Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Pemansuhan AUKU, MPMUM harus bersetuju sepenuhnya.

DAPSY menyeru Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaysia (MPMUM) untuk mengenali kenyataan bahawa AUKU merupakan satu akta yang bersifat kezaliman dan perlu menyokong pemansuhan AUKU sepenuhnya, dan bukannya mengeluarkan kenyataan yang mengelirukan iaitu bahawa MPMUM membantah pemansuhan AUKU tetapi menyokong pemindaan AUKU supaya mahasiswa-mahasiswi boleh diberi lebih banyak ruang kebebasan untuk berpersatuan.

Yang Di-Pertua MPMUM sessi 2005/2006 Effendi Omar pada 29hb November 2005 telah menyatakan pendirian MPMUM kepada versi Mandarin bahawa MPMUM bersetuju untuk memberi lebih banyak ruang berpersatuan kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi di dalam kampus tetapi berpendapat ruang kebebasan untuk aktiviti luaran perlu disekatkan kerana ianya akan menjejaskan prestasi akademik mahasiswa-mahasiswi.”

DAPSY memang amat memepertikaikan logik di sebalik kenyataan. Bagaimana pula kebebasan berpersatuan untuk mahasiswa di luar kampus boleh menjejaskan prestasi akademiknya? Kalau seperti itu, bukankah prestasi akademik mahasiswa akan turut merosot apabila mereka ini dibenarkan kebebasan berpersatuan di dalam kampus? Apakah pula perbezaan di antara kebebasan berpersatuan di dalam dan di luar kampus? Mengapakah pula mahasiswa tidak mempunyai hak sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia untuk berpersatuan walaupun mereka diberi kebebasan yang sama di dalam kampus?

DAPSY ingin mengulas pendirian bahawa AUKU yang diluluskan pada tahun 1970-an bukan sahaja merupakan sebuah akta yang usang, tetapi juga satu akta yang zalim. Ianya tidak harus dikekalkan dengan pindaan tetapi mesti dimansuhkan sama sekali.

Pemansuhannya adalah untuk membebaskan mahasiswa dan para akademik daripada kekangan birokratik, supaya mahasiswa-mahasiswi dan ahli-ahli akademik dapat mempelajari ilmu dan menjalankan kajiselidik terhadap ilmu alam semesta dalam suasana yang bebas. Pemansuhannya juga membolehkan mahasiswa-mahasiswi untuk lebih mendekati apa yang berlaku di luar menara gading, dan seterusnya dapat memperbaiki keadaan di dalam masyarakat apabila tamat pengajian nanti.

Oleh itu, sekatan dan kekangan yang keterlaluan terhdapa hak berpersatuan mahasiswa bukan sahaja akan mambantut keprihatinan mereka terhadap perkembangan semasa masyarakat, malahan juga akan memutuskan rangkaian di antara mahasiswa dengan masyarakat. Hakikatnya, mahasiswa akan menjadi ukat buku dan tidak dapat memainkan peranan memimpim dalam memperbaiki keadaan masyarakat. Ini merupakan satu bentuk pembaziran, malahan graduan yang menganggur juga merupakan satu beban ekonomi yang tersirat terhadap masyarakat.

Effendi Omar juga menggunakan contoh mahasiswa berdemonstrasi di Indonesia sebagai merosakkan imej negara, sekaligus menjejaskan kemasukan pelaburan asing. Walaupun begitu, Effendi Omar harus bijak membezakan di antara demonstrasi keganasan dan perhimpunan aman kerana kedua-duanya adalah dua perkara yang berlainan. Apa yang merosakkan imej negara ialah demonstrasi keganasan dan bukannya perhimpunan aman. Selain ini, demonstrasi keganasan bukanlah agenda perjuangan untuk memulihkan demokrasi kampus dan hak mahasiswa.

Selain itu, DAPSY juga menyeru MPMUM supaya mempamerkan automoni badan itu sebagai perwakilan mahasiswa dan bukannya menjadi jurucakap kepada pihak pengurusan universiti. Walaupun markah UM pada ranking THES tahun ini lebih tinggi daripada tahun yang lepas, tetapi kedudukan UM memang sudah merosot dan ini adalah satu kenyataan yang tidak boleh dinafikan. Kedudukan dalam ranking selalunya dilihat sebagai satu perbandingan relatif dan bukannya perbandingan yang mutlak. Fenomena ini menunjukkan kadar kemajuan UM jauh lebih rendah daripada universiti-universiti yang lain. Apa yang sepatutnya dilakukan ialah mencari kelemahan-kelemahan diri yang menyebabkan kemerosatan ini dan bukannya mengheboh-hebohkan markah yang diperolehi untuk menutup kelemahan-kelemahan sendiri. Dalam perkara ini, MPMUM wajar bercakap benar terhadap pihak pengurusan universiti dan bukan sebalikanya menjadi jurucakap kepada pihak pengurusan!

Lau Weng San
30hb November 2005.











Saturday, November 26, 2005

Mahasiswa Jumpa Kokus Hak Asasi Parlimen Tidak Melanggari Prosidur.

Perjumpaan di antara mahasiswa-mahasiswi dengan Kokus Hak Asasi Parlimen tidak menyalahi mana-mana prosidur, MPMUPM harus menghormati hak berpersatuan mahasiswa dan tidak secara unilateral menganggap SMM sebagai sedang memperalatkan mahasiswa.

Kenyataan oleh MPMUPM kelmarin jelas sekali lagi menunjukkan hujah mereka itu dikeluarkan tanpa menganalpasti fakta dan kebenaran terlebih dahulu. Mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang datang pada hari itu untuk berjumpa dengan Kokus Hak Asasi Mahusia Parlimen yang diketuai oleh Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz tidak seharusnya disifatkan sebagai “mencerobohi” Parlimen kerana perjumpaan ini diaturakan melalui surat rasmi yang dihantar oleh Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) kepada Kokus berkenaan. Tarikh dan masa perjumpaan juga diaturkan atas persetujuan bersama. Oleh itu, penggunaan perkataan “menceroboh” adalah tidak wajar, tidak adil dan tidak matang sekali.

Dalam perjumpaan itu, mahasiswa-mahasiswi telah mengatakan dengan jelas bahawa dalam perjuangan untuk mengembalikan pilihanraya kampus yang adil, demokratik dan saksama, mereka pernah meminta untuk berdialog dengan pihak universiti tetapi permintaan mereka terus tidak dilayani. Misalannya, mahasiswa UPM Kong Wei Cheng pernah mengatakan bahawa mereka pernah menghantar memorandum kepada pihak TNC HEP berkenaan dengan beberapa kes aduan terhadap pihak universiti berkenaan dengan pilihanraya kampus. Oleh kerana mereka tidak mengiktiraf keputusan pilihanraya kampus, maka secara automatik mereka juga tidak mengiktiraf kesahihan MPMUPM. Dalam perjumpaan dengan kokus itu, seorang mahasiswa daripada UM juga mengadu bahawa beliau pernah dikasari oleh pihak universiti apabila beliau sedang mengedar handbill. Beliau telah membawa kes ini kepada pihak universiti tetapi aduan beliau tidak dilayani. Oleh yang demikian, mereka ini terpaksa menuntut keadilan melalui saluran di luar kampus.

Memang dari segi prosidur, mahasiswa seharusnya dan seboleh-bolehnya menyelesaikan masalan mereka dalam kampus dengan pihak universiti. Walaupun begitu, mahasiswa juga harus diberi kebebasan untuk menuntut keadilan melalui saluran-saluran luaran yang sah untuk memperjuangkan hak mereka, sekiranya mereka berpendapat bahawa saluran-saluran sedia ada di dalam kampus sudah tidak dapat melindungi hak mereka.

Lebih-lebih lagi, sepertimana yang dinyatakan oleh Datuk Seri Nazri, adalah merupakan hak mahasiswa-mahasiswi untuk pergi ke Parlimen, SUHAKAM dan kementerian Pengajian Tinggi bagi menyerah memorandum mereka. Mengapakah mahasiswa-mahasiswi tidak boleh berjumpa entiti-entiti ini sedangkan kesemua entiti ini merupakan entiti yang sah dari segi undang-undang?

Parlimen merupakan badang perundangan tertinggi di Malaysia. Memang merupakan tanggungjawab dan tugas Ahli-ahli Parlimen untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat. Mahasiswa-mahasiswi juga merupakan sebahagian daripada rakyat yang mempunyai kuasa mengundi. Mengapakah mereka ini tidak berhak untuk datang ke Parlimen untuk menyuarakan perasaan tidak puas hati mereka apabila mereka ditindas oleh pihak universiti?

Apa yang lebih penting ialah, mahasiswa-mahasiswa menyuarakan perasaan tidak puas hati mereka dengan aman dan bukannya melalui cara kekerasan, sekiranya pihak MPMUPM merasakan bahawa perbuatan sebegini adalah tidak bersesuaian, maka ini menunjukkan pihak MPMUPM sendiri juga tidak menghormati hak asasi mahasiswa.

Selain itu, DAPSY juga amat kecewa dengan hujah MPMUPM yang seringkali menggunakan AUKU untuk menakut-nakutkan mahasiwa. Memang menjadi kanyataan bahawa AUKU merupakan satu akta yang draconian, maka apabila MPMUPM menggunakan akta draconian untuk menakut-nakutkan mahasiswa, maka mereka secara tidak langsung juga merupakan sebahagian daripada yang menindas. Lebih-lebih lagi, pihak MPMUPMsendiri mungkin tidak sedar bahawa mereka juga melanggari AUKU.

Mengikut AUKU, mana-mana mahasiswa tidak dibenarkan untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan kepada pihak luar tanpa kebenaran daripada pihak TNC HEP ataupun mana-mana pihak yang dikuatkuasakan oleh TNCHEP. Pihak MPMUPM baru-baru ini begitu giat mengeluarkan hujah dan menyerah memorandum kepada pihak luar, maka memang menjadi tanda soal sama ada mereka ini mendapat kebenaran bertulis daripada pihak TNCHEP atau tidak kerana selama ini mereka tidak menunjukkan sebarang bukti bahawa mereka ini berhak berbuat demikian.

Oleh itu, pihak MPMUMP harus berhenti daripada mengacau di air keruh apabila mereka seringkali menggunakan AUKU untuk menakut-nakutkan mahasiswa. Sebaliknya, mereka ini perlu mengeluarkan fakta dan kenyataan yang beasas pada masa depan.

Lau Weng San
26hb November 2005.










大专法令有清楚阐明任何学生如果要向外界发表谈话,必须得到学生事物副校长(Timbalan Naib Canselor Hal Ehwal Pelajar)获者是其授权人物的批准。有鉴于此,该学生代表理事会近来接二连三的举动,如向报界发言、向首相署提呈备忘录,以及过后向政府高官和国会议员呈交“不承认全国大专生团结阵线”的副本备忘录等等在法律上是触犯大专法令的,除非他们能够证明他们得到校方的书面批准。



Friday, November 25, 2005

Mengecam tindakan Pemuda MCA yang tidak ikhlas

Ketua Pemuda MCA Liow Tiong Lai kelmarin mengatakan kepada pihak media bahawa Pemuda MCA hanya akan membantu 6 orang mahasiswa yang akan menghadapi tindakan tatatertib oleh pihak universiti, apabila pihak universiti selesai dengan semua proses prosiding.

Tindakan dan hujah Pemuda MCA ini perlu dikecam sehebat-hebatnya kerana ianya menunjukkan Pemuda MCA langsung tidak ikhlas dalam menghulurkan bantuan kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswi. Malahan ini juga menunjukkan bahawa Pemuda MCA tidak bersedia untukn mengolak langkah bermakna dalam memulihkan demokrasi di kampus universiti-universiti tempatan.

Hujah-hujah sebegini juga menunjukkan sikap hipokrit Pemuda MCA. Sekiranya Pemuda MCA ikhlas dalam memperjuangkan hak asasi mahasiswa di dalam kampus, maka Pemuda MCA dengan segala tenaga dan sumber yang mereka ada, termasuk empat orang Ahli Parlimen di Dewan Rakyat perlu menonjolkan keprihatinan mereka, termsuk membela nasib mahasiswa-mahasiswi mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan Bajet 2006 Peringkat Jawatankuasa apabila sudah sampai giliran Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi.

Adalah sukar untuk memahami mengapa Pemuda MCA boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan hipokrit sedemikian apabila Menteri dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri merangkap Pengerusi Kokus Hak Asasi Manusia Parlimen, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz yang mewakili Kokus berkenaan telah sudah memberi sokongan kepada sekumpulan mahasiswa daripada Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) yang mana beliau berjanji akan membincangkan isu ini dengan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi dan menyeru beliau untuk menarik balik segala tindakan tatatertib yang dikenakan terhadap mahasiswa-mahasiswi ini.

Ini sememangnya tidak setimpal dengan peranan perintis Pemuda MCA dalam perjuangan politik tanahair. Pemuda MCA seharusnya mengikuti jejak-jejak positif Pemuda MCA, dan bukannya bersikap regresif dalam hal ini.

Sementara itu, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi harus menarik balik semua dakwaan tatatertib terhadap keenam-enam mahasiswa UPM ini memandangkan pihak Kementerian sedang mengkaji semula Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti. AUKU sebenarnya merupakan satu akta yang regresif, out-dated, melanggari hak asasi manusia dan Perlembagaan Malaysia, maka AUKU harus terus dimansuhkan.






马青应该了解,昨日首相署部长兼国会人权跨党派论坛(Parliamentary Human Rights Caucus)主席拿督斯理纳兹理在接见全国大专生团结阵线(Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia)时也很清楚地表示将会积极向高教部要求撤销所有控状,并且将会以国会人权跨党派论坛主席的身份希望高教部能够允许学生在校园选举进行自由、公正和平等的选举。马青应该向纳兹理以及其所领导的国会人权跨党派论坛所展现的积极态度看齐。






国油也承诺在国外探索期间,为当地优秀生提供奖学金前来国油大学就读。金希望(Golden Hope)也将会推行类似奖学金计划以吸引更多外国优异生前来大马留学。除了提供优惠和奖学金,高教部也将会分配5%重要学士学位给外国学生。








Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Behave yourself, our Monyet Deputy Minister!

[For those who wish to follow what really happened in the House on that day, you can follow this link.]

It was a pleasant morning in the Parliament.

And we have a group of European Union MPs paying their visit to the Parliament.

It was question time and M. Kayveas, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister Department was answering a question from Tan Sri Law Hieng Ding [Sarikei] on the number of backlog civil and criminal cases and actions taken to tackle it, and whether the government will set up different classes of courts as a solution.

DAP MP for Batu Gajah, Fong Po Kuan stood up to ask a supplementary question on the how long is the longest backlog civil or criminal cases in the court. It was a simple question but M. Kayveas went around the world without giving any answer to such a simple and direct question.

This had cuased impatience from DAP MPs and they wanted the Deputy Minister to directly answer their question without wasting the time of the house. It was at this moment when M. Kayveas shooted the word "Monyet [Monkey]" and he described DAP MPs as Monyet when DAP MPs pushed him to answer the question directly.

Kayveas even called as satu monyet di hadapan [One monkey in front - he was referring Lim Kit Siang] dan satu monyet di belakang [and another one behind - he was referring Fong Po Kuan].

Don't forget, the EU MPs were all sitting behind watching the whole proceeding of the house this morning. I wondered what will they think about Malaysian Parliament, or to put it more precise, what will they think of the standard of debate potrayed by our Deputy Minister.

So, the quarrel continued. DAP MPs asked Kayveas to withdraw the word "Monyet", else they will refer him to the Committee of Privilege. The Speaker agreed and advised Kayveas not to use such word in the House and it is better to withdraw it.

Kayveas replied that he was not describing DAP MPs as monyet, but merely said that DAP MPs macam Monyet (are like monkeys). DAP MPs were not satistified with his reply and argued. Kayveas then refused to withdraw the word.

Po Kuan then stood up with Peraturan Mesyuarat [Point of Order] to refer M. Kayveas to the Committee of Privilege for yelling DAP MPs as Monyet [Monkeys]. Parliament-jester, MP for Jerai, Badruddin also referred Po Kuan to Privilege Committee for not respecting the Speaker, as he said the Speaker knew what should be done.

The Speaker then managed to calm the House and again requested M. Kayveas to withdraw the word Monyet. He said he was willing to withdraw the word monyet if DAP MP stopped behaving like monyet.

So, Kayveas lost the battle! But he had damaged the image of the Parliament in front of not any commoners, but MPs from the European Union!

The morning in the Parliament today is not longer pleasant!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ministers, you’ve got mail...

Ministers, you’ve got mail...
Claudia TheophilusNov 22, 05 6:55pm

Are Malaysian cabinet ministers hiding their e-mail address from the public or are they simply ignorant of the importance of communicating with the public?

Forget the Multimedia Super Corridor - our ministers should first learn to respond to email, says a political aide.
  • Bounced e-mails
  • Unresponsive ministries

Tsu Koon - tunjukkan keikhlasanmu!!

Koh Tsu Koon harus menunjukkan keikhlasannya kerana beliau perlu menyatakan dengan jelas kepada semua media dan bukannya secara selektif kepada media Bahasa Mandarin sahaja, bahawa beliau menyokong kajian semula dasar pengajaran mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

Tsu Koon juga harus memperjelaskan kepada media bahawa pendirian beliau itu adalah berasaskan sudut pandangan dari segi pendidikan, dan bukannya berdasarkan mana-mana pertimbangan chavaunisme. Dengan itu, Tsu Koon perlulah memberanikan diri untuk menjelaskan kepada media dan bukan sebaliknya tunduk kepada sebarang tekannan, khususnya tekanan daripada bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Doktor Mahathir dan Timbalan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Khairy Jamaluddin, sehingga beliau terpaksa melarikan diri daripada prinsip dan pendirinya ataupun mengelakkan daripada menyinggung perasaan pemimpim-pemimpim UMNO dengan hanya membuat kenyataan kepada media secara selektif.

DAP Selangor juga amat kecewa dengan pendirian keseluruhannya MCA, Gerakan dan SUPP dalam perkara ini. Perlu diingatkan bahawa pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris berkait rapat dengan kualiti pendidikan yang bakal diterima oleh generasi-generasi yang akan datang. Ianya tidak seharusnya diperbincangkan secara “tutup-pintu” atau secara dalaman, tetapi perlu dibawa untuk diperbincangkan secara terbuka dan rasional. Pemfokusan harus diberi kepada pelbagai kesan terhadap kepentingan orang ramai, masa depan dan daya saingan antarabangsa negara.

Perbincangan terbuka harus diadakan dengan semua rakyat Malaysia daripada pelbagai latar belakang, sama ada kaum, agama, pendidikan dan budaya dan bukannya secara tertutup seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam stail BN dan Pemuda BN.

Tindakan UMNO untuk menakut-nakutkan orang lain daripada membincangkan isu ini adalah amat tidak rasional dan tidak wajar kerana kita perlu berfikir secara rasional wajarkah dasar ini diteruskan dan apakah kesan-kesan negatifnya yang akan dibawamya terhadap taraf pendidikan negara kita.

Lau Weng San
22hb November 2005









Monday, November 21, 2005

Who can tell me the email addresses of Hishammuddin Tun Hussein Onn and Abdullah Zin?

For the past few days, I have been searching for the email addresses of both Education Minister Dato’ Hishammuddin and Minister in the PM Department, Dato’ Abdullah Zin, which bears no fruitful results. I had once contacted the assistant of Abdullah and is promised a return call which is not returned to date. As for Education Ministry, I have been contacting the ministry but I am still no where to reach his PA or secretaries for the answer.

Such phenomenon is totally unthinkable in information era. Do our Ministers really IT-savvy? Why do they have to hide away their email addresses? The PM had called for a people-oriented and clean government, but are we any nearer to his pledge when some Ministers tend to hide their email address from public domain?

The Parliamentary Opposition Leader YB Lim Kit Siang had on 8th November emailed all Cabinet Ministers on the Higher Education crisis that this country is facing. In order to confirm that each and every Minister have received the email, I had first emailed all Cabinet Ministers also on 13th November. In the email, I have requested the Minister to confirm receipt the previous emails sent by YB Lim Kit Siang.

A few of the emails were then bounced back due to errors and over quota. These included emails addresses of the Second Finance Minister Nor Mohd Yakcop (, Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Dato’ Aziz Samsuddin (, Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumers Affairs Dato’ Shafie Apdal ( and Minister of Higher Education, Dato’ Shafie Salleh (

As such, I had on 19th November 2005 emailed these for the second time which to my dismay were bounced back again by email account of Nor Mohd Yakcop and Shafie Apdal. As for Aziz Samsuddin, my emails finally reaches his inbox when he has replied my email yesterday, probably because he was bombarded by YB Lim Kit Siang in the Parliament last week related to this issue.

Utilization of email address is certainly something should be put on higher scrutiny by the Prime Minister himself. It is for sure that there are certain Ministers who are not so keen in utilizing their own email address, which can be witnessed by “errors and over-quota” if Ministers seldom check and read emails sent to their inboxes.

While continue to check whether the email addresses of Nor Mohd Yakcop and Shafie Apdal are functional or not, I will, as for Dato’ Hishammuddin and Dato’ Abdullah Zin’s email addresses, continue to follow up today and if there is no answer from their assistants or secretaries, I will consider to lodge an official complaint with the authority.

Lau Weng San










Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Thais are catching up!

(Ten of thousands of people attend the ‘Muang Thai Rai Sapda’ show by Sondhi Limthongkul at Lumpini Park after reports that the government would shut down his website and his programmes on cable television.)

It was another day in Malaysia and things were certainly quite different in Bangkok yesterday when thousands of Thais yesterday moved to Lumpini Park in Bangkok to listen to Sondhi Limthongkui’s rally against Thai PM Thaksin. Those who couldn’t make their way to Lumpini Park stayed in their home and watch the live telecast from ASTV1 cable channel broadcast via satellite.

Sondhi, boss of the Manager Group, has launched what seems to be a solo campaign to oust Thaksin’s dictatorship. He first banked on the theme of “Fighting for His Majesty the King” to create a movement to oust the Thaksin regime and to write a new constitution. He has been now shifting his strategy of exposing the government’s conflicts of interest via business dealings and shady privatisation deals.

The government’s attempt to silence Sondhi from slamming the premier has been futile in the face of new, sophisticated technologies that are proving to have a profound impact on the Thai political landscape.

The government may control the broadcast media, but it has yet to effectively control the proliferation of the local cable news networks and the Internet, which has become a fertile ground for anti-Thaksin campaigning.

While you can read more from
The Nation, one thing that I am certainly sure is that such gathering was a rare occasion on Malaysia. Are Malaysians not brave enough to voice out their dissatisfaction against government irregulaties and unjust in this nation? Or Malaysians are too generous that they can easily forgive the authority?

Civil awareness is always directly proportionate to how advanced a country is, although this is not a scientific way to measure it. But the high civil awareness of Thais has already proven that they are on the right track to overtaking their neighbours – The Malaysians – in more areas in time to come.

Opposition leader yesterday has blogged that “Thailand is fast catching up from behind, having edged out Malaysia in automotive industry and established itself as the “Detroit of the East”. The latest bad news for Malaysia is that for the first time also, Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University has bested University of Malaya in the World’s Top 200 Universities Ranking!

Thailand is now challenging Malaysia on IT and if we do not watch out, Thailand may one day even beat Malaysia in the population’s mastery and use of English, the international language, a notion which would have been completely unthinkable two, three decades ago.

With this, I remember last year when I was working in a Malaysia-Thai JV gas platform offshore Kota-Bharu/Songkhla when I was first alerted of the openness of Thai Media, I immediately had an instinct that the Thais are catching up. Immediately when I came back, I have shared this views with others and some of my friends commented that the Thais are still lagging behind in terms mastery and use of English, which is a major stumbling block for Thais to move any further to overtake Malaysia.

Within one year, the Thais are moving fast. And they almost outdo us in almost every aspects. Look at sport, Thai female weightlifter, Pawina Thongsak created three world records (snatch, clean & jerk and mixed events) in World Weightlifting Championship in Doha on Saturday. While we are still dreaming for our first Olympic gold metal, the Thais have already grabbed several Olympic gold metals and Pawina is one of the Thai gold metallist.

Do you know the Thais are catching up?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa UPM harus dibubarkan

Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa UPM harus dibubarkan dan digantikan dengan nama Kelab Penyokong HEP Mahasiswa UPM kerana kenyataan MPMUPM tidak dapat lagi diyakini ramai bahawa ianya satu badan yang mewakili mahasiswa-mahasiswi UPM, malahan MPMUPM seolah telah menjadi “jurucakap” kepada pihak HEP UPM.

MPMUPM telah mengadakan satu sidang media dua hari yang lepas bahawa mereka akan menyerah satu memorandum kepada YAB Perdana Menteri terhadap tindakan Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) di kampus UPM. Yang Di-pertua MPMUPM Manaf telah menyatakan bahawa “seorang Ahli Parlimen DAP yang berucap pada perhimpunan haram di kampus UPM pada 11 November 2005 telah mengganggu persediaan para mahasiswa UPM untuk menghadapi peperiksaan” dan beliau meminta pihak berkuasa untuk “menyiasat serta mengambil tindakan terhadap mahasiswa-mahasiswi dan pemimpim Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM)” serta “meminta pemimpim-pemimpim Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam UPM untuk letak jawatan kerana telah melanggar AUKU”.

Naib Yang Di-pertua MPMUPM Hafiz turut mengatakan kepada (Versi Bahasa Mandarin) bahawa apabila pihak pengurusan/pemimpim ingin meminda AUKU, maka ianya perlu dipinda. Kami tiada cadangan, semua terserah kepada pengurusan/pemimpim/”

Hafiz turut mengatakan bahawa mahasiswa tiada suara untuk meminda AUKU, hanya pihak pengurusan/pemimpim sahaja yang berhak untuk berbuat demikian. Kami percaya selama ini pihak pengurusan/pemimpim telah menjaga hak mahasiswa dengan baik. Sekiranya ianya adalah bermanfaat kepada mahasiswa, maka kami akan menerimanya.”

Adalah menjadi pendirian DAPSY bahawa kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh barisan pemimpim MPMUPM ini amat membimbangkan kita semua. Mahasiswa merupakan harapan kepada masyarakat kita dan emreka seharusnya mempunyai untuk memperjuangkan hak dan autonomi mereka sebagai mahasiswa. Walaupun begitu, adalah mengesalkan apabila MPMUPM boleh mennyatakan bahawa hak mereka boleh diserahkan kepada pihak pengurusan/pemimpim. Apakah perbezaaan perbuatan mereka ini dengan pengabdian dan penghambaan mahasiswa kepada pihak HEP?

Kenyataan ini telah menimbulkan persoalan kepada kita semua, iaitu adalah MPMUPM ini masilh lagi memperjuangkan hak mahasiswa di UPM? Adakah mereka betul-betul mewakili mahasiswa ataupun mereka telah membelot mahasiswa? Sekiranya tidak, maka tiada sebab untuk MPMUPM untuk terus wujud di bumi ini. Adalah lebih baik MPMUPM ini dibubarkan sahaja dan digantikan dengan nama “Kelab Penyokong HEP Mahasiswa UPM” supaya ianya dapat menunjukkan muka sebenar mereka dan tidak lagi menyalahgunakan nama “Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa”.

Selain itu, adalah lebih baik sekiranya MPMUPM ini mendapat fakta yang benar dan kukuh sebelum melemparkan sebarang tuduhan songsang kerana tiada seorang Ahli Parlimen yang hadir di perhimpunan di kampus UPM pada 11hb November 2005. yang menghadiri perhimpunan pagi itu ialah ADUN Lobak (Negeri Sembilan) merangkap Ketua Pembangkang DUN Negeri Sembilan YB Loke Siew Fook dan ADUN Sungai Pinang (Selangor) merangkap Ketua Pembangkang DUN Selangor YB Teng Chang Khim, yang mereka YB Loke Siew Fook dan YB Teng Chang Khim masing-masing merupakan Setiusaha Kebangsaan DAPSY dan bekas Ketua DAPSY.

Mereka menghadiri perhimpunan berkenaan atas nama ADUN dan mereka tidak dihalang oleh Pegawai Keselamatan UPM apabila mereka memasuki kampus UPM dengan plat kereta yang memaparkan Identiti ADUN mereka. Malahan apaibila kedua-dua daripada mereka sedang berucap, mereka juga tidak diganggun oleh pegawai keselamatan UPM dan pasukan polis. Tuduhan MPMUPM bahawa tindakan mereka memberi ucapan di khalayak ramai dalam kampus telah menggangu emosi mahasiswa-mahasiswi UPM yang perlu menduduki peperiksaan pada hari itu adalah tidak adil terhadap mereka dan DAPSY dan kami berharap pihak MPMUPM dapat memperjelaskan kenyataan mereka, malahan meminta maaf daripada DAPSY.

Lau Weng San
18hb November 2005.







这种言论不禁令人怀疑,到底博大学生代表理事会是代表博大校方还是代表博大学生?所谓名不正则言不顺。如果该理事会已经无法代表学生向校方争取权益,那么该理事会的存在已经没有意义。与其继续挂羊头卖狗肉地以博大学生的名义到处招摇撞骗,该理事会应该自我解散,然后组成博大校方学生啦啦队(Kelab Penyokong HEP Mahasiswa UPM),因为这才更能突显其现在的精神面貌。




Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Immediately withdraw all disciplinary charges against six UPM students.

There should be no obstacles from the government to stop UPM students from meeting outsiders especially local community leaders when the students plan to have briefings and dialogue with them on the disciplinary cases charged against them by the authority. The campus authority should also immediately withdraw all the disciplinary charges against the six students as the charges are all of arbitrary charges with ill intentions to create a culture of fear among students in standing up for truth and students rights in the campus.

It has been highlighted in the press that the briefing organized by UPM Students Progressive Front (Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju UPM) with Seri Kembangan Small and Medium Industries Federation had to be called off at the eleventh hour due to interference from Special Branch from Bukit Aman Police Headquarters that such briefing, which is scheduled to be held in the office of Seri Kembangan Small and Medium Industries Federation, is an illegal gathering.

Such interference from Special Branch (which is another state machinery) other than the campus authority is indeed another ill-intention effort to kill off the struggle of students rights struggle in the campus.

Such interference from the Special Branch must be strongly condemned as we must regard these UPM students are also mature citizens whose constitutional rights are preserved and protected by the Federal Constitution. The members of the Seri Kembangan SMI Federation are also taxpayers like other normal Malaysians whose money are utilized to support all expenses in UPM. It is their constitutional right to know what exactly are happening in the campus.

More importantly, if campus authority keep suppressing the genuine struggle from the students for their rights as citizen of Malaysia, manipulating students representatives election and resort to various suppressive and oppressive methods to threathen students, what are the difference between our universities with secret societies? What is the difference between our Vice Chancellors and Deputy Vice Chancellors with the Tai Ko in secret societies?

And it is very disappointing that the Special Branch of Police Headquarters in Mukit Aman even went further to deny the rights of commoners and members of public to understand the real situations taken place in the campus. As such, there is no reason for us not to feel worried, especially on the future development of human rights in Malaysia.

Is the campus authority of UPM trying to ‘bonzai’lised our students? Or they merely want students nowadays to be quiet followers? Else, UPM should not only allow members of public to attend the disciplinary proceeding of the six, allow the six to bring in their lawyers, but also to immediately withdraw all disciplinary charges against them, while there should be no interference from the police against any briefings or dialogue organized by the students with outsiders.

The police should to uphold and not to suppress the struggle for justice.

Lau Weng San








Monday, November 14, 2005

IPTAs- Do away with denial syndrome!

There must be courageous actions from local public universities, especially University of Malaya to do away with denial syndrome, which is the first crisis of higher education in Malaysia, in order to rectify its problem to improve its ranking in the Times Higher Education Supplement, so that there could be meaningful efforts launched to proceed with real reform on higher education in Malaysia.

Being listed as the first 200 universities, and being placed at the 45th, 82nd and 83rd place in Art/Humanities, Biomedicine and Social sciences respectively does not qualify the erections of 7 giant billboards and at least 150 buntings in the campus of University of Malaya, which is clearly an syok sendiri boastful act.

This clearly shows that the UM Authority is infested with serious denial syndrome, and it is spreading fast in Malaysia as a epidemic disease until Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia yesterday published a full page advertisement in page 7, News Straits Times yesterday, not only to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the university but to also celebrate UKM being enlisted as top 100 science universities in the world.

Such act should not be made as example to other public universities in Malaysia, in fact, civil societies and alumni of all public universities should push campus authorities to confess their shortcomings in running the universities and take concrete actions to improve performance of their universities in different aspects. To do away with denial syndrome will be the first and foremost efforts in dealing with the alarming crisis facing our public universities.

The Ministry of Higher Education should also be alerted on the continued portray of denial syndrome by our administrations in the campus. When UM VC openly claimed that he is not worried with the declining ranking of UM in Time Higher Education Supplement 2005 Report, it is clear that he himself also doesn’t even aware of the seriousness of the situation and he should be expelled from his current position as he himself is also infested with acute denial syndrome which will be a stumbling stone for UM to face its own weaknesses and to proceed with real reform on higher education.

Only with their (universities administrators who failed to realized the seriousness of the crisis) removal, then can our universities move forward for greater achievement in various aspect, including the revival of campus autonomy to enable academicians, administrators and students in the campus to play proactive and leading role in determining the future and the direction of the universities without political and bureaucratic interferences.

Lau Weng San
14th November 2005.









Saturday, November 12, 2005

IIUM should promote a true spirit of Malaysia.

I am sure some of us may have heard of a recent incidence whereby a Chinese law graduate from International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) was barred from attending her convocation as IIUM rules all female gradutes is compulsory to wear tudung as part of the official convocation suit.

The graduate is FooYueh Jiin and with the helps of Parliamentary Opposition Leader and DAP MP for Batu Gajah YB Fong Po Kuan, who is also a law graduate from IIUM, held a press conference in the Parliament yesterday to openly lament IIUM as insensitive to the feelings of non-muslims.

Below is her statement:

IIUM should promote a true spirit of Malaysia

It is most regrettable that the decision of the Cabinet in its Wednesday meeting regarding the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) regulation requiring non-Muslim students to wear a tudung especially during the convocation ceremony was not made clear to the press and thus created unnecessary confusion among the Malaysian society at large.

Yesterday, the New Straits Times reported that according to several ministers, Cabinet reached a consensus that students, regardless of their religion, should not be coerced into wearing the tudung. It quoted one minister as saying that the Cabinet has also agreed that the tudung should be made optional at graduation ceremonies or convocations.

This is in direct conflict with the The Star report, where the Higher Education Minister, Dr Shafie Salleh was quoted at his post-cabinet briefing as saying that the IIUM convocation garments which comprise tudung are compulsory attire for all female graduates. Dr Shafie Salleh also added that for non-Muslim, they are not required to wear tudung litup (a cloth covering the whole head) but scarves will do.

The same was reported in the Malay Mail, the Berita Harian and Sin Chew Jit Poh, where tudung is described as part of the official dress code for female graduates - either Muslim or non-Muslim - during convocation. Nanyang Siang Pau on the other hand reported Dr Shafie as saying that non-Muslim students are not compelled to wear tudung during the convocation.

We do not know what the Cabinet has actually decided on Wednesday and this is most regrettable in view of the importance of the issue.

The compulsory donning of tudung rule is most insensitive to non-Muslim with regard to their religions, customs and cultures. Since wearing tudung is a distinct symbol of Muslims women in our country, forcing non-Muslims to don a tudung is imposing Islam the religion onto the non-Muslims, and such arbitrary act will not help in promoting a peaceful and tolerance plural society that we so cherish.

Speaking from my personal experience, I was required to wear a proper tudung in the first two years of my studies and a scarf in the later two years. The change from donning a tudung to a scarf came only after the issue of non-Muslims being forced to don a tudung in campus was made public in the Parliament.

There was no option available to me however when the convocation ceremony was held in August this year. All female students were provided with a tudung and whoever that refuses to wear it are not allowed to go into the Hall to receive her scroll. I missed my convocation because I refused to submit to such arbitrary rule.

According to the Rector of IIUM, Prof Dr Mohd Kamal Hassan, non-Muslims female students are required to wear a scarf as “a sign of respect to the religion and the university”. Sadly, by imposing Islamic attire on the non-Muslims, the professor is in fact demanding respect instead of showing the spirit of mutual respect. As long as we dress decently and respect each others’ sensitivities, an attitude all non-Muslims students in IIUM always abide to, we cannot be said to have shown “disrespect” to another by not wearing a tudung. In fact, IIUM as a public institution should be sensitive towards its non-Muslim students, who are the minority in the campus, by demonstrating its openness and inclusiveness according to the true spirit of Islam.

We can see the example in the Cambridge University, where a graduate may request the authority to omit the citing of Trinitarian Formula (a Christian prayer) when his turn come to receive his scroll at the graduation ceremony. Such request is in no way a show of disrespect towards the university, and the University does not suffer from any disrespect when its students of different faiths made such request.

I truly hope that IIUM will review its arbitrary rule and make the donning of tudung during convocation and within the campus an option for its students especially the non-Muslims. This will help in promoting the true spirit of Malaysia as a multi-religion, multi-culture and multi-ethnic society.

Foo Yueh Jiin
Parliament, Kuala Lumpur







昨天的《新海峡时报》引述一些部长的谈话,即内阁已经达致一项共识,即学生们不管其宗教信仰,是不应该被强制行地佩戴头巾。该报章引述一名部长的谈话,表示内阁赞成在毕业典礼佩戴头巾应只是一项选择。这则报道却与《星报》的报道大相径庭,因为高教部部长沙菲益沙礼博士在其内阁会议后指出国际回教大学要求毕业生在毕业典礼时佩戴头巾是所有女毕业生的正式服装。沙菲益沙礼博士也指出穆斯林学生无需佩戴tudung litup(一种完全把头部遮盖的头巾),而只需佩戴一般头巾。同样的报道也出现在《马来邮报》、《每日新闻》以及《星洲日报》,即头巾在毕业典礼时是女毕业生(不管是穆斯林还是非穆斯林)的官方服装之一。南洋商报则引述沙菲益沙礼博士的谈话,指穆斯林毕业生无需在毕业典礼时佩戴头巾。






我们可以看见在剑桥大学的例子中,当一名毕业生上台领取毕业证书时, 他/她可以要求校方免除念读基督教讼词。这种要求并没有被视为对该大学的不敬,而大学也不会因为不同信仰的毕业生作出如此要求而觉得不获尊敬。



Unjustifiable Tariff Hike.

Minister of Energy, Water and Telecommunications Datuk Seri Lim Keng Yaik has on yesterday hinted that there could probably a tariff hike next year and that he can only guarantee that tariff will remain unchanged only until the end of this year.

Though Lim Keng Yaik has raised the issue of tariff hike which will create an adverse impact on the country’s economic, fariff hike for Tenaga is not justifiable as the root cause of the problem is the high payment given by Tenaga to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) which lowers the profit margin of Tenaga.

Currently, Tenaga’s payments to Independent Power Producers (IPP) comprising 40.5% of its total costs. Besides, staff (9.9%), fuel (19%) and depreciation (17%) are the other main components of costs.

It is clear that the high and unreasonable payments to IPPs are the main obstacles to higher net profits for Tenaga.

The government should review agreements between IPPs and Tenaga which were made not for the benefit of Malaysians but for the few cronies of BN, in which Tenaga has to purchase power from IPPs and guarantee payments for power generated that Tenaga does not need, which is proven by Tenaga’s reserve margin of 40%, amongst the highest in the world.

IPPs also enjoy subsidized rates for purchase of gas from Petronas, resulting in Petronas subsidizing RM 14 billion for such IPPs. Since May 1997, Petronas has supplied processed gas to Tenaga and the independent power producers (IPPs) at a regulated price of RM6.40 per mmbtu (British thermal unit) as compared to the current market price of more than RM 30.

As IPPs are private companies enjoying special rates for generating electricity that Tenaga is forced to purchase, there is no reason for IPPs to enjoy such huge subsidies of RM 14 billion to profit at Tenaga and Malaysians’ expense. All these have even allowed some IPPs to enjoy rates of return of more than 12% much higher than Tenaga’s 5.2%.

Therefore, tariff hike for Tenaga is not justifiable as the root cause of the problem is the high payment given by Tenaga to Independent Power Producers (IPPs) which lowers the profit margin of Tenaga.

Instead of asking consumers to pay more, Tenaga should ask the government to review these unfair compulsory power purchase agreements contracted at higher than market rates to make it fairer and more balanced to both parties.

(7th November 2005)












Ministers' email address must be published and easily found and not hidden in the website.

IT Bureau Chief of Ministry of Rural and Regional Development Isa yesterday claimed during an interview with a Mandarin Press that his Ministry’s website does have a public complaint portal and consultation system whereby internet surfers can lodge complaints online. There lies the question of whether it is sufficient only for ministries to have such system incorporated in the official websites of ministries.

One must admit that we are living in the era of internet, whereby information is transferred within seconds. This is well-described by the phrase “one click away”. Under such scenario, providing online public complaint portal is not much different from attending conventional counters, except that people nowadays do not have to go straight to the ministry’s office to lodge report.

Disclosed Ministers’ email addresses, let internet users to directly interact with Ministers.

Broadband internet service has been picking up its popularity among internet users nowadays, people have been doing away with the conventional dial-up internet connection slowly. One can say that data transmission speed do determine the quality of one’s works and one’s efficiency. If public complaints cannot be directly conveyed to the ministers, and if the complaint lodged through the ministry’s website have to go through all the conventional bureaucratic filters, then it will be meaningless to set-up such facility.

What is needed by the rakyat is to convey their message directly to the mailbox of the Ministers in lightning speed, in order to enchance the interaction between government officers, Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries with the Rakyat, especially when it has been the ambition of the government to turn Malaysia into a IT Hub with MSC. Furthermore, Ministers are also wakil rakyat who are also directly answerable to the Rakyat.

The Press Secretary of Minister of Energy, Water and Communications Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik, Mr Tan Chuan Koon yesterday issued a statement to demand an apology from Lim Kit Siang for “saying Lim Keng Yaik does not have an email address. There is no ground in Tan Chuan Koon’s demand as Minister would be reasonably doubted of whether they have their own email addresses, when one has been trying to search the website upside down, just to look for their email address, which has ended up in failure!

Tan Chuan Koon must do his homeworks first.

Tan Chuan Koon should at least have a read on Lim Kit Siang’s official blog statement before he demanded an apology. Another good thing he should have done first is to visit at least 2 websites. The first one is DAP official website (, the second one is Lim Kit Siang web-blog ( If possible, Tan Chuan Koon should follow the following link ( to personally understand who Lim Kit Siang means.

In the first and the second paragraph of his posting entitled “Some 10 years after MSC, most Ministers still don’t use email”, he said, “It is unbelievable that some ten years after the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) initiative, most Ministers still don’t use email. It has been quite a hassle just to get the email addresses of the Ministers of our jumbo Cabinet.

Tan Chuan Koon should also read the last paragraph which sounds,

It is clear that there are at least four categories of Ministers with regard to use of email:
(1) Ministers who have no email address for the public to access.
(2) Ministers whose public email are not functional.
(3) Ministers who do not open their own email.
(4) Ministers who do not open their own email or read the email opened for them

In the first and second paragraph, it is mentioned that “most Ministers still don’t use email”, and “it is quite a hussle to get their emails addresses”. “Don’t use email” should not be equalized with “not using email addresses”. The last paragraph also narrates different conclusions of how Ministers use emails in our government.

It is clear that Lim Kit Siang did not mention anything like “Lim Keng Yaik does not have email address”. And the main focus should go back to whether any commoner can easily search for the email addresses of Ministers’ email addresses in their official websites? Why can’t the Ministers just publish their email addresses on their official websites? Are email addresses of Ministers an official secret which are not allowed to be disclosed publicly?

Therefore, Tan Chuan Koon should be amply prepared before he demand anyapology from anybody else. As such, he should withdraw all his allegations and his demand for apology.

Welcome Tan Yew Chong to email me

Principal Private Secretary of the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities (Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui), Mr Tan Yew Chong informed that his email address is available online, but I am personally interested to know from Tan Yew Chong of the URL of the websites? Tan can personally email me the URL my email address is or

Email addresses of DAP leaders are easily found.

In fact, Cabinet Ministry should somehow follow the comparatively easier and simple web design of DAP website, and everybody can find email addresses and other contact details of DAP leaders from the following hyperlinks:
1. DAP Central Executive Committees, (
2. DAPSY National Executive Committees, (
3. Member of Parliaments (
4. State Assembly persons (

Lau Weng San
9th November 2005.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005






公众人士需要的是能够快捷地利用网络世界的便利把意见和看法直接传到部长的电子邮件信箱,以促进部长、部门、官员和人民之间的互动,尤其是政府正要雄心蓬勃要把大马打造成一个世界级的资讯工艺中心(IT Hub)。






“It is unbelievable that some ten years after the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) initiative, most Ministers still don’t use email. It has been quite a hassle just to get the email addresses of the Ministers of our jumbo Cabinet.(第一和第二段)”


“It is clear that there are at least four categories of Ministers with regard to use of email:

(1) Ministers who have no email address for the public to access.
(2) Ministers whose public email are not functional.
(3) Ministers who do not open their own email.
(4) Ministers who do not open their own email or read the email opened for them”


















- 拉菲达的办公室本来只愿意提供其办公室的电邮地址予我,即。今天,其部门致电行动党总部,并告诉我们部长的电邮地址是。该部门致电的原因是为了要避免任何误会。
- 林吉祥致给拿督慕斯达化和拿督阿兹三苏丁的电邮弹回来。本人然后致电慕斯达化的助理法奥西亚。她表示部长的电邮地址出现问题,并建议本人也把有关电邮再传给她。阿兹三苏丁的办公室则没有任何回应。
- 本人成功在下午联络上高教部部长的办公室。其中一名职员告诉本人部长的电邮地址是但是本人还是无法与他的助理联络,以确保该电子邮件能够顺利寄送到部长的电子邮箱。当《南洋商报》今天刊登部长的电邮地址时,本人才惊觉部长的电邮地址却变成
- 至于能源、水供和通讯部部长拿督斯理林敬益医生,本人成功联络上部长办公室,但是其办公室也仅仅提供其助理的电邮地址,即。跟我谈电话的官员表示他不知道部长的电邮。直至今天,本人从《南洋商报》才知道原来部长的电邮是 。
- 本人也联络上种植工业和原产业部(部长拿督陈华贵),但是本人也只是得到其助理的电邮地址:
- 房屋与地方政府部部长拿督斯理黄家定的秘书告诉本人部长的电邮地址是,但是他也建议本人把林吉祥的电邮传真到他的部门。本人过后照办。
- 贸消部部长沙菲益阿普达的助理只愿意告诉本人他的电邮地址,即,并拒绝提供部长的完整电邮地址予本人。
- 至于人力资源部,该部没有任何人士接听本人的电话,而本人在该部的网站只得到的这个电邮地址。至于刊登在《南洋商报》的电邮地址,即,本人无法在该部或部长个人网站中搜寻得到。
- 教育部的网站(拥有一个称为电邮通讯录(webmail directory)的特别连接(,但是这个连接却是一个无法展示任何内容的网页(dead-link)。
- 至于首相署部长拿督阿都拉辛,本人周一一整天无法接通其办公室的电话。






Email addresses of all government officers including Ministers should be published in public domain.

Email addresses of all Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, Chief Secretaries (Ketua Setiausaha), Director-General (Ketua Pengarah) should be published in public domain for members of public to drop in any comments and opinions related to their jobs, and should not be hidden away from the public.

I had on yesterday spent one whole day to collect email addresses of all Cabinet Ministers for Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Lim Kit Siang to send an email to them, highlighting to them that they have collective responsibility for the disastrous plunge of University of Malaya (UM) and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) World University Ranking 2005 on the Top 200 Universities.

It was altogether a time-consuming effort. My first try was to collect those email addresses from the Prime Minister’s Office website as I recall that most Minister’s email addresses are published in that website.

I managed to collect 22 email addresses from a total of 32 Cabinet Ministers, including the Prime minister and the Deputy Prime Minister, which I immediately emailed to Opposition Leader.

The other 10 ministers are Datuk Dr. Abdullah bin Md. Zin, Dato’ Shafie bin Haji Apdal, Dato’ Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein, Dato’ Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid bin Syed Jaafar Albar, Dato’ Dr. Haji Mohd. Shafie bin Salleh, Dato’ Seri Ong Ka Ting, Datuk Wira Dr. Fong Chan Onn, Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz and Dato’ Peter Chin Fah Kui.

It was about 11am when I then continue to try my luck with the websites of all these ministries. I spent about half an hour to do a quick check on their websites, including the personal website of Datuk Wira Dr Fong Chan Onn ( Their email addresses remained unavailable.

I then decided to personally called-up their offices with hopes to get their Personal Assistants (PAs) or SUSKs (Setiausaha Sulit Kanan) for the email addresses. Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang called me at 12noon to instruct me to call them also.

It was another heavy task as telephones numbers obtained from ministry websites are merely main lines for the respective ministries. Nobody will answer the call if the receptionists are on leave. There are also a few ministries whereby the numbers are no longer exist, as such I have to either look up for another numbers with PMO website or the Parliament Website, which keep also keep a records of all contact details of Cabinet Ministers and MPs.

So, these are the results:
- Rafidah’s office was only willing to release this email address to me: Her office just called me up and informed that Rafidah’s email is to avoid any misunderstandings.
- Emails to Datuk Mustapa and Dato’ Abdul Aziz bin Shamsudin were bounced back. And I took up the matter to call both Ministers’ PA. Datuk Mustapa’s PA, Fauziah said there is some problem with his email ( and advised me to forward the email to her as well at There was no response from Aziz Shamsudin’s office.
- I managed to ring up Ministry of Higher Education in the afternoon. An officer gave me Shafie’s email address ( but his PA remained unavailable for me to confirm whether they received the email or not. I am shocked today that Nanyang Siang Pau managed to get his email address to be
- It is the same for Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications (Datuk Seri Lim Keng Yaik) whereby I only managed to get his officer in his office only gives me his PA’s email address ( The officer does not know the complete email address of the Minister. I only know about the Minister email address from today Nanyang Siang Pau (
- I called up the Plantation Ministry (Peter Chin Fah Kui) as well but I was only given his PA’s email address:
- Ong Ka Ting’s secretary only gave me but advised me to fax the the email to him. I faxed it out accordingly.
- Shafie Apdal’s PA only gave me his email address ( and refused to give me the minister’s full email address.
- Nobody from Ministry of Human resources picked up my call and is the only email address published on their web. The email address published in today Nanyang Siang Pau, is neither found in the ministry’s website nor his personal website.
- Ministry of Education website ( appears to have a special link ( for webmail directory but it is a dead-link unfortunately
- Nobody from Education Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry and Datuk Abdullah Mohd Zin (Minister in the PMD) answered my call yesterday.

For the rest of the ministries which I managed to get their ministers’ email addresses, I did a follow up call but there was either no response, probably their staffs are still on leave or the PAs were unavailable for confirmation.

Instead of publishing ministers’ email addresses on the web, some ministries prefer to ask visitors to leave their contact details and complaints with the ministries' websites.The only success that I have so far is Nor Mohamed Yakcop, whereby his PA confirmed yesterday that they had received the email. The only positive news so far.

This morning, I continue to call the Education Ministry, Foreign Affairs Ministry and Datuk Abdullah Mohd Zin (Minister in the PMD). I only managed to talk to Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar’s PA, Hamed. I am only given his email address, As expected, he refused to give me Syed Hamid Albar’s full email address. I have on my hand three numbers on Abdullah Zin but there is no response on calls made to these numbers. One of the numbers even went straight into voicemail.

It was althogether a troublesome and hectic experience as most ministries do not publish minister’s email address on their official websites. Prime Minister’s call for an open, transparent and people-oriented government should be echoed well by Cabinet Ministers by publishing their email addresses in the public domain, in particular their ministries official website.

Lau Weng San
(8th November 2005)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Antara Kayveas, PBT dan Kongsi Gelap.

I found this article in Utusan Kota dated 21st October 2005. The article was written by Radzuan Hassan in his column Macam-macam hal.

In his article, Radzuan condemned the attitude of local councillors of not sensitive to the problems faced by the people.

He described this councillors as "Pak Angguk".

I would like to share a few para of what he said. Those who wish to have a detailed reading can refer to his article published on the day.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Aduan terhadap MPPJ kerana gagal mempertahankan kepentingan para pembayar cukai.

Saya telah pergi ke Biro Pengaduan Awam pada pagi ini dan membuat satu laporan aduan denagn BPA berkenaan dengan kegagalan MPPJ untuk mempertahankan kepentingan para pembayar cukai MPPJ. Surat berkenaan adalah seperti di bawah:


62502 PUTRAJAYA. 2hb NOVEMBER 2005

Tuan Pengarah,


Kami sebagai pembayar-pembayar cukai Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya (MPPJ) ingin membuat aduan rasmi dengan Biro Pengaduan Awam terhadap MPPJ berkenaan dengan kegagalan MPPJ untuk memastikan pegawai-pegawai dan ahli-ahli majlisnya supaya mematuhi undang-undang yang diperuntukkan dalam merancang projek-projek pembangunan di sesuatu tempat

Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam pada hari Isnin yang lepas memutuskan bahawa MPPJ perlu membayar pampasan kepada sekumpulan 86 penduduk dari Taman Desaria, Petaling Jaya akibat arahan daripada Hakim Datuk Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin apabila MPPJ mengeluarkan kebenaran pembangunan kepada Mentari Properties Sdn. Bhd untuk membina dua blok rumah pangsapuri kos rendah dan gerai-gerai di Taman Desaria, Petaling Jaya.

Antara keputusan-keputusan penting Hakim Alizatul Khair Osman Khairuddin ialah:

1, Keputusan MPPJ untuk memberi kebenaran pembangunan tanapa mengadakan perjumpaan bantahan (objection hearing) dengan penduduk setempat adalah tidak sah dan perjumpaan-perjumpaan seterusnya tidak boleh digunakan untuk mengesahkan kebenaran ini.
2, Perjumpaan bantahan (objection hearing) bukanlah satu formaliti semata-mata tetapi merupakan satu platform yang penting untuk penduduk-penduduk terjejas untuk menyuarakan pendapat-pendapat mereka.
3, Bahawa Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Selangor (MTES) hanya merupakan satu jawatankuasa di bawah kerajaan negeri dan dengan itu tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk mengeluarkan sebarang pengecualian di bawah Akta Perancangan Bandar dan Desa.
4, MPPJ adalah diarahkan untuk membayar kerugian dan kosnya perlu ditanggung bersamaoleh Mentari Properties Sdn Bhd, defendan yang kedua. Kerugian ini dinilai pada satu tarikh yang akan ditentukan kemudian.

Kami yang juga merupakan pembayar-pembayar cukai kepada MPPJ amat prihatin terhadap kes ini dan kami berpendapat bahawa pampasan MPPJ itu tidak seharusnya datang daripada poket pembayar-pembayar cukai MPPJ, tetapi ianya mesti dibayar oleh mereka yang bertanggungjawab dalam meluluskan projek pembangunan ini.

Dalam satu kolum yang ditulis oleh R.Nadeswaran (The Sun, 25 Oktober 2005), telah dilaporkan bahawa mesyuarat untuk membuat keputusan bagi meluluskan kebenaran pembangunan ini dipengerusikan oleh Yang Di-Pertua MPPJ pada masa itu, Datuk Abdul Karim Munisar dan lima orang lagi ahli-ahli majlis iaitu Dr Wong Chee Yong, Yusoff Hanif, N. Krishnan, Nor Azman Mohd Nor dan Fauziah Mohd Shani. Turut menghadiri mesyuarat itu ialah Pengawai Undang-undang MPPJ Abdul Mutalib Abdul Ali dan Pengarah Perancangan Bandar Sharpiah Marhaini Syed Ali.

Kami berpendapat bahawa pegawai-pegawai dan ahli-ahli majlis di atas yang perlu memikul tanggungjawab yang paling besar kerana kesilapan mereka telah menyebabkan MPPJ terpaksa membuat pampasan kepada penduduk-penduduk ini, yang mana pampasan yang diarahkan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam itu tidak seharusnya ditanggung oleh para pembayar cukai di Petaling Jaya sekiranya pihak MPPJ ingin menjelaskan bayaran pampasan itu dengan menggunakan duit pembayar-pembayar cukai dan bukannya duit daripada mereka yang melakukan kesilapan ini.

Kejadian ini juga merupakan satu lagi contoh di mana ahli-ahli majlis tempatan yang dilantik tidak kompeten dalam melaksanakan tugas mereka sebagai ahli majlis tempatan. Ini disebabkan mereka ini tidak memikul sebarang mandat daripada rakyat melalui pihanraya majlis kerajaan tempatan.

Berkenaan dengan kes ini, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mustapha Mohamed telah mencadangkan dalam sidang Dewan Rakyat pada 26hb Oktober 2005 bahawa pembayar-pembayar cukai MPPJ boleh membuat aduan kepada Biro Pengaduan Awam dan beliau juga bersetuju akan melihat ke dalam perkara ini.

Dengan itu, kami berharap pihak Biro Pengaduan Awam dapat menjalankan siasatan terhadap perkara ini dan mengarahkan tindakan diambil terhadapmana-mana pegawai atau ahli-ahli majlis yang melakukan kesilapan ini.

Siasatan segera pihak tuan amat dinantikan dan dihargai. Sekian, terima kasih.

Lau Weng San
Pengerusi PJ Action Team, merangkap Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Selangor.




首相署公共投诉局总监 2005年11月2日




在上周一,莎亚南高等法院法官拿督阿利查图·凯尔·奥斯曼在一件由灵市Taman Desaria一群86名居民所发起的案件中判决八打灵再也市议会败诉,并且指示灵市市议会必须赔偿居民的损失。法官是判决灵市市议会给予Menteri Properties私人有限公司在一块(供国能兴建转驳站及一间母语学校)的保留地上兴建两幢廉价组屋及摊位的发展指示为不合法。


四、MPPJ被令作出赔偿,而赔偿金将由第2答辩人的 Menteri Properties分担。赔偿金额将在较后时估计。


在英文《太阳报》撰写专栏的R·Nadeswaran在其2005年10月25日的专栏中报道指出当时在会议上负责通过这项计划的包括当时主持会议的市议会主席Datuk Abdul Karim Munisar以及其他5名市议员,即Dr Wong Chee Yong、Yusoff Hanif、N. Krishnan、Nor Azman Mohd Nor以及Fauziah Mohd Shani。一起出席该会议的还包括灵市市议会所法律官员Abdul Mutalib Abdul Ali以及城市规划总监Sharpiah Marhaini Syed Ali。






刘永山 谨启

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

MPPJ must explain reasons for the delay of the Jalan Universiti road upgrade project

I had on 29 October 2005 faxed and emailed a letter to the YDP of Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya (MPPJ), Dato’ Ahmad Termizi requesting him to explain the delay of the road upgrade project along Jalan Universiti, Petaling Jaya.

The project, which involves the design, construction and completion of an elevated junction at Bulatan Universiti and involving Jalan Dato’ Abu Bakar (Jalan 16/1), Jalan Universiti and Jalan Kemajuan, was started on October 2003 and was expected to be completed by October 2005. However, the project has been idle since one year ago.

DAP Selangor and several PJ branch members have been visiting that area regularly and discovered that the situation is worsening where the left-behind construction site is now covered with grass and trapped water can be seen in many spots along the road where the road widening is supposed to take place.

We have raised this issue with MPPJ and we believe that the current site is an eyesore to Petaling Jaya, especially when PJ will be declared a “city” next year. In view of this, Ahmad Termizi must give a full explanation as to why the project was left idle. Is there any compensation paid by the contractor IJM Construction Bhd to MPPJ for the delay? Or is there any variation order (VO) issued by the contractor, which would prolong the whole construction process? And if so, will there be any temporary precautions taken by the contractor to ensure the safety of road-users?

These questions have to be answered by MPPJ as soon as possible. Most newspapers last Sunday carried reports that work will continue after Hari Raya and that a budget has been approved by the authority to remove underground pipelines and cables. But DAP Selangor has yet to receive any response from MPPJ. We call on the MPPJ to ensure the prompt resumption of the construction work and to give a proper written reply on the delay.

Lau Weng San