The Structure Plan was available for public viewing in the lobby of Petaling Jaya City Council (Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya, MBPJ) since 1st September until 29th September.
Despite the month-long public viewing period, the publicity for the proposed changes on the structure plan is not adequately planned and conducted. It is most shocking that for such an important event, the taxpayers are not adequately informed about it.

MPs and ADUNs are normally invited to attend the fullboard council meeting and they should know that the proposed changes on the draft plan are available for public scrutiny from 1st September to 29th September before the draft changes are gazetted, unless there are some hidden agenda to hide some crucial information from public knowledge, hoping that the proposed changes can get through without any objection.
I would like to list down all the 23 proposed changes in the Structure Plan:

2. To convert Lot 11, Section 52, Mukim Bandar Petaling from Car Park to Commercial purpose.
3. To convert Lot 8, Section 52, Persiaran Barat from Government Institution to Commercial purpose.
4. To convert No 16, Jalan Tinggi 6/12 from Empty Land to Housing purpose.
5. To convert Lot 141, Jalan Selangor from Limited Commercial Institution to Commercial purpose.
6. To convert Lot 53, 55, 57, 59, 61 and 63 of Jalan 5/58 and Lot 426, 428, 430, 432, 433 and 436 of Jalan 5/46 from Housing to Commercial purpose.
7. To convert Lot No. 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324 and 325 of Jalan 5/44 from Commercial purpose to Housing purpose.
8. To convert No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Jalan 5/44 from Commercial purpose to Housing purpose.
9. To convert KTMB Reserve of Section 1 from KTMB Reserve to Hawkers Centre.
10. To convert Lot 83 (PKNS) of Jalan Templer, Section 51 from Government Institution to Commercial purpose.
11. To convert Lot 179 and 180 of Jalan Selangor, Section 6 from Commercial purpose to Limited Commercial Institution.
12. To convert Lot 181 of Jalan Selangor, Section 6 from Commercial purpose to Limited Commercial Institution.
13. To convert Lot 182 of Jalan Selangor, from Commercial purpose to Limited Commercial purpose.
14. To convert Sungai Way from High Tension Electric Cable Reserve to Housing purpose.
15. To convert SS9A/14 from Government Clinic to Community Centre/Library purpose.
16. To convert SS9A/2 from Drainage Department Reserve to Housing, Hawkers Centre and Recreation Park purpose.
17. To convert Lot PT 3 of Jalan 14/64 from Empty Land to Housing purpose.
18. To convert Lot PT 6947 of Jalan 20/24 of Section 20 from Housing purpose to Public Hall/Service Centre.
19. To convert No. 2 and 4 of Jalan SS2/57 and No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 11A, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 and 31 of Jalan SS2/59 from Limited Commercial purpose to Housing purpose.
20. To convert Lot 7614 (PT &) of Section 17 (PERTIWI) of Jalan Universiti from Commercial purpose to Education Institution purpose.
21. To convert Lot 1 and 4 of Section 17 from Institution purpose to Housing purpose.
22. To convert Jalan 17/27 of Section 17 from Road Reserve to Market purpose.
23. To convert No. 1 Jalan 12/16 from Housing purpose to Limited Commercial purpose.
Of all these changes proposed I would like to focus on item Number 18 whereby the residents of that area had previously objected to the proposal of having a service centre cum public hall right in front of their houses twice in their meetings with MBPJ and had protested against it publicly.
Despite all their grievances, MBPJ went on to issue the Planning Permission to the developer to develop the land. Works started since half a year ago and it was put to a halt after several public pressure mounted by the residents nearby.
It seems that the Council is putting the cart before the horse by submitting a suggested change in the draft structure plan when construction had already started.
As service centres are always owned by elected representative, it is highly suspicious that Kampung Tunku ADUN, YB Dr Wong Sai Hou or PJ Utara MP YB Chew Mei Fun is connected to this suggested change in structure plan, especially when YB Dr Wong Sai Hou is also serving as a councilor for MBPJ. Moreover, MCA elected representative always maintain a record of constructing service centres cum public hall/community centre on empty lands, whether it is state lands or private lands.
Their silences are deafening and we are waiting for their clarifications.
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