TEL: +6-012-6834724, +6-012-6924724,
EMAIL: lauwengsan@gmail.com
Service centre hour: 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
State rep: Civil servants fear not docile MACC
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) inaction on abuses highlighted by past Auditor-General’s Reports have contributed to a complacent civil service, said Kampung Tunku state assemblyperson Lau Weng San.
In a statement yesterday, Lau (right) said the latest MACC pledge to investigate 36 cases highlighted by the Auditor-General's Report 2010 was thus meaningless because of many unsolved cases as recent as five years ago.
"This is because MACC has yet to resolve cases of wrongdoing in government procurement since 2006 where prices were grossly inflated," he said.
Among others, the Auditor-General’s Report 2006 highlighted the case of a technical pen valued at RM160 being bought by the Defence Ministry for RM1,146 and a car jack worth RM50 being bought by the Youth and Sports Ministry for RM1,664.
“This phenomena has been recurring annually despite the repeated criticisms by the National Audit Department.
“Unfortunately, with every Auditor-General’s Report, we see almost no follow up action by the MACC to bring those responsible to justice,” he said.
Lau said that the MACC had also failed to take action against various “big fishes” which have been repeatedly accused of corrupted practices.
“How can Malaysians pin their hopes on the MACC to take stern action when these cases, some lodged five years ago, have yet to be acted upon by the MACC?
“When the civil servants see the negligence and failures of the MACC in taking swift and stern action regarding this issue, they will look down on the laws and continue their spendthrift ways.
“Moreover, when our federal government officials are wasteful in their expenditures, what more can we expect from civil servants who work under them?” asked Lau.
Water supply in Sungai Way restored after five days

From Komunitikini.com
By Leven Woon
Kampung Tunku assemblyman Lau Weng San assured the fuming Impian Seri Setia flats residents that their water supply will resume to normal today after a disruption that left more than 1000 residents without water for five days.
He said the disruption of water supply was caused by the vandalising of an emergency fire switch by irresponsible persons.
“There is a built-in mechanism which automatically cuts off the supply once the switch is triggered,” he said after a visit to the place this morning.
He said the building management has pledged to restart the water pump manually this morning and that the water supply should be reconnected in two hours.
“We urge residents to be cooperative and not to trigger the switch anymore,” he said.
A management office worker S. Samy said the perpetrators who triggered the switches on from ninth, 12 and 13 floors have been identified.
“I suspect them to be foreign workers who stay in the flats. It can’t be naughty children doing all this because they are too short to reach the switch,” he said.
The raging residents also gathered beside Lau to voice their concerns about the promised compensation, expensive management fees and security threats.
Most of the residents of the flats are evicted Kampung Sungai Way villagers who did not obtain land titles for their houses and were forced to move when the developer, Taipan Group took over their land.
They claim that Taipan Group promised to compensate them with a sum of money within three months after moving to the flats in June this year.
“We moved in on June 6, but until now we have not received any compensation,” resident, Quek Seng Yak said.
He also said that the monthly management fees of RM87, is “the highest in the country for low-cost flats”.
“There have been several break-ins already since we moved in; this place is really not secure,” he said.
Lau responded by saying a dialogue between the developer and residents will be organised soon to resolve the issues.
“We suggest to have closed-circuit television in several areas, but it involves costs which need to be assessed by the developer,” he said.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Kenyataan SPRM Untuk Siasat Kes Salahlaku Dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara Ialah Retorik Semata-Mata
Ini adalah kerana SPRM sehingga sekarang masih belum menyelesaikan kes-kes salahlaku yang berpunca daripada perolehan jabatan-jabatan kerajaan dengan harga yang jauh lebih tinggi (inflated price) pada tahun 2006.
Antara kepincangan yang dilaporkan pada masa itu termasuk pembelian satu set pen yang berharga RM160 dengan harga RM1146, iaitu RM986 lebih mahal daripada harga pasaran. Selain itu, Kementerian Belia dan Sukan dikatakan bersalahlaku apabila kemnterian berkenaan membeli sebuah jek kereta yang berharga RM50 dengan harga yang melampung tinggi, iaitu RM1664.
Fenomena-fenomena ini seolah-olah berulang setiap tahun walaupun Jabatan Audit Negara bertahun-tahun memberi teguran. Malangnya, setiap kali Laporan Ketua Audit Negara dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan, kami melihat hampir tiada tindakan susulan daripada SPRM untuk membawa mereka yang bertanggungjawab ke muka pengadilan.
Justeru itu, kenyataan SPRM baru-baru ini bahawa mereka akan menjalankan siasatan seolah-olah satu kenyataan retorik yang langsung tidak bermakna. Bagaimana rakyat Malaysia boleh mengharapkan SPRM untuk mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mereka yang bersalah apabila kes-kes yang telah dilaporkan sejak lima tahun yang lalu pun belum lagi diambil tindakan oleh SPRM?
Oleh itu, apabila penjawat-penjawat awam melihat kelalaian dan kegagalan SPRM dalam mengambil tindakan cepat dan tegas berhubungan dengan isu ini, mereka akan memandang remeh terhadap undang-undang yang sedia ada dan meneruskan sikap boros dan tidak berjimat cermat. Lebih-lebih lagi apabila pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan pusat pun boros dalam perbelanjaan, apakah kita boleh mengharap kakitangan-kakitangan awam yang bertugas di bawah akan berjimat-cermat dalam pentadbiran kerajaan?
Banyak kes salah laku telah dilaporkan terhadap SPRM, termasuk kes-kes yang melibatkan “ikan-ikan besar”, tetapi adakah SPRM dapat memberi laporan kepada rakyat Malaysia apa yang mereka telah lakukan terhadap “ikan-ikan besar” ini? Bagaimana dengan kes salah laku dan rasuah yang melibatkan Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Mohd Taib Mahmud, Ketua Menteri Sabah, Musa Aman dan Menteri Besar Perak, Zambri Kadir? Semua daripada mereka dituduh terlibat dalam banyak kes salah laku yang melibatkan pemberian tanah dan lesen balak secara berleluasa kepada syarikat-syarikat kroni, apakah tindakan SPRM terhadap mereka dan apakah sebab mengapa sehingga sekarang tiada sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap mereka?
Kegagalan SPRM ini telah membukti dakwaan bahawa kerajaan tiada komitmen politik untuk melakukan perubahan dan reformasi dalam pentadbiran awam. SPRM perlu tegas dan perlu dilihat tegas dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Jika tidak, penjawat-penjawat awam hanya akan bersambil lewa sahaja setiap kali Ketua Audit Negara memberi teguran.
一马纸巾盒印天枰打叉图 火箭斥偷步造势非法拉票
(乌鲁雪兰莪25日讯)行动党揭露乌鲁雪兰莪一带出现印有国阵标志打叉图的一个马来西亚纸巾盒,疑有心人士企图为随时到来的全国大选替国阵偷步拉票 。
“纳吉最近不断制造声势说要收复雪州,而这个一个印有国阵标志的一个马来西亚纸巾盒却很碰巧地出现在这个山雨欲来风满楼的时期,不得不让人有偷步造势拉票 之嫌。”
雪蘭莪2010總審計司報告:收入增20.4%乃5年來最高 雪政府盈餘15.8億

州政府共有3種現金,即銀行存款、流動現金和零用現金,這3種現金在這兩年 期間都處于增長的狀態。
雪州審計報告指出,州政府的收入包括稅收收入、非稅收的收入(hasil bukan cukai)和非收入來款(terimaan bukan hasil)。
Tindakan UIAM menggantung tugas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari adalah tindakan zalim
Saya mengecam dan mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan pengurusan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) yang menggantung tugas dan mengeluarkan surat tunjuk sebab kepada Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari kerana kenyataan beliau berkenaan dengan peranan yang dimainkan oleh Sultan Selangor dalam isu pemeriksaan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) terhadap Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC).
Tindakan UIAM yang bertujuan untuk menghukum anggota-anggota akademik yang mengeluarkan pandangannya berdasarkan pengetahuan dan kepakaran dalam bidang kajiannya adalah amat silap. Tindakan ini tidak lain tidak bukan mempunyai motif politik dan bertujuan untuk melenyapkan pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa.
Seseorang anggota akademik boleh digantung kerja dan diberi surat tunjuk sebab jikalau beliau telah melakukan sebarang bentuk aktiviti jenayah.
Jikalau seseorang anggota akademik itu diberi surat tunjuk sebab hanya kerana beliau mengeluarkan pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa dalam bidang kajian beliau, maka ini telah mencaburi kebebasan akademik anggota akademik beliau.
Tindakan ini mempunyai kesan berpanjangan terhadap imej antarabangsa Malaysia kerana UIAM ditubuhkan sabagai sebuah universiti antarabangsa. Sebagai sebuah universiti antarabangsa, ianya perlu mencerminkan semangat kepelbagaian, keterbukaan, saling menghormati semasa ahli akademik walaupun berbeza pendapat dan sebagainya.
Malahan, ini juga merupakan semangat yang sepatutnya ada pada sesebuah universiti, tanpa mengira sama ada universiti itu mempunyai nama "antarabangsa" atau tidak.
Malangnya, pihak pengurusan UIAM sanggup menggadaikan prinsip kebebasan akademik sehingga mereka sanggup menggantung tugas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari dan meminta beliau memberi surat tunjuk sebab hanya kerana beliau mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa dalam bidang kepakaran dan kajian beliau.
Daya saingan sesebuah negara amat bergantung kepada taraf pendidikan rakyatnya, termasuk pendidikan tinggi. Apa yang berlaku ke atas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari merupakan sesuatu yang mengaibkan kita semua.
Bagaimana negara kita boleh mencapai negara maju jikalau pihak berkuasa asyik melenyapkan pandangan-pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa melalui cara-cara yang zalim?
Oleh itu, saya mengkritik dan mengecam sekeras-kerasnya tindakan UIAM terhadap Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari. Saya juga menyeru pihak UIAM supaya segera menarik balik penggantungan tugas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari ini dan memulihkan tugas beliau di UIAM dengan serta-merta.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
雪州政府并没有向Sri Aman组屋居民征收分层地契收费,张胜富再次以假乱真误导选民读者
第六,根据张胜富的说法,其他廉价组屋如Impian Baiduri和美丹花园的分层地契转换费只不过是1000令吉左右。如果张胜富要求免除斯里阿曼组屋的收费,那么这是否对八打灵再也其他组屋居民公平?
在2009年,雪州政府一共获得3亿1563万令吉的道路维修拨款,再加上2008年约6753万令吉的剩余款项,因此在2009年,有关户口所获得的总数为3亿8316万令吉。在2009年从有关户口付款给承包商的数额为7875万令吉,另有2亿5000万令吉转入州政府的统一基金户口之中(Akaun Wang Yang Disatukan)。因此2009年12月31日剩余的5441万令吉是直接转入2010年的州公路维修信托基金之中。
Friday, October 21, 2011
Tindakan UIAM menggantung tugas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari adalah tindakan zalim
Saya mengecam dan mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan pengurusan Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) yang menggantung tugas dan mengeluarkan surat tunjuk sebab kepada Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari kerana kenyataan beliau berkenaan dengan peranan yang dimainkan oleh Sultan Selangor dalam isu pemeriksaan Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) terhadap Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC).
Tindakan UIAM yang bertujuan untuk menghukum anggota-anggota akademik yang mengeluarkan pandangannya berdasarkan pengetahuan dan kepakaran dalam bidang kajiannya adalah amat silap.
Tindakan ini tidak lain tidak bukan mempunyai motif politik dan bertujuan untuk melenyapkan pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa.
Seseorang anggota akademik boleh digantung kerja dan diberi surat tunjuk sebab jikalau beliau telah melakukan sebarang bentuk aktiviti jenayah.
Jikalau seseorang anggota akademik itu diberi surat tunjuk sebab hanya kerana beliau mengeluarkan pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa dalam bidang kajian beliau, maka ini telah mencaburi kebebasan akademik anggota akademik beliau.
Tindakan ini mempunyai kesan berpanjangan terhadap imej antarabangsa Malaysia kerana UIAM ditubuhkan sabagai sebuah universiti antarabangsa. Sebagai sebuah universiti antarabangsa, ianya perlu mencerminkan semangat kepelbagaian, keterbukaan, saling menghormati semasa ahli akademik walaupun berbeza pendapat dan sebagainya.
Malahan, ini juga merupakan semangat yang sepatutnya ada pada sesebuah universiti, tanpa mengira sama ada universiti itu mempunyai nama "antarabangsa" atau tidak.
Malangnya, pihak pengurusan UIAM sanggup menggadaikan prinsip kebebasan akademik sehingga mereka sanggup menggantung tugas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari dan meminta beliau memberi surat tunjuk sebab hanya kerana beliau mempunyai pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa dalam bidang kepakaran dan kajian beliau.
Daya saingan sesebuah negara amat bergantung kepada taraf pendidikan rakyatnya, termasuk pendidikan tinggi. Apa yang berlaku ke atas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari merupakan sesuatu yang mengaibkan kita semua.
Bagaimana negara kita boleh mencapai negara maju jikalau pihak berkuasa asyik melenyapkan pandangan-pandangan yang berbeza dengan pihak berkuasa melalui cara-cara yang zalim?
Oleh itu, saya mengkritik dan mengecam sekeras-kerasnya tindakan UIAM terhadap Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari. Saya juga menyeru pihak UIAM supaya segera menarik balik penggantungan tugas Profesor Abdul Aziz Bari ini dan memulihkan tugas beliau di UIAM dengan serta-merta.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011

Program Pemberian Air Percuma Pangsapuri Kos Rendah
Sila kunjungi Unit Pesuruhjaya Bangunan (COB) di kawasan pihak berkuasa tempatan anda.
1. Pemilik boleh membuat pendaftaran terus dengan pemaju/JMB/MC/ejen pengurusan dilantik COB/lain-lain.
2. Hanya pemaju/JMB/MC/ejen pengurusan dilantik COB/lain-lain/ pemilik yangberdaftar dengan JMB dan mengemukakan dokumen lengkap kepada COB yang layak menyertai program ini.
Muat Turun Dokumen berikut :-
1. Borang Pendaftaran Pembeli - Kupon 01
2. Borang Pendaftaran Pemaju/JMB/MC/Ejen Pengurusan Dilantik COB/Lain-lain - Kupon 02
3. Daftar Pemilik (Format Inventori)
4. Surat Pengesahan Penyewaan
5. Syarat-syarat
Sebarang maklumat lanjut sila hubungi urusetia berikut:
Unit Pengurusan JMB/MC
Lembaga Perumahan Dan Hartanah Selangor
Tel : 03-55447196 / 7079 / 7157
Fax : 03-55447314 / 55135568
Akhbar Selangor Times
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Feng Shui: ‘SS’ prefix in PJ

When Petaling Jaya was first started, the road naming convention was simple. Just assign a prefix number to indicate the section followed by the road number. All roads in one direction will adopt an even numbered sequence while those perpendicular to that would be odd-numbered. If the roads are through-roads, they are “Jalan” while dead-end roads are usually “Lorong” or lane.
As the township grew and more suburban centres emerged, it became impractical for the authorities to use increasingly bigger numbers for sections. Worse, if one were to omit the “Taman” or “Bandar” in the address or mistake one for the other, it would be nigh impossible for the postman to deliver a letter to Jalan 12/1, for example.Today, roads in townships are given prefixes which is usually the abbreviation of the town’s name or a variation. We are unclear when this started but we probably are not far wrong if our guess is “SS” in Petaling Jaya.
The use of the prefix indicated a break from Petaling Jaya’s road nomenclature and it was given to a swath of new developments at the western boundaries of the then-municipality. The earliest of these was SS1 which was located close to the Sungai Way New Village. The village itself has been given a new name, Seri Setia but locals still use the old name.
The Sunway Group – which grew from a small tin-mining company into a conglomerate involved in property development, hospitality, retail, leisure, construction, healthcare and education, among others – derived its name from Sungai Way, where it first started. Given its high-profile and branding, it is unlikely for the term “Sungai Way” to fade into obscurity.
Not Seri Setia
Thus, “SS” is an abbreviation for Sungai Way-Subang.
There is a current storm in a teacup brewing over Malaysia’s past status as a former colony or a mere British protectorate and whether the Communists were really freedom fighters or guerrilla terrorists. Historians, academicians and politicians have weighed in with their views but we shall refrain from wading in.
We are more interested in one related social phenomenon that happened after World War II. The British returned to run Malaya and rebuffed the Communist Party’s demands for a place in government. The latter had fought against the Japanese during the war (while the British surrendered) and felt it earned this “right” for a place in government.
Inspired by independence movements in Indonesia which did not accept the return of its Dutch rulers, they decided to evict the British through armed struggle. Overnight, they turned from war heroes to terrorists. Thus, the 12-year Emergency Period began in June 1948.
One of the strategies used by the British was to cut off the guerrillas’ supplies of food, recruits and information. They did so by forcibly resettling about 500,000 people into guarded camps called “New Villages” so that Communist sympathisers could not help them, and the guerrillas could not intimidate the innocent for help.
To assuage these new villagers and win their support, the British provided electricity and water supply, schools and clinics within these villages.
Urban sprawl
Today, these villages have become a part of the urban sprawl. Sungai Way, for example, started as a New Village but now makes up part of Petaling Jaya. It was also affixed the prefix of SS9A. (For Google map reference, log on to maps.google.com.my and search for “Kuala Lumpur”.)
Sungai Way (the River Way) was also called “Dai Gong” or big river, in Chinese. Obviously, it was named after a large river which no longer exists. The nearest semblance of a river in the area today is Sungai Penchala. The others are just large monsoon drains and ditches.
Houses in the original New Village can still be seen – these are single storey timber houses with zinc roofing. Over the years, some of the more prosperous owners tore down their homes and rebuilt them as double-storey bungalows to provide a more comfortable home and to accommodate more family members.
The main street is Jalan SS 9A/1, accessible via the Kuala Lumpur-bound Federal Highway. It is hard to miss thanks to Plaza Seri Setia acting as a landmark and a very visible signage of a bank. The off-ramp is rather steep and reveals the hilly undulating terrain of this area.
To the left and right are shop-houses until the intersection with Jalan 9A/14. Properties on the left (west side) face high ground and are likely to fare poorer than those on the opposite side, which have a high back and low front. One notable casualty is an old cinema that has long since closed down.
Top of the hill
This little hill crests at several shop-houses along Jalan 9A/15 and then plunges downhill again. By virtue of being on top of the hill, these shop-houses do not benefit from any earth energy. Instead they contribute their energy to the land below. Jalan SS 9A/14 continues to Jalan 225 which we covered very recently.
The Sungai Way police station also sits on the east side of SS 9A/1 and it has a rather good orientation, facing west and downhill. Likewise, the Sungai Way Chinese Primary School has a very good orientation.
Beyond this are wooden shop-houses and more houses arrayed in a grid. Most of them have either an east or west orientation, with just a few facing north or south. Due to the undulating terrain, it is very difficult for us to discuss this area street-by-street.
In general, west and south are good directions to face in relation to the river. Thus, properties with these directions will normally perform better than their opposite neighbours. However, there will be exceptions. If these properties face uphill, they are likely to fare worse.
Those with a sideways slope will encounter mixed fortunes. In such a situation, we look at which sector of the property is raised highest, and which sector is the lowest. According to the Ba gua, each sector corresponds to a specific member of the family or organisation. The person corresponding to the highest sector will do very well while the one linked to the lowest sector will likely fare poorly.
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011