Sidang Parlimen hari ini pada sebelah petang berkisar sekitar isu pembekalan elektrik dan topik ini mendapat perhatian dan perdebatan hangat daripada Ahli-ahli Parlimen dari Sabah dan Sarawak khususnya.
SESB (Sabah Electricity Supply Berhad). Ahli Parlimen dari Sri Gading mengatakan bahawa mereka sudah bosan dengan jawapan piawai (standard) daripada Menteri-menteri iaitu jawapan seperti “kami akan kaji”, “akan dipertimbangkan”, “akan dimasukkan dalam Rancangan Malaysia Ke-9”...
Ahli-ahli Parlimen dari Sabah dan Sarawak kelihatan amat tertarik dengan hujah ini dan mula “mengebom” Kementerian Tenaga, Air and Komunikasi. Sambil mengebom Kementerian ini, Sri Gading sambil menunjuk kepada MP yang duduk di sebelahnya, Kinabatangan, dan mengatakan bahawa hampir 50% daripada kawasannya tiada bekalan elektrik.
Untuk mereka yang duduk di Bandaraya besar seperti Kuala Lumpur ini, memang ini amat memeranjatkan tetapi untuk mereka yang berasal dari Sabah dan Sarawak, ini sudah menjadi asam garam dalam kehidupan seharian mereka.
Seorang rakan karib saya dari Tawau, Sabah yang saya kenali samasa menuntut di UM pernah mengeluh kepada saya bahawa gangguan elektrik di Sabah memang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, sehingga orang Sabah mengejek orang Semenanjung apabila berlakunya gangguan elektrik selama beberapa jam sedangkan ganggunan elektrik di Sabah boleh berlarutan sehingga ke setengah hari atau lebih.
Dan di sinilah kita dapat lihat jurang perbezaan yang semakin besar di antara Semenanjung dengan Sabah dan Sarawak. Sekiranya kejadian ini tidak direktifikasikan, maka janganlah kita dari Semananjung ini berasa ganjil apabila orang Sabah dan Sarawak mengejek kita apabila bekalan elektrik terganggu lagi suatu hari nanti.
Dan persoalannya juga, sekiranya pihak pembangkang mengusulkan untuk kerajaan memperbaiki sistem bekalan elektrik di kedua-dua negeri ini, sudikah mereka mengangkat tangan untuk menyokong? Sudikah mereka?
Lau Weng San
TEL: +6-012-6834724, +6-012-6924724,
Service centre hour: 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Mahasiswa Pro-Pembangkang?
Saya sepatutunya tidak perlu mengulas panjang berkenaan dengan laporan muka pertama Utusan Malaysia 27 September 2005 yang bertajuk “Proaspirasi kuasai universiti -- Dijangka menang besar pilihan raya Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar sesi 2005/2006 esok”dan laporan Merdeka Review Online “子根否认介入理大选举 前进阵线有录音为证” berkenaan dengan campur tangan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, yang juga merangkap Timbalan Pengerusi Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, bahawa mahasiswa-mahasiswa di USM mempunyai rekod suara bahawa Koh Tsu Koon meminta mahasiswa-mahasiswa supaya tidak bersekongkol dengan pembangkang seperti DAP dan PAS, maka tersentuhlah saya untuk menulis sesuatu, kali ini dalam Bahasa Malaysia.
Tetapi pagi ini, saya dikejutkan dengan satu lagi artikel yang bertajuk “Bekas pemimpin MPP serah memorandum bantah demonstrasi” apabila terdapat segelintir mahasiswa daripada IPTA menyerah satu memorandum kepada YAB Timbalan PM, Datuk Seri Najib untuk membantah membantah tindakan sekumpulan pelajar yang berdemonstrasi di bangunan Parlimen baru-baru ini kerana “memburukkan imej mahasiswa”.
Saya tidak ingin untuk mengulas sama ada demonstrasi itu telah membutukkan imej mahasiswa sperti yang tidakwa oleh kumpulan mahasiswa tersebut, yang dikatakan merupakan bekas pemimpim MPM (Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa) di IPT masing-masing. Mungkin mereka perlu meneliti isi kandungan Memorandum itu.
Walaupun begitu, terdapat sesuatu yang aneh berkenaan dengan perkataan “aspirasi”. Semasa saya masih berkecimpung di kampus politik UM antara tahun 1999 hingga 2002, perkataan ini merupakan trademark kepada Gagasan Mahasiswa UM (GMUM) yang merupakan golongan mahasiswa yang tidak dikongkong oleh pihak pengurusan universiti. Perkataan “aspirasi” telah berkali-kali digunakan dalam slogan dan manifesto GMUM.
Golongan mahasiswa ini tidak pernah mengelarkan dirinya sebagai “pro-pembangkang” tetapi lebih gemar untuk dikenali sebagai “pro-mahasiswa”, dan perkataan “aspirasi” ini merupakan trademark kepada golongan mahasiswa ini. Mereka yang berpihak dengan pengurusan universiti pula dikenali sebagai “pro-pengurusan”, dengan aktiviti-aktiviti mereka dibiayai atau dibantu oleh pihak pengurusan, khususnya oleh pihak HEP.
Kemudian mulai tahun 2003, perkataan ini mula di”hijack” oleh golongan mahasiswa pro-kerajaan, dengan perkataan “aspirasi” ini mula dikaitkan dengan golongan pro-pengurusan demi mengaburkan minda pengundi di kampus dengan bantuan media massa aliran utama seperti Utusan Malaysia. Sementara itu, golongan pro-mahasiswa pula dilabelkan golongan pro-pembangkang, salah satu pelabelan yang tidak benar dan tidak berasas, malahan langsung tidak beretika.
Lau Weng San
Tetapi pagi ini, saya dikejutkan dengan satu lagi artikel yang bertajuk “Bekas pemimpin MPP serah memorandum bantah demonstrasi” apabila terdapat segelintir mahasiswa daripada IPTA menyerah satu memorandum kepada YAB Timbalan PM, Datuk Seri Najib untuk membantah membantah tindakan sekumpulan pelajar yang berdemonstrasi di bangunan Parlimen baru-baru ini kerana “memburukkan imej mahasiswa”.
Saya tidak ingin untuk mengulas sama ada demonstrasi itu telah membutukkan imej mahasiswa sperti yang tidakwa oleh kumpulan mahasiswa tersebut, yang dikatakan merupakan bekas pemimpim MPM (Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa) di IPT masing-masing. Mungkin mereka perlu meneliti isi kandungan Memorandum itu.
Walaupun begitu, terdapat sesuatu yang aneh berkenaan dengan perkataan “aspirasi”. Semasa saya masih berkecimpung di kampus politik UM antara tahun 1999 hingga 2002, perkataan ini merupakan trademark kepada Gagasan Mahasiswa UM (GMUM) yang merupakan golongan mahasiswa yang tidak dikongkong oleh pihak pengurusan universiti. Perkataan “aspirasi” telah berkali-kali digunakan dalam slogan dan manifesto GMUM.
Golongan mahasiswa ini tidak pernah mengelarkan dirinya sebagai “pro-pembangkang” tetapi lebih gemar untuk dikenali sebagai “pro-mahasiswa”, dan perkataan “aspirasi” ini merupakan trademark kepada golongan mahasiswa ini. Mereka yang berpihak dengan pengurusan universiti pula dikenali sebagai “pro-pengurusan”, dengan aktiviti-aktiviti mereka dibiayai atau dibantu oleh pihak pengurusan, khususnya oleh pihak HEP.
Kemudian mulai tahun 2003, perkataan ini mula di”hijack” oleh golongan mahasiswa pro-kerajaan, dengan perkataan “aspirasi” ini mula dikaitkan dengan golongan pro-pengurusan demi mengaburkan minda pengundi di kampus dengan bantuan media massa aliran utama seperti Utusan Malaysia. Sementara itu, golongan pro-mahasiswa pula dilabelkan golongan pro-pembangkang, salah satu pelabelan yang tidak benar dan tidak berasas, malahan langsung tidak beretika.
Lau Weng San
The whole of Ministry of Foreign Affairs absent in the Parliament!
What a shock!
There wasn't anybody from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to answer the first question from YB Tuan Tiong Thai King [BN-Lanang]!
Well, today is Wednesday, the Cabinet Meeting day, and you are guaranteed that there will be no Minister attending Parliament meeting today. But even though there is no Minister, the Deputy Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary of that ministry will should be attending to answer question from MPs.
Today, it seems that Ministry of Foreign Affairs has broken the record. YB Tiong Thai King asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs to state the progress on the dispute of the maritime border off the Sulawesi Sea with Indonesia, of whether;-
(a) whether oil exploration is still in progress; and
(b) whether Malaysia will share the oil concession with Indonesia.
So, his question remained unanswered on the spot. YB Tiong could probably get his written reply from the Ministry later but it is disappointing to witness such incident.
I wonder that if we are going to talk about Parliamentary Democracy, how far can we go further?
There wasn't anybody from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to answer the first question from YB Tuan Tiong Thai King [BN-Lanang]!
Well, today is Wednesday, the Cabinet Meeting day, and you are guaranteed that there will be no Minister attending Parliament meeting today. But even though there is no Minister, the Deputy Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary of that ministry will should be attending to answer question from MPs.
Today, it seems that Ministry of Foreign Affairs has broken the record. YB Tiong Thai King asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs to state the progress on the dispute of the maritime border off the Sulawesi Sea with Indonesia, of whether;-
(a) whether oil exploration is still in progress; and
(b) whether Malaysia will share the oil concession with Indonesia.
So, his question remained unanswered on the spot. YB Tiong could probably get his written reply from the Ministry later but it is disappointing to witness such incident.
I wonder that if we are going to talk about Parliamentary Democracy, how far can we go further?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sep 27, 05 1:39pm
他今日是在呈交备忘录于Natseven TV私人有限公司代总执行长莫哈末依布拉欣时,向记者表示,“我们希望他(林敬益)会出来协助华社保住(哗!FM)这个中文电台”。
倪可敏与黄莉娥及其他哗!FM节目主持人会面时也指出,在这起停播事件中,该电台执照持有公司Synchrosound Studion私人有限公司的处事态度有欠透明,并没有公布其财政状况。
他表示,Synchrosound Studion私人有限公司不应等同于哗!FM电台,前者的负债不应全归咎在哗!FM身上。
Monday, September 26, 2005
Deeply disappointed with the Speaker's refusal to give priority to a motion to refer Rafidah to the Select Committee.
Disappointed with Dewan Rakyat Speaker’s decision of not giving priority to the motion to refer Minister of International Trade and Industry (Miti) Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz to the Parliamentary Priviledges Committee.
DAPSY is deeply disappointed with the Speaker’s decision in not giving priority to the motion to refer Minister of International Trade and Industry (Miti) Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz to the Parliamentary Priviledges Committee.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang has on last Thursday submitted a written motion to the Speaker under Standing Order 27(3) to refer MP for Kuala Kangsar and Minister for International Trade and Industry, YB Rafidah Aziz to the Committee of Privileges to inquire whether there is any breach of privilege in her written answer to YB Parliamentary Opposition Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on 20th September 2005 when answering the question on "the abuses in the issue of APs to import cars, why the sudden jump in the issue of APs in 2004 and 2005 as compared to previous years, and release the full APs lists since 1987 including individual APs.”
Today, the Speaker has refused to give priority for the motion to be debated immediately in the House and DAPSY is deeply disappointed with the refusal of the Speaker to exercise his discretion to allow the motion to be immediately debated in the House.
It is important for MPs and the people to know why Rafidah has been selective in announcing the individual AP list. Her Ministry only provided the list of APs issued to members of Parliament between the year 2000 to September, 2005, while she was asked in Parliament to disclose the full list of APs issued by her Ministry from 1987 till 2005.
Rafidah has not answered the thrust of the question. The APs issued to MPs, as disclosed in the list released by her Ministry constitute only 8 percent of 4,500 individual APs issued for the period. Other than the individual APs issued, there are also thousands of APs issued to companies during the same period.
By only announcing the list of APs issued to the Members of Parliament, does Rafidah intend to ridicule the MPs and bring disrespect and contempt to the Parliament? Is there bad faith involved when her Ministry targets her answer at the MPs when there are more important issue to be addressed in the whole AP episode, ie. why is there a sudden jump in the issuance of APs in the year 2004, what are the criteria for the issuance of APs by the Ministry, is there any element of nepotism, cronyism and corruption involved in the issuance of APs by the Ministry over the years.
The principle of accountability demands that Rafidah come to Parliament to answer all the queries raised in respect of the APs episode. She should not hide behind the veil of her Ministry and refuse to answer the queries in the House.
DAPSY is deeply disappointed with the Speaker’s decision in not giving priority to the motion to refer Minister of International Trade and Industry (Miti) Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz to the Parliamentary Priviledges Committee.
Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang has on last Thursday submitted a written motion to the Speaker under Standing Order 27(3) to refer MP for Kuala Kangsar and Minister for International Trade and Industry, YB Rafidah Aziz to the Committee of Privileges to inquire whether there is any breach of privilege in her written answer to YB Parliamentary Opposition Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on 20th September 2005 when answering the question on "the abuses in the issue of APs to import cars, why the sudden jump in the issue of APs in 2004 and 2005 as compared to previous years, and release the full APs lists since 1987 including individual APs.”
Today, the Speaker has refused to give priority for the motion to be debated immediately in the House and DAPSY is deeply disappointed with the refusal of the Speaker to exercise his discretion to allow the motion to be immediately debated in the House.
It is important for MPs and the people to know why Rafidah has been selective in announcing the individual AP list. Her Ministry only provided the list of APs issued to members of Parliament between the year 2000 to September, 2005, while she was asked in Parliament to disclose the full list of APs issued by her Ministry from 1987 till 2005.
Rafidah has not answered the thrust of the question. The APs issued to MPs, as disclosed in the list released by her Ministry constitute only 8 percent of 4,500 individual APs issued for the period. Other than the individual APs issued, there are also thousands of APs issued to companies during the same period.
By only announcing the list of APs issued to the Members of Parliament, does Rafidah intend to ridicule the MPs and bring disrespect and contempt to the Parliament? Is there bad faith involved when her Ministry targets her answer at the MPs when there are more important issue to be addressed in the whole AP episode, ie. why is there a sudden jump in the issuance of APs in the year 2004, what are the criteria for the issuance of APs by the Ministry, is there any element of nepotism, cronyism and corruption involved in the issuance of APs by the Ministry over the years.
The principle of accountability demands that Rafidah come to Parliament to answer all the queries raised in respect of the APs episode. She should not hide behind the veil of her Ministry and refuse to answer the queries in the House.
DAPSY will submit a memorandum to NTV7 tomorrow
DAPSY will submit a memorandum to NTV7 tomorrow 11am to express our concern and disappointment with the decision from Syncrosound Studio to temporary put Wa! FM off-air.
DAPSY delegation will be led by DAPSY Chief YB Nga Kor Ming and fellows National Executive Committees of DAPSY will also followed.
DAPSY delegation will be led by DAPSY Chief YB Nga Kor Ming and fellows National Executive Committees of DAPSY will also followed.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
郭史光庆Sep 5, 05 8:27pm
郭史光庆Sep 5, 05 8:27pm
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Focus on how to hold a free, fair and democratic election lah!
Instead of issuing show-cause letters preventing students from exposing the truth, the UM Students Affairs Department should focus on how to hold a free, fair and democratic election.
DAPSY is deeply disappointed with the show-cause letter issued by UM Students Affairs Department (HEP) to a third-year accounting student, Wong Teck Chi, for sending an email to UM authorities and media regarding the Terence Gomez case.
Such unreasonable action from the UM Students Affairs Department (HEP) is designed to create a culture of fear among students, which is not beneficial to the nurturing of critical thinking, but it is also a demoralizing situation – as it shows that the university itself does not respect the wishes of the Prime Minister, who had claimed on 13th June in a Malaysiakini report that Dr Terence Gomez should continue to speak out on matters concerning public interest.
This was converyed by Dr Terence Gomez himself when he and Pak Lah met for 15 minutes at the Royal Air Force base in Subang on that day, following arrangements made by the premier’s special assistant. Dr Terence Gomez also quoted the Prime Minister as saying that, “when he told Malaysians ‘to speak the truth to me’, he had meant what he said.”
As such, it is totally mind-boggling to see that the UM Students Affairs Department act in such a contradictory manner – by issuing a show-cause letter to a university student who had spoken the truth.
The UM Students Affairs Department should focus more on more pressing matters such as ensuring that the upcoming campus elections are free, fair and democratic.
Lau Weng San
DAPSY is deeply disappointed with the show-cause letter issued by UM Students Affairs Department (HEP) to a third-year accounting student, Wong Teck Chi, for sending an email to UM authorities and media regarding the Terence Gomez case.
Such unreasonable action from the UM Students Affairs Department (HEP) is designed to create a culture of fear among students, which is not beneficial to the nurturing of critical thinking, but it is also a demoralizing situation – as it shows that the university itself does not respect the wishes of the Prime Minister, who had claimed on 13th June in a Malaysiakini report that Dr Terence Gomez should continue to speak out on matters concerning public interest.
This was converyed by Dr Terence Gomez himself when he and Pak Lah met for 15 minutes at the Royal Air Force base in Subang on that day, following arrangements made by the premier’s special assistant. Dr Terence Gomez also quoted the Prime Minister as saying that, “when he told Malaysians ‘to speak the truth to me’, he had meant what he said.”
As such, it is totally mind-boggling to see that the UM Students Affairs Department act in such a contradictory manner – by issuing a show-cause letter to a university student who had spoken the truth.
The UM Students Affairs Department should focus more on more pressing matters such as ensuring that the upcoming campus elections are free, fair and democratic.
Lau Weng San
Monday, September 19, 2005
Wah! FM should not go off-air - 5 main reasons!
Five reasons from DAPSY why Synchrosound Studio Sdn. Bhd. should not order Wah! FM to go off-air temporarily.
DAPSY have identified five reasons why Syncrosound Studio Sdn Bhd should not order Wah! FM to temporarily go off-air. These reasons are in reply to a statement issued by Syncrosound Studio Sdn.Bhd. yesterday claiming that the decision is necessary in order to pave way for a “restructuring and rebranding” exercise.
(It is learnt that the owner of Syncrosund Studio Sdn Bhd, Natseven TV Sdn Bhd has signed a collaboration and assistance agreement with Media Prima Sdn Bhd to enable the latter to assist Natseven TV Sdn Bhd in a “restructuring and rebranding” exercise.)
The five reasons are:
1. Such decision is not economically feasible. DAPSY believes that the decision is inappropriate as restructuring and rebranding exercise can be carried out without having the radio station be put off-air. Wah! FM only employs eight full-time staffs and even if part-timers are included, the total staffing for Wah! FM would not even exceed 20 people. It is not economically feasible for a small set-up like Wah! FM’s to undergo a restructuring and rebranding exercise.
Even if Natseven TV Sdn Bhd would like to continue with such exercise, the focus should be directed at its core business, i.e. its TV broadcasting segment.
For any restructuring exercise to be carried out, the best approach is to minimize all potential disturbances to the operation of the stations (both TV and radio). A restructuring and rebranding exercise that requires a station to be put off-air is considered bad restructuring planning.
2. Wah! FM is already a prominent brand by itself. In contrast to the media statement issued by Syncrosound Studio Sdn Bhd, DAPSY believes that Wah! FM has been successful in creating its own brand among the Chinese community. Wah! FM has been successful in crafting its image as a radio station that allows for the airing of critical views since it went on-air two-and-a-half years ago, based on its policy of providing an open platform for listeners to call in and share their views on air.
As such, DAPSY is of the opinion that Wah! FM has been successful in branding itself as a leading station in terms of expression of views and opinions, which has been accepted by the Chinese community. There clearly isn’t any need for a rebranding exercise.
3. Natseven TV Sdn Bhd should be fair to all parties. If “restructuring and rebranding” exercise is required, there is no reason why NTV 7, the only TV station owned by the company, is excluded from being put off-air temporarily. Natseven TV Sdn Bhd should explain this, failing which Wah! FM should be given the green light to continue its broadcast.
4. Instead of temporarily taking Wah! FM off-air, Syncrosound Studio Sdn Bhd should increase its manpower. To date, there are only eight full-timers in Wah! FM who are responsible for almost the entire operations of the radio station, ranging from programming, hosting, administration and even marketing. Such human resource management is economically unfeasible. If Syncrosound Studio claimed that the huge debt accumulated is the reason for such a decision, the logical thing that Syncrosound Studio should do is to increase Wah! FM’s staffing and in particular strengthen its advertisement and marketing departments.
5. Natseven TV Sdn Bhd should respect the right of listeners to know. It is undeniable that the existence of Wah! FM has created a trend among its Chinese listeners to comment on current national issues. This has altered the operating environment of Chinese radio stations which had in the past focused mainly on entertainment.
In view of the above five reasons, DAPSY calls on Natseven TV Sdn Bhd and Media Prima Sdn Bhd to revoke its decision to temporarily take Wah! FM off-air. Wah! FM should be allowed to continue its broadcast in order to enlarge the space for freedom of expression among Chinese Malaysian listeners.
Lau Weng San
DAPSY have identified five reasons why Syncrosound Studio Sdn Bhd should not order Wah! FM to temporarily go off-air. These reasons are in reply to a statement issued by Syncrosound Studio Sdn.Bhd. yesterday claiming that the decision is necessary in order to pave way for a “restructuring and rebranding” exercise.
(It is learnt that the owner of Syncrosund Studio Sdn Bhd, Natseven TV Sdn Bhd has signed a collaboration and assistance agreement with Media Prima Sdn Bhd to enable the latter to assist Natseven TV Sdn Bhd in a “restructuring and rebranding” exercise.)
The five reasons are:
1. Such decision is not economically feasible. DAPSY believes that the decision is inappropriate as restructuring and rebranding exercise can be carried out without having the radio station be put off-air. Wah! FM only employs eight full-time staffs and even if part-timers are included, the total staffing for Wah! FM would not even exceed 20 people. It is not economically feasible for a small set-up like Wah! FM’s to undergo a restructuring and rebranding exercise.
Even if Natseven TV Sdn Bhd would like to continue with such exercise, the focus should be directed at its core business, i.e. its TV broadcasting segment.
For any restructuring exercise to be carried out, the best approach is to minimize all potential disturbances to the operation of the stations (both TV and radio). A restructuring and rebranding exercise that requires a station to be put off-air is considered bad restructuring planning.
2. Wah! FM is already a prominent brand by itself. In contrast to the media statement issued by Syncrosound Studio Sdn Bhd, DAPSY believes that Wah! FM has been successful in creating its own brand among the Chinese community. Wah! FM has been successful in crafting its image as a radio station that allows for the airing of critical views since it went on-air two-and-a-half years ago, based on its policy of providing an open platform for listeners to call in and share their views on air.
As such, DAPSY is of the opinion that Wah! FM has been successful in branding itself as a leading station in terms of expression of views and opinions, which has been accepted by the Chinese community. There clearly isn’t any need for a rebranding exercise.
3. Natseven TV Sdn Bhd should be fair to all parties. If “restructuring and rebranding” exercise is required, there is no reason why NTV 7, the only TV station owned by the company, is excluded from being put off-air temporarily. Natseven TV Sdn Bhd should explain this, failing which Wah! FM should be given the green light to continue its broadcast.
4. Instead of temporarily taking Wah! FM off-air, Syncrosound Studio Sdn Bhd should increase its manpower. To date, there are only eight full-timers in Wah! FM who are responsible for almost the entire operations of the radio station, ranging from programming, hosting, administration and even marketing. Such human resource management is economically unfeasible. If Syncrosound Studio claimed that the huge debt accumulated is the reason for such a decision, the logical thing that Syncrosound Studio should do is to increase Wah! FM’s staffing and in particular strengthen its advertisement and marketing departments.
5. Natseven TV Sdn Bhd should respect the right of listeners to know. It is undeniable that the existence of Wah! FM has created a trend among its Chinese listeners to comment on current national issues. This has altered the operating environment of Chinese radio stations which had in the past focused mainly on entertainment.
In view of the above five reasons, DAPSY calls on Natseven TV Sdn Bhd and Media Prima Sdn Bhd to revoke its decision to temporarily take Wah! FM off-air. Wah! FM should be allowed to continue its broadcast in order to enlarge the space for freedom of expression among Chinese Malaysian listeners.
Lau Weng San
Ridiculous reactions from Shafie

Shafie’s reaction to the allegations of scare tactics and biased regulations in the upcoming campus elections is ridiculous
It is most irresponsible and unacceptable for Higher Education Minister Dr Shafie Salleh to claim that he has no knowledge of matters related to the upcoming campus elections, which has been tainted by allegations of scare tactics and biased regulations.
Last year, campus elections in all 17 public universities were tarnished with allegations of foul play, where pro-student campaigners and candidates were unfairly treated by the authorities. Such allegations are brought up year after year. If Shafie has zero knowledge about all these wrongdoings and allegations, he has no right to assume such a high portfolio post in the Cabinet.
It has been reported that a series of secret meetings co-ordinated by the Higher Education Ministry recently brought together top university officials, Umno representatives and ‘pro-government’ student leaders, to strategise for the pro-government camp’s success in the upcoming annual campus elections.
A letter issued by the ministry’s welfare division head Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Hussin stated that the deputy vice-chancellors overseeing students affairs at all 17 public universities or university colleges had been invited to a ‘varsity student activities co-ordinating meeting’ and they were to gather at the Umno headquarters on July 27.
Perhaps Shafie should go to the ground or simply ask his officers, the first being Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad Hussin, on what exactly is happening in our campus nowadays, since he seems to be in the dark about all the allegations.
Or perhaps Shafie should visit any of the 17 public universities in Malaysia to see for himself what is happening, starting with the oldest university in the country, University of Malaya. As UM is the premier university in Malaysia, allegations and cases of harassment such as these must not be tolerated and encouraged.
If Shafie is too busy to visit any of these public universities, then I would like to propose the formation of a committee of independent observers comprised of youth wing leaders from both opposition parties and ruling parties, youth organization leaders, NGOs, representatives from students groups and members of the public -- where the committee can be led by SUHAKAM -- to observe and ensure that the upcoming campus election is free, fair and clean in order to lay down the foundations for a nation with integrity and credibility.
Sunday, September 18, 2005

社青团列举5大原因为何Synchrosound Studio私人有限公司不应突然暂停哗!FM的广播。
这5大原因是回应昨日Synchrosound Studio私人有限公司所发表的文告,即有关决定是因为该电台要全面展开企业债务重组与品牌重建的工作。(该电台拥有者Natseven TV 私人有限公司已经与Media Prima Berhad签署联盟与协助协议后。后者将协助前者进行企业与债务重组的工作。)
如果要进行实质意义的企业债务重组和品牌重建,那么Synchrosound Studio私人有限公司和Natseven TV私人有限公司必须把重点放在其业务的中心,尤其是其唯一的电视台NTV7。
第二、哗!FM品牌已经塑定。与Synchrosound Studio有限公司所发表的文告相反,社青团认为哗!FM的品牌定位相当鲜明。打着“态度创新,不断流行”的口号,哗!FM自开台2年半以来便成功在听众树立敢怒敢言的信箱,尤其是该台成功开引“听众叩应-Call In”的主持作风,让听众能够针对事实课题发表意见和看法。
第三、Natseven TV应一视同仁。如果企业和债务重组及品牌重建的工作必须现有的电台电视台暂停广播,为何Natseven TV 私人有限公司却首先向哗!FM开刀?迄今,当局尚未宣布NTV7会否暂停广播,因此,社青团呼吁Natseven TV 私人有限公司有必要澄清。在澄清之前,当局应允许哗!FM继续广播。
第四、与其暂停广播,当局应增加哗!FM的人力资源。哗!FM迄今仅由8位全职人员负责电台的所有事务,包括招揽广告。这是不具备经济效益的人力资源安排。如果哗!FM暂停广播的原因是因为其债务和亏损的问题,那么Natseven TV 私人有限公司应该收回暂停成命,立即增援哗!FM的收听率和广告收益。
第五、尊重公众的知情权。Natseven TV私人有限公司应尊重广大听众吸取不同资讯的权力。无可否认地,哗!FM的出现无形中已带动时事讨论的风气,这已改变大马中文电台过去一味趋向娱乐的路线。Natseven TV私人有限公司应考虑听众的“知情权”和“告情权”,让哗!FM能够继续进行广播。
社青团呼吁Natseven TV私人有限公司以及将会入住该公司的Media Prima私人有限公司能够尊重基于以上五点取消原来的决定,让哗!FM能够继续广播,进而在大马的中文广播开辟一片言论自由的空间。
At least another RM1.5 billion for SJK(C)s and SJK(T)s for the next 5 years
Minister of Education Datuk Hishammudin Hussein had issued a warning that all parties should refrain from politicizing the accident which took place in SJK(C) Keat Hwa where a teacher Chan Boon Heng fell to his death when a decayed plywood floor gave way on Sunday (as reported in Utusan Malaysia September 14, 2005, page 5).
In another report in Nanyang Siang Pao, page A11, he commented that his ministry should not bear full responsibility for the accident as the headmaster and the administration of the half-subsidized SJKs should also bear the responsibility.
Hishammuddin’s comments are most inappropriate and unacceptable as he failed to understand that the root cause of the accident is the lack of development fund for SJKs in Malaysia.
According to statistics revealed by him to Parliament, from 2001 to 2005, 5,755 national schools received a total of RM4.9 billion in development funds, which is equivalent to an average of RM170,000 per school annually. As for SJK(C)s and SJK(T)s, the average amount received was only RM20,761 and RM22,000 per school annually respectively.
This means that each SJK requires some RM150,000 per school annually to match the average allocation for each national school. In view of this disparity in funding, another RM1.5 billion (RM 300 million each year for five years) should be allocated as development funds for SJKs.
As Minister of Education, Hishammuddin should transform our education system into a towering education system to ensure that parents are not worried nor their children threatened by school bullies or accidents caused by dangerous old school buildings. Without a towering education system accompanied by quality education and infrastructure, our nation building agenda will not be realized as we depend on quality human capital as a catalyst for nation building.
Hishammuddin should therefore be bold enough to at least apply for another RM1.5 billion of allocation as development funds for SJKs for the next five years and if possible commit the government to making such allocation in the 2006 Budget. The first step to realize this is to bring it up for discussion at the Cabinet meeting. If the government has limited funds, then I would like to suggest that he consider asking Petronas to donate the amount from the massive RM35.5 billion profit which it recorded in the last financial year.
After all, being a state-owned oil and gas company, and unlike other similar companies, Petronas has an obligation towards nation building. The profit that Petronas made is not its private property but belongs to all Malaysians. If Petronas refuse to contribute part of its profit towards reducing the increasing burden of the rakyat, then at least Petronas should show some sympathy to the numerous school children that are still lacking in basic schooling facilities throughout the country.
Lau Weng San
In another report in Nanyang Siang Pao, page A11, he commented that his ministry should not bear full responsibility for the accident as the headmaster and the administration of the half-subsidized SJKs should also bear the responsibility.
Hishammuddin’s comments are most inappropriate and unacceptable as he failed to understand that the root cause of the accident is the lack of development fund for SJKs in Malaysia.
According to statistics revealed by him to Parliament, from 2001 to 2005, 5,755 national schools received a total of RM4.9 billion in development funds, which is equivalent to an average of RM170,000 per school annually. As for SJK(C)s and SJK(T)s, the average amount received was only RM20,761 and RM22,000 per school annually respectively.
This means that each SJK requires some RM150,000 per school annually to match the average allocation for each national school. In view of this disparity in funding, another RM1.5 billion (RM 300 million each year for five years) should be allocated as development funds for SJKs.
As Minister of Education, Hishammuddin should transform our education system into a towering education system to ensure that parents are not worried nor their children threatened by school bullies or accidents caused by dangerous old school buildings. Without a towering education system accompanied by quality education and infrastructure, our nation building agenda will not be realized as we depend on quality human capital as a catalyst for nation building.
Hishammuddin should therefore be bold enough to at least apply for another RM1.5 billion of allocation as development funds for SJKs for the next five years and if possible commit the government to making such allocation in the 2006 Budget. The first step to realize this is to bring it up for discussion at the Cabinet meeting. If the government has limited funds, then I would like to suggest that he consider asking Petronas to donate the amount from the massive RM35.5 billion profit which it recorded in the last financial year.
After all, being a state-owned oil and gas company, and unlike other similar companies, Petronas has an obligation towards nation building. The profit that Petronas made is not its private property but belongs to all Malaysians. If Petronas refuse to contribute part of its profit towards reducing the increasing burden of the rakyat, then at least Petronas should show some sympathy to the numerous school children that are still lacking in basic schooling facilities throughout the country.
Lau Weng San
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Masalah infrastruktur sekolah bantuan modal, SJK(C) dan SJK(T) perlu ditangani.
Kematian seorang guru bernama Chan Boon Heng dari SJK(C) Keat Hwa di Jalan Kampung Perak akibat terjatuh dari tempat berketinggian 15m di salah satu bangunan sekolah telah menimbulkan persoalan terhadap keselamatan bangunan sekolah di negara ini, khususnya di SJK(C) dan SJK(T).
Memang telah menjadi pengetahuan orang ramai bahawa kebanyakkan SJK(C) dan SJK(T) sering menghadapi masalah kewangan sehingga kekurangan sumber kewangan untuk pembinaan infrastruktur yang selamat diguna.
MCA yang dikatakan sebagai wakil etnik Tionghua di negara memang telah gagal menangani masalah ini apabila Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan Datuk Hon Choon Kin mengatakan bahawa beliau akan mengarahSJK(C) di negara ini untuk menyerahkan pelan struktur bangunan mereka sebelum pembinaan apa-apa jua bangunan dibenarkan.
Apa yang lebih penting sebenarnya ialah sumber kewangan. Penyerahan pelan struktur untuk kelulusan pihak Kementerian dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) bukanlah masalah pokok yang perlu ditangani. Masalah pokok yang perlu dihadapi ialah ketidakadilan dalam peruntukkan pembangunan untuk SJK(C) dan SJK(T).
Mengikut statistik yang diberi oleh Menteri Pendidikan dalam soal jawab di siding Parlimen April ini,
Sehingga ke 31 Januari 2005, terdapat sejumlah 7595 sekolah rendah di Malaysia. Di antaranya terdapat 5755 Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK), 1287 SJK(C), 525 SJK(T) serta 25 buah sekolah khas.
Peruntukan pembangunan kepada SK dari tahun 2001 hingga 2005 ialah RM 4.9 billion ringgit, manakali untuk SJK(C) pula ialah RM 133.6 juta ringgit manakala untuk SJK(T) ialah RM 5.76 juta ringgit.
Ini bermakna secara puratanya setiap SK mendapat peruntukan pembangunan sebanyak RM 170 ribu setiap tahun. Bagi SJK(C) pula, setiap SJK(C) diperuntukkan sebanyak RM 20,761 untuk peruntukan pembangunannya setiap tahun. Setiap SJK(T) pula diperuntukkan sebanyak RM22,000 setiap tahun untuk peruntukan pembangunannya.
Peruntukan pembangunan yang sebegini tidak seimbang telah membongkarkan dasar pendidian kerajaan BN yang tidak adil dari segi peruntukan untuk pembangunan pendidikan. Dan apa yang dapat disimpulkan di sini ialah dasar yang tidak adil ini telah mengorbankan nyawaseorang guru. Sekiranya MCA dan Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Negeri Kedah masih tidak mengendah keseriousan masalah ini, maka perkara yang sama akan berlaku tidak lama lagi.
Lau Weng San
Memang telah menjadi pengetahuan orang ramai bahawa kebanyakkan SJK(C) dan SJK(T) sering menghadapi masalah kewangan sehingga kekurangan sumber kewangan untuk pembinaan infrastruktur yang selamat diguna.
MCA yang dikatakan sebagai wakil etnik Tionghua di negara memang telah gagal menangani masalah ini apabila Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan Datuk Hon Choon Kin mengatakan bahawa beliau akan mengarahSJK(C) di negara ini untuk menyerahkan pelan struktur bangunan mereka sebelum pembinaan apa-apa jua bangunan dibenarkan.
Apa yang lebih penting sebenarnya ialah sumber kewangan. Penyerahan pelan struktur untuk kelulusan pihak Kementerian dan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) bukanlah masalah pokok yang perlu ditangani. Masalah pokok yang perlu dihadapi ialah ketidakadilan dalam peruntukkan pembangunan untuk SJK(C) dan SJK(T).
Mengikut statistik yang diberi oleh Menteri Pendidikan dalam soal jawab di siding Parlimen April ini,
Sehingga ke 31 Januari 2005, terdapat sejumlah 7595 sekolah rendah di Malaysia. Di antaranya terdapat 5755 Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK), 1287 SJK(C), 525 SJK(T) serta 25 buah sekolah khas.
Peruntukan pembangunan kepada SK dari tahun 2001 hingga 2005 ialah RM 4.9 billion ringgit, manakali untuk SJK(C) pula ialah RM 133.6 juta ringgit manakala untuk SJK(T) ialah RM 5.76 juta ringgit.
Ini bermakna secara puratanya setiap SK mendapat peruntukan pembangunan sebanyak RM 170 ribu setiap tahun. Bagi SJK(C) pula, setiap SJK(C) diperuntukkan sebanyak RM 20,761 untuk peruntukan pembangunannya setiap tahun. Setiap SJK(T) pula diperuntukkan sebanyak RM22,000 setiap tahun untuk peruntukan pembangunannya.
Peruntukan pembangunan yang sebegini tidak seimbang telah membongkarkan dasar pendidian kerajaan BN yang tidak adil dari segi peruntukan untuk pembangunan pendidikan. Dan apa yang dapat disimpulkan di sini ialah dasar yang tidak adil ini telah mengorbankan nyawaseorang guru. Sekiranya MCA dan Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Negeri Kedah masih tidak mengendah keseriousan masalah ini, maka perkara yang sama akan berlaku tidak lama lagi.
Lau Weng San
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Projek-projek pembangunan sekitar Taman Templer, penjelasan diperlukan.
Pihak pemaju kebelakangan ini begitu giat membangunkan kawasan bukit sekitar Taman Templer (iaitu kawasan yang meliputi Bukit Lagong dan Bukit Botak) yang terletak berhampiran dengan Bandar Baru Selayang.
Sehingga ke bulan Februari tahun ini apabila rakyat seluruh negara digemparkan dengan kemusnahan yang terjadi di Bukit Cahaya Shah Alam, tertimbul juga berita bahawa kawasan sekitar Taman Templer turut mengalami kerosakan alam sekitar yang serious.
Berita ini pertama sekali diterbitkan di akhbar Utusan Mingguan Malaysia pada 27 Februari 2005 yang kemudian diikuti oleh akhbar harian Bahasa Mandarin. Penduduk-penduduk setempat menyatakan bahawa projek pembangunan begitu giat dijalankan pada awal tahun ini sehinggalah peristiwa rakyat dikejutkan dengan Bukit Cahaya dimana projek pembangunan di Taman Templer ini “terpaksa ditangguhkan”. Kini, selepas setengah tahun penangguhan ini, terdapat kesan bahawa kerja-kerja pembersihan hutan telah disambung. Penduduk-penduduk setempat turut melihat traktor-traktor menjalankan kerja pembersihan hutan di kawasan ini.
Walaupun YDP Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS) Bakaruddin Oman mengatakan bahawa projek-projek pembangunan ini telah diluluskan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor manakala Pengarah Perhubungan Awam MPS Mohd Zin Masod turut memaklumkan bahawa kawasan berkenaan bukan tanah hutan simpanan dan merupakan kawasan persendirian di mana pemaju berhak menjalankan aktiviti pembangunan yang telah diluluskan di sana, tetapi setelah menghalusi kenyataan YDP dalam akhbar, membuat semakan dengan dokumen kerajaan dan lawatan beberapa kali ke tempat tersebut, DAP Selangor berpendapat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan MPS perlu memberi penjelasan terhadap persoalan-persoalan seperti di bawah:
1. Walaupun Kerajaan Negeri telah meluluskan projek pembangunan berkenaan, ini tidak bermakna projek-projek berkenaan boleh diteruskan tanpa silap kerana kawasan itu merupakan kawasan hijau dan juga kawasan tadahan air yang amat penting di sebelah utara Kuala Lumpur. Empangan Batu merupakan empangan yang terletak berhampiran di kawasan berkenaan. Sekiranya hutan ini dibersihkan, maka penduduk-penduduk di utara Kuala Lumpur akan kehilangan sumber air bersih.
2. Mengikut Rancangan Struktur Negeri (RSN) Selangor 2020, Selangor boleh dibahagi kepada beberapa Zon Pembangunan. Antaranya ialah Zon Pembangunan Terhad dan Zon Pemulihan.
Zon Pembangunan Terhad meliputi kawasan berbukit dan tanah tinggin di daerah Ulu Selangor, Gombak dan Ulu Langat. Mengikut RSN Selangor, disebabkan kawasan ini merupkan kawasan beraltitud 150m dari paras laut, maka kawasan digolongkan sebagai Kawasan Sensitif Alam Sekitar (KSAS), dengan itu, Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) adalah dipertanggungjawab untuk mamantau sebarang projek pembangunan di kawasan ini.
Apa yang mengelirukan ialah bagaimanakah MPS boleh dikatakan telah menjalan tugas pemantauannya sedangkan pihak pemaju begitu ghairah membuka tanah dan mendirikan banguan pencakar langit di kawasan ini?
Bagi Zon Pemuliharaan pula, RSN Selangor mengatakan bahawa sebarang kawasan bukit yang berlerengan lebih daripada 25 darjah adalah digolongkan sebagai Zon Pemuliharaan dan kawasan ini perlu dilindungi kerana kawasan ini merupakan kawasan tadahan air, di samping merupakan hutan perlindungan kepada hidupan liar, perlindungan biodiversiti dan juga keseimbangan alam sekitar. RSN turut menetapkan bahawa kawasan ini dibenarkan untuk aktiviti eko-pelancongan serta kawasan pembelajaran dan penyelidikan, dan bukannya projek perumahan.
Sekiranya YDP MPS menyatakan bahawa kesemua projek-projek pembangunan ni dibenarkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangot, maka memang menjadi soalan kepada kami sama ada pihak MPS telah betul-betul menjalankan perancangan pembangunan mereka mengikut RSN Selangor 2020.
3. Walaupun Pengarah Perhubungan Awam MPS Mohd Zin Masod mengatakan bahawa kawasan berkenaan bukan lagi merupakan kawasan hutan simpanan, tetapi rakyat berhak mengetahui sebab-sebab mengapa kerajaan negeri mahu menukar status tanah berkenaan daripada tanah hutan simpanan kepada tanah perumahan. Belumkah Kerajaan Negeri Selangor telah membelajari sesuatu daripada peristiwa hitam Highland Tower?
4. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor seringkali mengatakan bahawa negeri Selangot mengalami masalah kekurangan rumah kos rendah yang serious, sehingga kerajaan negeri perlu membuka lebih banyak tanah untuk pembinaan rumah.
Walaupun DAP Selangor tidak pernah membantah dasar Kerajaan Negeri ini, tetapi ini tidak boleh dijadikan alasan dalam kes ini kerana kebanyakan rumah yang dibina adalah berbentuk kondominium kos sederhana, kondominium kos tinggi ataupun banglo. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor perlu menjelaskan bagaimana pula projek-projek perumahan sedemikian dapat memanfaat golongan miskin di Selangor?
5. MPS menyatakan bahawa segala kelulusan yang diberi kepada pihak pemaju adalah berpandukan kelulusan dan penilaian daripada pelbagai pihak dan jabatan, oleh itu projek-projek pembangunan berkenaan adalah berlandaskan keperluan perundangan. Walaupun begitu, memandangkan pernah terjadinya skandal Bukit Cahaya oleh Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA), maka penjelasan MPS ini juga sukar untuk diyakini. Dengan itu, DAP Selangor menuntut supaya MPS mempamerkan segala dokumen kerajaan yang meluluskan projek-projek pembangunan untuk menyakinkan orang ramai bahawa segala urusan MPS ini dijalankan dengan telus dan halal.
Memandangkan bahawa kawasan berkenaan merupakan green lung dan kawasan tadahan air yang amat penting untuk penduduk-penduduk Lembah Klang, DAP Selangor juga menuntut MPS mengeluarkan Perintah Henti Kerja (Stop Work Order) kepada pemaju-pemaju yang terlibat sehingga Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan MPS dapat memberi penjelasan yang lengkap terhadap soalan-soalan di atas.
Lau Weng San
(11 September 2005)
Sehingga ke bulan Februari tahun ini apabila rakyat seluruh negara digemparkan dengan kemusnahan yang terjadi di Bukit Cahaya Shah Alam, tertimbul juga berita bahawa kawasan sekitar Taman Templer turut mengalami kerosakan alam sekitar yang serious.
Berita ini pertama sekali diterbitkan di akhbar Utusan Mingguan Malaysia pada 27 Februari 2005 yang kemudian diikuti oleh akhbar harian Bahasa Mandarin. Penduduk-penduduk setempat menyatakan bahawa projek pembangunan begitu giat dijalankan pada awal tahun ini sehinggalah peristiwa rakyat dikejutkan dengan Bukit Cahaya dimana projek pembangunan di Taman Templer ini “terpaksa ditangguhkan”. Kini, selepas setengah tahun penangguhan ini, terdapat kesan bahawa kerja-kerja pembersihan hutan telah disambung. Penduduk-penduduk setempat turut melihat traktor-traktor menjalankan kerja pembersihan hutan di kawasan ini.
Walaupun YDP Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS) Bakaruddin Oman mengatakan bahawa projek-projek pembangunan ini telah diluluskan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor manakala Pengarah Perhubungan Awam MPS Mohd Zin Masod turut memaklumkan bahawa kawasan berkenaan bukan tanah hutan simpanan dan merupakan kawasan persendirian di mana pemaju berhak menjalankan aktiviti pembangunan yang telah diluluskan di sana, tetapi setelah menghalusi kenyataan YDP dalam akhbar, membuat semakan dengan dokumen kerajaan dan lawatan beberapa kali ke tempat tersebut, DAP Selangor berpendapat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan MPS perlu memberi penjelasan terhadap persoalan-persoalan seperti di bawah:
1. Walaupun Kerajaan Negeri telah meluluskan projek pembangunan berkenaan, ini tidak bermakna projek-projek berkenaan boleh diteruskan tanpa silap kerana kawasan itu merupakan kawasan hijau dan juga kawasan tadahan air yang amat penting di sebelah utara Kuala Lumpur. Empangan Batu merupakan empangan yang terletak berhampiran di kawasan berkenaan. Sekiranya hutan ini dibersihkan, maka penduduk-penduduk di utara Kuala Lumpur akan kehilangan sumber air bersih.
2. Mengikut Rancangan Struktur Negeri (RSN) Selangor 2020, Selangor boleh dibahagi kepada beberapa Zon Pembangunan. Antaranya ialah Zon Pembangunan Terhad dan Zon Pemulihan.
Zon Pembangunan Terhad meliputi kawasan berbukit dan tanah tinggin di daerah Ulu Selangor, Gombak dan Ulu Langat. Mengikut RSN Selangor, disebabkan kawasan ini merupkan kawasan beraltitud 150m dari paras laut, maka kawasan digolongkan sebagai Kawasan Sensitif Alam Sekitar (KSAS), dengan itu, Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) adalah dipertanggungjawab untuk mamantau sebarang projek pembangunan di kawasan ini.
Apa yang mengelirukan ialah bagaimanakah MPS boleh dikatakan telah menjalan tugas pemantauannya sedangkan pihak pemaju begitu ghairah membuka tanah dan mendirikan banguan pencakar langit di kawasan ini?
Bagi Zon Pemuliharaan pula, RSN Selangor mengatakan bahawa sebarang kawasan bukit yang berlerengan lebih daripada 25 darjah adalah digolongkan sebagai Zon Pemuliharaan dan kawasan ini perlu dilindungi kerana kawasan ini merupakan kawasan tadahan air, di samping merupakan hutan perlindungan kepada hidupan liar, perlindungan biodiversiti dan juga keseimbangan alam sekitar. RSN turut menetapkan bahawa kawasan ini dibenarkan untuk aktiviti eko-pelancongan serta kawasan pembelajaran dan penyelidikan, dan bukannya projek perumahan.
Sekiranya YDP MPS menyatakan bahawa kesemua projek-projek pembangunan ni dibenarkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangot, maka memang menjadi soalan kepada kami sama ada pihak MPS telah betul-betul menjalankan perancangan pembangunan mereka mengikut RSN Selangor 2020.
3. Walaupun Pengarah Perhubungan Awam MPS Mohd Zin Masod mengatakan bahawa kawasan berkenaan bukan lagi merupakan kawasan hutan simpanan, tetapi rakyat berhak mengetahui sebab-sebab mengapa kerajaan negeri mahu menukar status tanah berkenaan daripada tanah hutan simpanan kepada tanah perumahan. Belumkah Kerajaan Negeri Selangor telah membelajari sesuatu daripada peristiwa hitam Highland Tower?
4. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor seringkali mengatakan bahawa negeri Selangot mengalami masalah kekurangan rumah kos rendah yang serious, sehingga kerajaan negeri perlu membuka lebih banyak tanah untuk pembinaan rumah.
Walaupun DAP Selangor tidak pernah membantah dasar Kerajaan Negeri ini, tetapi ini tidak boleh dijadikan alasan dalam kes ini kerana kebanyakan rumah yang dibina adalah berbentuk kondominium kos sederhana, kondominium kos tinggi ataupun banglo. Kerajaan Negeri Selangor perlu menjelaskan bagaimana pula projek-projek perumahan sedemikian dapat memanfaat golongan miskin di Selangor?
5. MPS menyatakan bahawa segala kelulusan yang diberi kepada pihak pemaju adalah berpandukan kelulusan dan penilaian daripada pelbagai pihak dan jabatan, oleh itu projek-projek pembangunan berkenaan adalah berlandaskan keperluan perundangan. Walaupun begitu, memandangkan pernah terjadinya skandal Bukit Cahaya oleh Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA), maka penjelasan MPS ini juga sukar untuk diyakini. Dengan itu, DAP Selangor menuntut supaya MPS mempamerkan segala dokumen kerajaan yang meluluskan projek-projek pembangunan untuk menyakinkan orang ramai bahawa segala urusan MPS ini dijalankan dengan telus dan halal.
Memandangkan bahawa kawasan berkenaan merupakan green lung dan kawasan tadahan air yang amat penting untuk penduduk-penduduk Lembah Klang, DAP Selangor juga menuntut MPS mengeluarkan Perintah Henti Kerja (Stop Work Order) kepada pemaju-pemaju yang terlibat sehingga Kerajaan Negeri Selangor dan MPS dapat memberi penjelasan yang lengkap terhadap soalan-soalan di atas.
Lau Weng San
(11 September 2005)
Monday, September 12, 2005

发展商近年来大肆发展位于雪州士拉央巴鲁新镇(Bandar Baru Selanyang)的邓普勒公园附近的山区(拉贡山-Bkt Lagong和莫达山-Bkt Botak)。
虽然士拉央市议会主席巴卡鲁丁奥曼曾表示,有关发展计划是经过雪州政府批准后才进行,该市议会公关总监Mohd Zin Masod也表示发展商有权在该地段进行所批准的发展工程,因为有关地段已经不是森林保留地。但是在详细研究市议会在报章上的解答、对照州政府的官方资料,以及亲自前往该区视察之后,行动党认为州政府和市议会必须解答以下疑惑:
1. 虽然州政府批准有关发展计划,但是这并不代表有关计划就可以坦然进行,因为该区除了是隆北重要的绿肺之外,也是重要的积水区之一。著名的巴都水坝(Empangan Batu)就在该山林附近。森林一旦被铲平,那么隆北的人民就失去一个宝贵的水源。
2. 根据雪州2020年结构大蓝图页,整个雪兰莪州被分为数个发展区域。其中两个是“有限发展区域”(Zon Pembangunan Terhad)以及“复原区域”(Zon Pemuliharaan)。
“有限发展区域”包括高原地区和山区。《大蓝图》指出这些地区主要包括乌鲁雪兰莪县、鹅麦县以及乌鲁冷岳县的山区和高原地区。根据该《大蓝图》,由于这些地区海拔超过150公尺,这些地区也是“环境敏感区”(KSAS-Kawasan Sensitif Alam Sekitar),因此地方政府必须严厉监督这些地区发展计划。
至于“复原区域”(Zon Pemuliharaan),《大蓝图》首先指出凡倾斜度超过25度的山区都属于“复原区域”。一旦某个地区是“复原地区”,那么有关地区便必须得到保护,因为这些地区都是宝贵的集水区,同时也是野生动物和维系生态平衡的重要地区。《大蓝图》指出,这些地区只能进行生态旅游业或生物研究等发展计划,而不是屋业计划。
3. 虽然士拉央市议会公关总监Mohd Zin Masod表示有关地段已经不是森林保留地,但是人民有权力知道:为何州政府要把有关地段从森林保留地列为屋业发展地?难道州政府没有从淡江高峰塔事件中得到教训吗?
4. 雪州政府一直表示州内面对严重的廉价房屋不足的问题,因此必须开发更多土地,以推行廉价屋发展计划,落实“居者有其屋”的概念。
5. 士拉央市议会表示所有程序皆通过各局的审核和批准,因此是附合法律程序。由于有前科之鉴(莎亚南市政局和农业公园一事),士拉央市议会的这番解说难以解除民惑。雪州行动党因此将要求士拉央市议会列出所有公文和资料以说服纳税人,即士拉央市议会与州政府是以透明和合法的程序批准这些发展计划。
雪州行动党也认为,由于该区是巴生谷河流域居民宝贵的绿肺和集水区,因此我们要求当局发出停工指令(Stop Work Order),直到雪州政府和士拉央市议会能针对以上问题逐一提供令人满意的答复。
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Rocket Newspaper.....Tamil Version!!

Most of us could be familiar with the Chinese and English Rocket newspaper, which can be subscribed from the national HQ.
And now, we just have the Tamil Rocket relaunched yesterday in Bricksfield.
With Tamil Rocket, we are now close to the publication of the Rocket newspaper in 4 languages.
Any vollunteers for the Malay Rocket???

报章今日报道在一项由国会遴选委员会(国民团结与国民服务)在新山柔佛州政府大厦所主办的一场公听会上,柔佛州新山国大党的代表在以粗暴的方式对待柔州行动党州委诺曼•费南德兹(Norman Fernandez)。
柔佛州行动党也是在昨日的公听会上提呈柔州行动党的建议。柔州行动党的代表队伍是由柔州行动党主席阿末顿(Ahmad Ton)同志带领。
MIC representatives should be rational...
It was reported in the media that a MIC representative had threatened DAP Johore State Committee member Norman Fernandez in a public hearing held by the Parliamentary Select Committee on National Integration.
Yesterday, the Committee had conducted a public hearing at the Johore State Government Building in Johor Bahru in which the DAP Johor State Committee led by Sdr Ahmad Ton was there to submit a memorandum.
Dr Boo Cheng Hau, a DAP Central Executive Committee member was then questioned by YB K.S. Nijhar (MP for Subang) who is also one of the committee members, on whether the memorandum included the views and opinions of the Malay and Indian communities.
While presenting part of the memorandum, Dr Boo had put forward a very important suggestion from DAP Johore to the Select Committee -- that the Federal Constitution be amended to disallow the formation of any single-race political party -- in order to promote national integration.
DAP Johore also explained that by allowing single-race political parties to exist, it also means the continuation of our neo-apartheid policy which champions the ideology of race supremacy and dominance, which the party believes should be abolished and reflected in the amended Federal Constitution.
K.S. Nijhar was reported as challenging the suggestions made by DAP Johore and questioning the validity of the suggestions, by asking whether it represents the views of Malay and Indian communities. Perhaps Nijhar should be reminded that it is his duty to listen to the views of the people from various political, educations, religious and racial backgrounds.
Nijhar and MIC representatives can see for themselves that there were Indian and Malay leaders from the DAP during the public hearing and that he has absolutely no grounds to discredit the DAP.
MIC representatives should not be over-emotional but rather, they must be rational when dealing with views and opinions from the Opposition. Failing that, the Select Committee would not be able to fulfill its parliamentary responsibility in finding ways and methods to foster national unity and integration.
Lau Weng San
Yesterday, the Committee had conducted a public hearing at the Johore State Government Building in Johor Bahru in which the DAP Johor State Committee led by Sdr Ahmad Ton was there to submit a memorandum.
Dr Boo Cheng Hau, a DAP Central Executive Committee member was then questioned by YB K.S. Nijhar (MP for Subang) who is also one of the committee members, on whether the memorandum included the views and opinions of the Malay and Indian communities.
While presenting part of the memorandum, Dr Boo had put forward a very important suggestion from DAP Johore to the Select Committee -- that the Federal Constitution be amended to disallow the formation of any single-race political party -- in order to promote national integration.
DAP Johore also explained that by allowing single-race political parties to exist, it also means the continuation of our neo-apartheid policy which champions the ideology of race supremacy and dominance, which the party believes should be abolished and reflected in the amended Federal Constitution.
K.S. Nijhar was reported as challenging the suggestions made by DAP Johore and questioning the validity of the suggestions, by asking whether it represents the views of Malay and Indian communities. Perhaps Nijhar should be reminded that it is his duty to listen to the views of the people from various political, educations, religious and racial backgrounds.
Nijhar and MIC representatives can see for themselves that there were Indian and Malay leaders from the DAP during the public hearing and that he has absolutely no grounds to discredit the DAP.
MIC representatives should not be over-emotional but rather, they must be rational when dealing with views and opinions from the Opposition. Failing that, the Select Committee would not be able to fulfill its parliamentary responsibility in finding ways and methods to foster national unity and integration.
Lau Weng San
Thursday, September 08, 2005
YDP of Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan should apologise to non-Muslims in Kuantan
A group of officers from the Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan (MPK) Enforcement Unit raided a 7-Eleven outlet in a Muslim majority residential area in Kuantan and confiscated 277 bottles and cans of beers last Sunday after receiving complaints from local Muslim residents that the outlet sells alcoholic drinks.
Although the YDP of MPK Dato’ Safian Ismail has stopped such raid on other convenient outlets, he should be reminded of the need to respect the Constitution and show greater sensitivity towards the feelings of non-Muslims. Such raid could have offended non-Muslims. He should therefore tender his sincere apology to the people of Kuantan on behalf of MPK, especially the non-Muslims in Kuantan.
Non-UMNO MPK councilors from MCA, MIC and Gerakan should also be held responsible for failing to protect the rights of the non-Muslims. What Kuantan MP, Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow had mentioned in the press when he criticized MPK over the raid is meaningless if he fails to convey the same message to the Malay community. Mutual understanding can only be achieved through genuine dialogue. Fu also mentioned that he has contacted Dato’ Safian twice and has ordered State Assemblyman for Teruntum Ti Lian Ker and MCA local councilors to follow up on this issue.
DAPSY is surprised to learn of such comments as MCA representatives should have been in the very forefront to preserving the rights of non-Muslims (especially when MCA is one of the ruling component parties); not wait until such raid occurred only then they start taking action. MCA councilors should have highlighted the sensitivity, seriousness and importance of such action and reminded MPK to abide by the spirit of Merdeka Constitution during the previous full council board Meetings.
Does their failure to do so mean that they have not been doing their job since day one, when they failed to highlight the sensitivity, seriousness and importance of this matter, especially when MCA is part of the ruling party?
DAPSY believes that there are many ways to ensure Muslims avoid from consuming alcoholic drinks. Strengthening the noble teachings of Islam to avoid alcoholic drinks is one of the many methods instead of denying the constitutional right of non-Muslims to buy alcoholic drinks.
Meanwhile, Malaysians should be cautious that such policy is a direct reflection of UMNO’s Islamisation policy, especially after former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir’s public declaration that Malaysia is an Islamic State on September 20, 2001.
Malaysians should also understand that this is an obvious indication of the failure of proper checks and balances in many of our local councils nowadays. This is the reason why local government elections should be restored to give taxpayers the right to choose their own representatives in the local councils.
Lau Weng San
Although the YDP of MPK Dato’ Safian Ismail has stopped such raid on other convenient outlets, he should be reminded of the need to respect the Constitution and show greater sensitivity towards the feelings of non-Muslims. Such raid could have offended non-Muslims. He should therefore tender his sincere apology to the people of Kuantan on behalf of MPK, especially the non-Muslims in Kuantan.
Non-UMNO MPK councilors from MCA, MIC and Gerakan should also be held responsible for failing to protect the rights of the non-Muslims. What Kuantan MP, Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow had mentioned in the press when he criticized MPK over the raid is meaningless if he fails to convey the same message to the Malay community. Mutual understanding can only be achieved through genuine dialogue. Fu also mentioned that he has contacted Dato’ Safian twice and has ordered State Assemblyman for Teruntum Ti Lian Ker and MCA local councilors to follow up on this issue.
DAPSY is surprised to learn of such comments as MCA representatives should have been in the very forefront to preserving the rights of non-Muslims (especially when MCA is one of the ruling component parties); not wait until such raid occurred only then they start taking action. MCA councilors should have highlighted the sensitivity, seriousness and importance of such action and reminded MPK to abide by the spirit of Merdeka Constitution during the previous full council board Meetings.
Does their failure to do so mean that they have not been doing their job since day one, when they failed to highlight the sensitivity, seriousness and importance of this matter, especially when MCA is part of the ruling party?
DAPSY believes that there are many ways to ensure Muslims avoid from consuming alcoholic drinks. Strengthening the noble teachings of Islam to avoid alcoholic drinks is one of the many methods instead of denying the constitutional right of non-Muslims to buy alcoholic drinks.
Meanwhile, Malaysians should be cautious that such policy is a direct reflection of UMNO’s Islamisation policy, especially after former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir’s public declaration that Malaysia is an Islamic State on September 20, 2001.
Malaysians should also understand that this is an obvious indication of the failure of proper checks and balances in many of our local councils nowadays. This is the reason why local government elections should be restored to give taxpayers the right to choose their own representatives in the local councils.
Lau Weng San
Corruption is the biggest enemy of the nation.

I came across this articles in Sinchew a few days ago.
Our beloved Deputy Minister of Internal Security Affairs, Datuk Noh Omar mentioned that "history" has proven that "the Communists is the biggest enemy of the country", and that "the Communists have never been playing any role in the nation-buidling process of the nation".
While I believe is that he could have not read what Ronnie Liu written in his statement.
But that's not the biggest question. Compared to corruption, I would say Communist threat is no longer the biggest threat to the nation. If Noh Omar is so concerned about who is the first enemy of the nation, then corruption should be the answer.
But is he willing to say that? Or he is more interested to shout the same libelous tone together with his gang?
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
16th September or 31st August??
How old is Malaysia? 42 or 48?
Unlike many Peninsulans, this is the hot question Sabahans are arguing about.
Besides asking the government to celebrate Merdeka Day on 16th September every year (as this is the exact formation date of "The Federation of Malaysia"), most Sabahans are even questioning how old is Malaysia, judging by the fact that Malaysia only formed 42 years ago, not 48 years ago.
Most Sabahans argue that in 1957, it was the then Federation of Malaya who gained independence from the British Colonial Government. By if we refer to Malaysia, which was formed on 16th September 1963 and was concluded of Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and "the Federation of Malaya", then our country is only 42-year-old.
I have a simple solution to this argument. Celebrate the 31st August as Merdeka Day for Peninsula and 16th September as Malaysia Day. This will be more meaningful compared to the Merdeka Month Celebration from 16th August to 16 September.
Time has come for us to be more Malaysian than Malayan.
Unlike many Peninsulans, this is the hot question Sabahans are arguing about.
Besides asking the government to celebrate Merdeka Day on 16th September every year (as this is the exact formation date of "The Federation of Malaysia"), most Sabahans are even questioning how old is Malaysia, judging by the fact that Malaysia only formed 42 years ago, not 48 years ago.
Most Sabahans argue that in 1957, it was the then Federation of Malaya who gained independence from the British Colonial Government. By if we refer to Malaysia, which was formed on 16th September 1963 and was concluded of Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and "the Federation of Malaya", then our country is only 42-year-old.
I have a simple solution to this argument. Celebrate the 31st August as Merdeka Day for Peninsula and 16th September as Malaysia Day. This will be more meaningful compared to the Merdeka Month Celebration from 16th August to 16 September.
Time has come for us to be more Malaysian than Malayan.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Is selling beer a crime in Malaysia?

When there is a big huh-hah over Tunku, Kuantan Municipal Council (MPK) confiscated a total of 277 bottles and cans of beer from a 7-11 outlet in town.
According to a report in China Press yesterday, the operation was launched after local residents lodged complaints with the authority for actions to be taken against the outlet for selling alcoholic drinks in a Muslim majority residential area.
Pahang Mentri Besar Adnan refused to comment on the matter.
Is Pahang moving towards more Islamisation? Immediate commentary from the China Press reporter criticised the state government and local authority for neglecting the spirit of Merdeka Constitution.
Don't you think that instead of us quarreling who is the real fighter for Merdeka, why not we gather energy to talk more how to make this country a more accomodative country?
Is selling beer a crime in Malaysia?
Sunday, September 04, 2005
This time...Kepong chaps voiced out loud and clear: NO TO PETROL PRICE HIKE!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
LPG up another 4.5 sen without prior notification from the govt.

(Photo: I was with other leaders of DAP yesterday in Putrajaya. DAP SG Lim Guan Eng submitted an open letter to Mustapha for an open debate on energy policy)
How many of us know that LPG retail price increased for another 4.5 sen with effective from 2nd September?
According to today's Sin Chew Jit Poh, the government did not even announce the increment and taxi drivers in Klang Valley were all caught in shock. The increment will cost an extra daily RM2.25 on each taxi drivers based on an average consumption of 50 litres LPG per day per driver.
And on the same day, I was with the DAP leaders to Putrajaya to submit an open letter to call for an open debate with Datuk Seri Mustapha Mohd on national energy policy.
DAP called on the government to offset inflation caused by oil price hike by reducing road tax for diesel vehicles as well as highway toll charges.
Similarly on the same day, the Malaysia SMI Association also issued such call to the government. It's Vice President Li Deming suggested to the government to withdraw all petrol subsidies and allow petrol prices to be fixed by petrol companies.
"This will create competition among petrol companies and consumers will benefit." He said in an interview with Sin Chew.
At the same time, Li also suggested that the subsidies that the government saved could be used to compensate highway concessionaires. All highway users could thus benefit from such compensation.
After reading all these, I really wonder whether our government is listening the the grouses from the people.
Li's suggestion should be seriously considered.
Thursday, September 01, 2005

此外,主办当局也邀请拉玛三美教授以及警方监督组织(Police Watch)主席乌达耶古玛律师演讲。
欲知详情,可以联络行动党总部刘永山(03-7957 8022)或行动党中委西华纳申(03-22601901/1902)。
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