vice- President, Asia Society
* Khairy Jamaluddin, Member of Parliament for Rembau
* Tony Pua, Member of Parliament for Petaling Jaya Utara
* Premesh Chandran, Founder & CEO, Malaysiakini
* Jacqueline Ann Surin, Co-Founder & Editor, The NutGraph
* Suryani Senja Alias, Senior Vice-President, Khazanah Nasional
All are welcome and attendance is free.
About Jamie Metzl
The feature of the forum is Jamie Metzl, the Executive Vice President of Asia Society. During his government service in the White House, the Department of State and the U.S. Senate, Dr. Metzl has held important appointments including Director for Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs on the National Security Council and Deputy Staff Director and Senior Counselor of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
At the White House, he coordinated U.S. government international public information campaigns for Iraq, Kosovo, and other crises. A Khmer speaker, he was a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) from 1991 to 1993, where he helped establish a nation-wide human rights investigation and monitoring unit for Cambodia.
He holds a Ph.D. in Southeast Asian history from Oxford University, a juris doctorate from Harvard Law School, and is a magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brown University. Dr. Metzl has completed five ironman triathlons and 20 marathons.
About Asia Society
Asia Society is the leading global and pan-Asian organization working to strengthen relationships and promote understanding among the people, leaders, and institutions of the United States and Asia. We seek to increase knowledge and enhance dialogue, encourage creative expression, and generate new ideas across the fields of policy, business, education, arts, and culture.
Asia Society was founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd. Initially established to promote greater knowledge of Asia in the U.S., the Society today is a global institution.Asia Society is a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational institution with offices in Hong Kong, Houston, Seoul, Los Angeles, Manila, Melbourne, Mumbai, New York, San Francisco, Shanghai, and Washington, DC. As economies and cultures have become more interconnected, the Society's programs have expanded to address Asian American issues, the effects of globalization, and pressing concerns in Asia including human rights, the status of women, and environmental and global health issues such as HIV/AIDS.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Please come and formulate Youth Policies in Selangor - Konvensyen Belia 2009, 2 - 4 JUN 2009
Hope you can forward this message and get as many people to attend as possible. The convention is organised from 2-4 June at PJ Hilton hotel. 6th June we have a big gathering and our Selangor MB will come and address.
Hope you can take part in the Selangor government convention.
For register please email you name, contact, age and email to sbns.gens@gmail.com cc.dapteratai@gmail.com.
SHAH ALAM, 01 Jun 2009 - Kerajaan Negeri Selangor mengorak langkah proaktif dengan mengadakan Konvensyen Agenda Pembangunan Belia Negeri Selangor pada 2-4 Jun 2009 dengan majlis penutup pada 6 Jun 2009.
Program berbentuk forum selama tiga hari dengan dua forum setiap hari ini terbuka kepada orang awam khususnya golongan belia. Hasil perbincangan di konvensyen pada 2-4 Jun ini akan digarap dan dirumuskan untuk menjadi asas panduan kepada program-program pembangunan belia oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor.
Butiran program adalah seperti berikut:
2 Jun (Selasa), 8 - 11 malam
Dewan 1) Konflik Kemanusiaan dan Penglibatan Belia dalam NGO
Ahli Panel: 1) Siti Altaf Deviyati Ismail, UNDP; 2) Cikgu Husin, Yayasan Aman
Dewan 2) Universiti: Kilang Pekerja atau Membangun Modal Insan
Ahli Panel: 1) Dr Azmi Sharom, UM; 2) Khalid Jaafar, Institut Kajian Dasar
3 Jun (Rabu), 8 - 11 malam
Dewan 1) Prospek Seni Budaya dan Dasar Kebudayaan Kebangsaan
Ahli Panel: 1) Eddin Khoo, Aktivis budaya; 2) Namron, Penggiat seni
Dewan 2) Apa Selepas DEB?
Ahli Panel: 1) Prof Raja Rasiah, UM; 2) Hasmi Hashim, Penganalisis Sosial
4 Jun (Khamis), 8 - 11 malam
Dewan 1) Penglibatan Golongan Muda Dalam Politik Baru
Ahli Panel: 1) Sharifah Shahidah Syed Kamarulzaman, Timb Setiausaha Agung PKR;
2) Lee Khai Loon, Youth for Change
Dewan 2) Sukan sebagai Kerjaya Hidup
Ahli Panel: 1) Roslin Hashim, Pemain badminton negara; 2) Koo Cai Lin, Perenang dan Olahragawati Selangor 2008
Majlis penutupan akan diadakan pada Sabtu ini (6 Jun), 8 pagi - 12 tengahari, di Hotel Hilton PJ. Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim akan menyampaikan ucaptama setelah selesai pembentangan hasil perbincangan di konvensyen pada tiga hari tersebut.
Sekretariat Belia Negeri Selangor (SBNS) yang bertanggungjawab mengelolakan program ini merupakan sebuah badan dibawah naungan Kerajaan Negeri yang bertanggungjawab merangka, menyelaras dan melaksanakan program-program pembangunan belia di Negeri Selangor.
Program-program anjuran SBNS menggunakan slogan “Gen-S” iaitu singkatan untuk Generasi muda Selangor yang memiliki sahsiah diri yang tinggi, mempunyai kesedaran terhadap tanggungjawab sosial, mempunyai apresiasi terhadap seni, aktif dalam sukan serta bersemangat dalam aktiviti kesukarelawan.
Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi Muaz Omar pada talian 012-2222003 atau sbns.gens@gmail.com.