Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year 2016.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a happy and prosperous new year. 2015 has been a painful year for many us in Malaysia. Throughout 2015, Malaysians from all walks of life suffered from a slumbering economy, not to mention the infamous RM2.6 billion scandal.

Our currency, the Ringgit Malaysia, is depreciating, commodities prices are slowing down. Though the low oil prices give Malaysians the a gap to pump with temporary relief, it is a double-edge sword as it has also hit the Fed's pockets. Federal subsidies will be cut and some have already been cut, highway toll rate will be increased while many public spendings will be reduced. This means those who live below average will be further hit.

We in Selangor are lucky in the sense that we have a clean government with sound finances. We manage to keep all our welfare schemes running every year without fail. It may not be sufficient but looking at the global situation and comparing with what the Fed is offering us, Selangor is doing way better than the them.

I hope I will be able to do more for the people of Selangor in general and the people of Kampung Tunku in specific. More infrastructure works will be planned and carried out for my constituency. There will be two new free public buses servicing my constituents in 2016. 

In addition to that, we will carry out more programmes for the marginalised groups. Despite all the difficulties that we may be facing in year 2016, we must be optimistic and that we will definitely enjoy a happy year ahead so long so we always keep in minds for the poor and marginalised.

Happy New Year 2016!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sdr Dr Edwin Bosi on the working of Sabah State Legislative Assembly

My comrade, Sdr Dr Edwin Jack Bosi has contributed an article on the working of Sabah State Legislative Assembly recently in a magazine published by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA). He has proposed for the position of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker to be directly elected by members of the House, the position of Deputy Speaker to be elected from non partisan member and more resources for Opposition members especially the Leader of the Opposition. I think these are genuine suggestions which are largely absent in the working of our legislature (Selangor excluded, of course).

Friday, November 06, 2015

Soalan lisan saya di DUN Selangor dijawab hari ini

Undang-undang Keluarga Islam
Memandangkan Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan sedang meninjau kemungkinan untuk meminda Undang-undang Keluarga Islamnya untuk mengatasi masalah hak jagaan anak akibat pertukaran agama salah seorang daripada pasangan bukan Islam ke dalam Islam, adakah kerajaan Selangor sedang menuju ke arah usaha yang sama?

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Ucapan Membahas Rang Undang-undang Enakmen Perbekalan 2016 pada 3 November 2015 di Dewan Negeri Selangor, Shah Alam

Politik Jujur, Perbicaraan Terus-Terang
Honest Politics, Straight Talking


1.    Khalifah Abu Bakr al-Siddiq pernah berkata “Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya aku telah dilantik menjadi pemimpin kamu, bukanlah aku yang terbaik di kalangan kamu. Jika aku betul, tolonglah aku. Jika aku salah, betulkanlah aku. Benar itu adalah amanah, bohong itu adalah khianat.

2.  Saya berharap saya dapat mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan ini dengan mengambil pendekatan ini, iaitu “Honest Politics, Straight Talking” (Politik Jujur, Perbicaraan Terus-Terang), pendekatan yang tiada agenda tersembunyi, hanya hasrat untuk mempertingkatkan pentadbiran kerajaan.

3.    ADUN Barisan Nasional harus berani mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan. Malahan jika kamu percaya apa yang kamu bahas itu benar, maka beranilah mengambil soalan daripada kami. Semalam ADUN Barisan Nasional cuba menafikan kejayaan kerajaan Selangor dalam membentangkan sebuah Belanjawan dengan 50% peruntukan pembangunan, kononnya kerajaan Selangor tidak perlu membayar gaji penjawat awam yang besar. Ulasan saya, kalau BN tidak mampu lagi membayar gaji penjawat awam di peringkat Persekutuan, maka serah Putrajaya kepada Pakatan Harapan. Nescaya kami akan menjalankan tugas kami lebih baik daripada Barisan Nasional.

4.    Semasa negara semakin terjebak dalam krisis kewangan dan asas ekonomi negara yang semakin bergoyang, bukan sahaja Kerajaan Selangor perlu membentangkan sebuah Belanjawan yang bersifat inklusif dan mampu memperbetulkan kelemahan-kelemahan Putrajaya dalam mengurus ekonomi negara, malahan Kerajaan Selangor harus jujur apabila berdepan dengan rakyat Selangor.

5.    Secara prima facie, kami yakin politik di Selangor stabil, tetapi ini hanya akan berkekalan apabila Pakatan Harapan diiktiraf dalam pentadbiran kerajaan. Satu fakta yang kita harus terima ialah, kerajaan Selangor sekarang dipimpin oleh PKR, DAP, Amanah dan PAS. PKR, DAP, Amanah pula telah bergabung di bawah Pakatan Harapan. Oleh sebab itu, YAB Menteri Besar perlu tegas bahawa Kerajaan Selangor sekarang bernama Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan.

6.    Seperti bak pepatah Cina: “名不正言不順” yang bermaksud, sesuatu kerja tidak akan lancar kalau namanya tidak betul. Oleh sebab itu, pengiktirafan yang sewajarnya harus diberi kepada Pakatan Harapan dan Parti Amanah Negara. Pada masa kami bangga dengan Belanjawan #SmartSelangor, apa yang sama penting dalam perjuangan kita menentang kezaliman UMNO ialah adanya kawan-kawan seperti Amanah yang ikhlas dan komited menentang kezaliman UMNO. Kalau ada rakan-rakan PAS yang ikhlas dan berjanji akan menentang UMNO habis-habisan dan tidak ingin menjadi penasihat kepada UMNO, maka tiada masalah untuk mereka terus kekal dalam kerajaan Pakatan Harapan.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Ulasan sepintas lalu saya terhadap ucapan Belanjawan Selangor 2016

Belanjawan ini telah membangkitkan beberapa cadangan yang pernah dikemukakan sebelum ini tetapi tidak diberi tumpuan berterusan. Saya gembira ianya telah diberi tumpuan dan penekanan yang sewajarnya dalam Belanjawan Selangor 2016, contohnya ialah pembersihan Sungai Klang.

Terdapat beberapa kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam Belanjawan ini. Antara yang paling menarik ialah (1) bantuan yang akan diberi kepada golongan miskin (B40) dalam bentuk pengecualian cukai taksiran, fi, lesen tapak pasar dan sebagainya , (2) pengiktirafan sijil UEC, (3) pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalan-jalan negeri dan sebagainya serta (4) bantuan kepada kaum ibu yang terpaksa berhenti bekerja untuk menjaga rumahtangga.

Saya juga melihat bahawa terdapat sedikit kelemahan dalam Belanjawan ini di mana golongan M40, iaitu golongan kelas menengah tidak menerima manfaat secara langsung daripada Belanjawan ini kalau dibandingkan dengan golongan B40. Saya pernah bercadang, sekiranya kerajaan dapat menyerap kesemua atau sebahagian cukai GST yang dikenakan oleh PBT, ia akan memberi kesan positif langsung kepada kedua-dua golongan M40 dan B40 ini.

Berkaitan dengan pembangunan infrastruktur, saya bercadang kerajaan perlu menjalankan kajian keberkesanan penyuraian trafik dengan membina lebih banyak jambatan merentasi hilir Sungai Klang bermula dari jajaran selepas Kuala Lumpur sehingga ke Klang. Malangnya perkara ini tidak disebut.

Dalam isu pendidikan, kerajaan semasa membentangkan Belanjawan 2015 pernah mengumumkan akan memperuntukkan RM5 juta sebagai biasiswa pasca ijazah tetapi ianya masih belum dilaksana sehingga sekarang. Maka kerajaan perlu memastikan bahawa semua yang telah dibentangkan sebelum ini dapat direalisasikan.

Kerajaan juga tidak memberi input terhadap beberapa dasar reformasi seperti pemulihan kerajaan tempatan, pengukuhan institusi DUN dengan melalui RUU SELESA serta penyelarasan elaum tetap Ahli Majlis PBT.

Saya akan menghuraikan perkara-perkara ini dengan lebih terperinci dalam ucapan perbahasan saya pada Isnin nanti. Kesimpulannya, Belanjawan ini agak seimbang dan menarik. Saya berharap segala teguran akan diterima dengan baik oleh Eksekutif.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Update on Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar – Clause 41 of MBPJ’s Standing Orders prohibits voting by PKR Councillors who are in conflict of interest

Media statement by DAP ADUN for Kampung Tunku Lau Weng San on 28th October 2015 in Petaling Jaya:
I would like to refer to Clause 41 of the Standing Orders of Petaling Jaya City Council 2007 which reads as below:

“41.     Any Councillor who has any interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or proposed contrat or other matter, is present at the ordinary meeting or special meeting, or of any committee thereof at which the contract or other matter is the subject of consideration, he shall as soon as possible after the commencement thereof, shall disclose the fact, and shall withdraw from the meeting while the contract or matter is under consideration and shall be precluded from voting”

I raise this point in relation to a decision made by the Petaling Jaya Mayor on 20th October 2015. Mayor Mohd Azizi Mohd Zain told the press that the decision was made because majority of the councillors supporting the decision to reopen the old bazaar at Jalan SS 9A/13 while retaining the new one at Jalan SS 9A/12.

I am now questioning if there is a genuine majority even if the memorandum was signed by 12 Councillors (9 from PKR and 3 from PAS). It is public knowledge now that the group objected to the relocation is led by one Saminathan a/l Kitchan, a person who holds PKR divisional position in Kelana Jaya.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Affordable local foods by local villagers in Sungai Way

The mutton you ate may not be mutton?

Do not worry, come to Sungai Way market and have a plate of nasi lemak and teh tarik for breakfast at only RM4.

You can have real sambal, real ikan bilis, real nasik lemak, real timun and real telur....only in Sungai Way.

Menggesa Kerajaan Selangor memaklumkan hasil perbincangan dengan GLC yang memegang saham dalam syarikat konsesi lebuhraya

Kenyataan Media (2) oleh ADUN Kampung Tunku Lau Weng San pada 22 Oktober 2015 di Petaling Jaya:
Saya menggesa Kerajaan Selangor untuk memaklumkan hasil dan keputusan perjumpaan dengan kedua-dua Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) dan Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor (KPS) berkaitan dengan isu kenaikan tol yang telah berkuatkuasa pada 15 Oktober 2015.

Perjumpaan dengan KPS adalah lebih penting kerana KPS memegang 20% saham dalam Syarikat Sistem Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Holdings Sdn. Bhd., iaitu pemegang konsesi Lebuhraya SPRINT dan Ahli Parlimen PKR untuk kawasan Subang, Encik Sivarasa Rasiah ialah seorang daripada tiga orang Pengarah syarikat berkenaan. Beliau dilantik sebagai wakil KPS, anak syarikat Kerajaan Selangor dalam SPRINT. Pada masa yang sama, tol untuk Lebuhraya SPRINT telah dinaikkan daripada RM1.50 ke RM2.50. Oeh sebab itu, hasil perjumpaan antara Kerajaan Selangor dengan KPS dalam mesyuarat MTES yang diadakan pada 15 Oktober adalah amat penting.

Ini bukan kali pertama Kerajaan Selangor menggunakan pegangan ekuitinya untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat akibat kutipan tol lebuhraya. Insiden yang masih di dalam ingatan kita ialah pembukaan jalan keluar masuk yang menyambung Bandar Mahkota Cheras ke Lebuhraya Cheras-Kajang pada tahun 2008 di mana KPS mempunyai pegangan saham sebanyak 20% dalam Taliswork Corporation Berhad (TCB) yang memegang 55% saham dalam Cerah Sama Sdn Bhd, pemegang konsesi Lebuhraya Kajang-Cheras. Peristiwa itu turut dibantu dengan fakta di mana tanah yang digunakan oleh Cerah Sama Sdn Bhd untuk menutup jalan pada masa itu ialah tanah kerajaan.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Update on Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar - Will the twelve PJ councillors or Mayor care to respond to the real complaint of Sri Sakti Eashwary Temple - to close down the night market next to it?

Update on Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar - Many armchair critics have mentioned that the new site was not agreed upon by the committee of Sri Sakti Eashwary Temple. The mayor was quoted in a news report that one of the reason why he allows the old site at Jalan SS 9A/13 to be reopened was because of the disagreement from the temple.

Councillor Mr Sean Oon​, had actually spoken to the Secretary of the temple and discussed over the idea of having the Deepavali bazaar at Jalan SS 9A/12. There was no such disagreement recorded to him. There were some issues when some of the "petak" were drawn too close to the entrance. Therefore the council had redrawn the shifted the "petak" further away from the entrance of the temple. 

That is also the reason why we see road marking in black used to cover the earlier road marking. We should have documented the conversation or meeting with the rightful representative from the temple (though the parking lots outside the temple are the council's property). We did not do it. It was a mistake.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The single-handed decision made by Petaling Jaya Mayor to reverse its earlier decision on Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar is procedurally wrong and unfair and could be challenged legally by judicial review

Media statement (2) by DAP ADUN for Kampung Tunku Lau Weng San on 20th October 2015 in Petaling Jaya:

1. On behalf of residents, villagers and businessmen, especially those who stays or works at Jalan SS 9A/13, together with the JKKK Seri Setia, we are extremely upset by this decision. They also felt betrayed by the government of the day. 

2. We are also deeply disappointed and frustrated that the aspirations and wishes of the local people are not respected and upheld, particularly those who had signed a petition to the Mayor on 30th September, not to forget all the recorded and unrecorded complaints lodged by the villagers over the years.

3. The sharp reversal shows that the reasons, evidences, documents, photos, minutes of meetings, facts and figures that we have presented do not worth any consideration at all. We DID NOT stop the bazaar. We merely relocate them. Many people/politicians are still commenting as if we are stopping everything in Sungai Way.

4. We are also deeply disappointed and frustrated that proper procedure has not been followed in reversing the earlier decision of the council. Since this is a decision of the council, therefore the council needs to call for a special meeting and pass a resolution to be later endorsed at the fullboard meeting in order to reverse it. 

5. Unfortunately, these are not done, therefore the decision made is procedurally wrong and unfair and can be challenged in court via judicial review. Even PKR MP for Subang Sivarasa Rasiah has asked the decision to be discussed by the councillors. I believe, if the MB has to make a decision, this is the likely decision or instruction he will make or give. In fact, being part of the government, there is no need for them to send memorandum to their own government. We are becoming a big laughing stock to the world.

6. That a very bad precedence and a very wrong signal has been created. Such hapening should not have happened in a state run by opposition parties whose aspiration is to take over the leadership at the Federal level. In fact, this is bad governance. It will be very difficult for any public officers to run the council because a decision made (based on reasons, evidences, documents, photos, minutes of meetings, facts and figures) can be easily reversed.

7. With this sharp reversal, does this mean the council can make a decision in your favour:
a. so long so you can win a shouting match even though you are shouting in front of a Hindu temple?
b. so long so you can get enough people (even if you have to ferry them via buses from elsewhere) to harass the poor Indian hawkers at Jalan SS 9A/12, completely ignoring the wishes of the locals?
c. so long so you can arm-twist the councillors and subsequently public officers to reverse any decisions to your favour?
d. so long so you can get other ADUNs and MPs outside a particular constituency who may have immediate access to the state authority to interfere?

8. If this is the message we are signalling to the general public, then how are we going to ask taxpayers to follow the law? How are we going to invite foreign investor and convince the business sector that we mean business each time we made a decision? Where is the spirit of rule of law?

9. I am shocked and surprised that the memorandum was also signed by three PAS councillors. PAS being a party not involved at all in this incident, there was no courtesy to even inform me the reason they wanted to sign the memorandum. After reading the memorandum, I have called and sent text messages to Azri Mohamed Arish, a PAS councillor who had attended a meeting in 2014 on this matter and had at that point of time proposed the relocation. My calls was not answered and my message was not replied. This is not professional. This is a blatant betrayal. I am still waiting and hoping for his reply.

10. I would like to distance myself from this decision. I thank my constituents for showing their concern or supports. I thank outsiders who were not carried away by emotion and cared to check out the truth themselves. 

11. I thank all those Indian hawkers who have already started business in Jalan SS 9A/12, I promise you all that I will do my very best to help the business there. I believe we are on the right side. Deepavali is a celebration of victory against falsehoods. 

12. Deepavali Vathukal. Nantri Vanakkam.

Lau Weng San
ADUN Kampung Tunku

Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar – Not right to ask villagers to tolerate while Mr Samithan and his friends did nothing to improve the situation

Media statement by DAP ADUN for Kampung Tunku Lau Weng San on 20th October 2015 in Petaling Jaya:

1.    I have the benefit of reading statements issued by my colleague in DAP, ie. Sdr Tony Pua, MP for Petaling Jaya Utara, Sdr Sean Oon, Petaling Jaya Councillor for Zone 20 (which includes SS 9A) and Sdr Rajiv, ADUN for Bukit Gasing. I have also read statement from Mr. Sivarasa Rasiah, PKR MP for Subang. I also have the opportunity to read most of the postings by my colleagues in the DAP on their social media websites as well as the accompanying comments. Since my name is mentioned in Mr. Sivarasa’s statement, therefore I should also respond to the various suggestions he had put up.

2.    Mr Sivarasa had said the following and I quote: “My advice to both YB Lau and YB Pua is that such matters are best left to the best judgment of the Datuk Bandar of Petaling Jaya and his councillors. We should not interfere unless the decisions made at MBPJ are clearly unreasonable or obviously wrong or against stated policies of the Pakatan coalition.”

3.    Although MP and ADUNs seldom interfere in the decision-making process of the council, we are however answerable to the people and are held responsible to any decisions made by the council. MPs and ADUNs in Selangor have from time to time participated in the decision-making process too. 

4.    Mr Sivarasa himself had also requested the council to revoke proposed amendments in RTPJ, approximately one year ago in which Sdr Tony Pua and I were also joining Mr Sivarasa in signing off the press statement[i]. Therefore, it is not necessary true that MP and ADUN cannot interfere in the decision-making process, in fact we can so long so it is done with merits and is justified.

5.    Mr Sivarasa’s statement also draw my attention when he said that "Keadilan is not aware of any specific complaints to MBPJ or police reports made by traders in the Sg Way Deepavali bazaar in the years since Pakatan took over in 2008..."

6.    I wish to remind him, that it 2014, we had a very lengthy telephone conversation over the same matter in which I took the pain and explained to him the background information and the various solutions that had been considered. I am not duty bound to do that as the issue is a local issue and priority should be given to the views and stands of the local elected representatives.

7.    I was similarly attracted to Mr Sivarasa’s statement that "when one insistently waves the proverbial red flag at an angry bull, it is naive to expect the bull to sit patiently and watch." I wish to inform Mr Sivarasa that event on 15th October was an evening walkabout around the new site. Mr Saminathan, who has been insisting to retain at the old place, and his friends are not invited to this event.

8.    My final point to raise is about a statement from Mr Sivarasa which says that "DAP is now again in a formal coalition with Keadilan and Amanah...we must therefore manage complaints about one another's members in the spirit of coalition building." I find this most amusing as until today, following the open remarks by the Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali a few weeks ago that Pakatan Harapan does not operate in Selangor, many members of the public and I are unable to figure out if Pakatan Harapan is officially formed or not. Therefore, I would like to suggest to Mr Sivarasa that until and unless PKR is putting up a strong stand on this matter, his sentence carries no weight.

9.    For outsiders who are interested and have commented on this issue, I wish they could also take the pain to read all the documents posted in our social media and iron out the details for themselves.

10. Mr Saminathan had attended the first meeting in 2010 and was informed of the proposal to relocate to Jalan SS 9A/12. He disagreed and the council gave in. In return, he agreed to sign an Akujanji. The terms and conditions were laid out clearly. He failed to follow since then until 2014 when the amount of complaints accumulated. Throughout the months of September and October 2014, various meeting had been held to discuss the problems caused by the traders of the Deepavali Bazaar in Jalan SS 9A/13. A second technical meeting was subsequently called by the council in which it has decided to relocate the bazaar.

11. Interestingly, the meeting was chaired by one councilor named Suriase a/l Gengiah from PKR, who serves as councilor in charge of PJU 8 (Damansara Perdana), PJU 9 (Bandar Sri Damansara) and PJU 10 (Damansara Damai) (These are located under DUN Bukit Lanjan and Parliament Subang – both seats were held by PKR). Therefore the proximate relation between Mr Suriase and Mr Sivarasa is established.

12. The second councilor who attended the meeting in 2014 is Azri Mohamed Arish from PAS, also a councilor serving for SS 8, SS 9 and SS 10 (These are also located under two PKR-held seats: DUN Seri Setia and Parliament Kelana Jaya). Based on the minutes of meeting, Mr Azri proposed the relocation. Mr Suriase as the chairman of the technical meeting did not object to it.

13. The results of the meeting was subsequently brought to the attention of the council’s Committee of Business and Health Control in its meetings in March and April 2015. The meetings were attended by councilor from PAS, PKR and DAP. Mr Sean Oon was the one who raised the needs to inform Mr Saminathan as early as possible for them to prepare for the necessaries. Based on the record, all councilors had unianimously agreed to the relocation despite objection from Mr Saminathan. The fact remains that Mr Saminathan had already been informed at least six months before Deepavali, not to mention the countless official and unofficial meetings held in 2010 and 2014 on the matter. Therefore the question of inadequate notice to Mr Saminathan does not arise.

14. Some are advocating a win-win solution, ie maintaining two Deepavali Bazaars in Sungai Way and only relocate in 2016. I wish to inform that such win-win solution was already proposed before but was never heeded by Mr Saminathan with good faith. MBPJ had given in by allowing them to occupy the place every year until 2014. The Akujanji signed by Mr Saminathan is just a piece of meaningless paper when they do not give meaning to it by following the terms and conditions as laid out in the Akujanji.

15. There are also those who question the suitability of the new site at Jalan SS 9A/12 when the management of Sri Sakti Easwary Temple also objected to the relocation. The bulk of the complaint actually is not the Deepavali Bazaar, but the weekly night market, which is much bigger than the Deepavali Bazaar. If the temple has problems with the Deepavali Bazaar, I am sure that they will have a bigger problem with the weekly night market. Will MBPJ relocate the night market? I believe this is the last resort if all other solutions have failed to overcome or mitigate the problem.

16. For those who criticize us by bringing examples in SS 2 morning market, durian stalls and market in Section 17 in which each of these markets have different characteristics and solutions. Let’s compare an apple with an apple. Traffic congestion in SS 2 and Section 17 markets were largely caused by two reasons: double-parked vehicles and the lack of a permanent structure to house a morning market.

17. The good thing about SS 2 and Section 17 is these are part of the modern Petaling Jaya with proper planning and infrastructure in place. Sungai Way New Village does not have such luxury. Durian stalls in SS 2 were originally squatting at road side and private lands. Relocation to Section 19 is unavoidable. Stall owners initially refused to follow rules and regulations and MBPJ even went ahead temporarily suspended their licenses. Again, the issue of racial biasness when comes to enforcing law and orders does not arise.

18. For those who sympathize the fate of Mr Saminathan and his friends, I urge them to also sympathise the residents, villagers and traders from the area. I also urge them to see the facts that MBPJ and the local community has been tolerating the inconveniences for years.

19. It cannot be right when on one hand we keep asking them to continue to tolerate and on the other hand Mr Samithan and his friends have done barely nothing to improve the situation. This is not how a win-win solution should work. We must strike a balance. The council was right in relocating the bazaar, something which can be avoided have Mr Saminathan and his friends cooperate with the council right from the beginning.

Lau Weng San
ADUN Kampung Tunku


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Satu keluarga, satu tapak, satu lesen penjaja di MBPJ

Dasar MBPJ dalam pemberian lesen penjaja/lesen perniagaan sementara untuk sesuatu kawasan ialah satu lesen untuk satu keluarga sahaja. Maksudnya kalau bapa dapat, isteri dan anak tidak dapat, melainkan di tempat yang lain.

Peraturan ini mungkin diketepikan semasa zaman BN tapi telah ditegaskan dalam zaman PR/PH. Tapi dalam satu perjumpaan dengan seorang penjaja yang bernama Saminathan a/l Kitchan ini, beliau pernah menunjukkan lesen perniagaan sementara Bazaar Deepavali untuk anaknya (Kenneth Sam a/l Saminathan, 22 tahun) dan isterinya di Jalan SS 9A/13 sebelum ini.

Saya percaya dua lesen perniagaan yang dia pegang di depan Balai Polis PJ ini ialah lesen anak dan isterinya juga. Maka saya boleh rumuskan bahawa bukan sahaja dia menjadi broker, malahan dia sendiri pun menjadi Bazaar Deepavali di Jalan SS 9A/13 ini sebagai perniagaan monopoli keluarganya.

Adakah ini adil untuk peniaga-peniaga India yang lain?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sg Way Trader: We Want To Open For Business, They Don't Let Us Open, Thi...

More update on Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar - a real hawker named Balakrishnan had spoken up on behalf of those who want to do business at the new place. To those who commented on this issue without the necessary backgroup knowledge, this should not be missed. By the way, I managed to verify that Mr. Balakrishnan is a voter in DUN Kampung Tunku.

What say you?

Update on Sungai Way Deepavali Bazaar #1

Deepavali Bazaar in Sungai Way - These are the two minutes of meeting that I am still keeping in my old archive, one in year 2010 and another in 2014.

Complaints started coming in in 2009 which prompted me to interfere in 2010 and subsequently lay down the conditions, which the hawkers had agreed to follow.

in 2014, after several years of failure in resolving the problems, the council was prompted to meet another time to resolve the issue. Interestingly, it was noted in that meeting in para 2.8 that one Mr Samy wanted to "represent" the traders to apply for the licenses.

There are also several paragraphs which I have marked for your reading. Apparently, there are additional (stricter) conditions that they have to follow. One of them is that the council has the right to revoke their licenses and take legal action against them should any hawkers violate rules and regulations laid down by the council.

The issue of biasness does not arise in this meeting because neither me, Mr Sean Oon​ nor Tony Pua​ attended this meeting. Interestingly, this meeting was attended by two non-DAP MBPJ Councillors and it was chaired by an Indian Councillor from PKR. I am aware that he is still serving in the same position.

The conclusion are: The problems that we are elaborating does not happen yesterday. It happens years ago. Meetings had been held, relocation were proposed as early as in 2010. The hawkers disagreed. Conditions were imposed but were broken year-in-year-out to the extend that a meeting had to be held in 2014. Stricter conditions were imposed which gives the power to MBPJ to revoke licenses and charge lawbreakers to the court.

If we are so racists, inhumane, so ce****a, we would not have given a full five years to Mr Saminathan and his "friends" to do business in the old place.

We would not even have to close both eyes on all the rules and regulations they had broken. We would not even care if Mr Saminathan has got one license for his wife and another one for his 22-year old son.

The reason of me posting up these documents is very simple - many people are commenting without the necessary background information - some may choose to ignore these information and prefer to go by their emotions, while some do not even bother to ask me about this.

Let's be straight and honest in carrying out our duties as politicians! What say you?