Thursday, April 27, 2006














Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Report 2005)便围绕在共和联邦警察的公信力。这也就是为何该报告书的主题是〈警察公信力:不能忽略、不能拖延〉(Police Accountability: Too Important To Neglect, Too Urgent To Delay)。





Sunday, April 23, 2006


Malaysia is a beautiful country to live....Do you think so???

This list cover a period of about 48 years since independence (1957).

1. Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, the rest are controlled by Malays

2. 99% of Petronas directors are malays

3. 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese

4. 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by malays

5. 100% all contractors working under Petronas projects must be bumis status

6. 0% of non-malays staffs is legally required in malay companies. But there must be 30% malays staffs in Chinese companies.

7. 5% of all new intake for government police, nurses, army, is non-malays.

8. 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malaysian Air Force RMAF), drop from 40% in 1960

9. 2% is the percentage of non-malays government servants in Putrajaya. But malays make up 98%

10. 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the whole government (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960

11. 95% of government contracts are given to malays

12. 100% all business licensees are controlled by malay government e.g. Taxi permits, Approved permits, etc.

13. 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers

14. 100 big companies set up, owned and managed by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by malays since 1970s e.g. UTC, UMBC, MISC, etc

15. At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia, throughout 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other malay transport companies due to rejection by malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses

16. 2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in October 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given

17. 0 non-malays are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (November 2004)

18. 8000 billions ringgit is the total amount the government channeled to malays pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA, privatisation of government agencies , Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over 34 years period

19. 48 Chinese primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000

20. 144 Indian primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000

21. 2637 malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000

22. 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary schools. Indian schools got only 1%, malay schools got 96.5%

23. While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text-book-loan, a malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible

24. 10 all public universities vice chancellors are malays

25. 5% - the government universities lecturers of non-malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004

26. Only 5% is given to non-malays for government scholarships over 40 years

27. 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea under "Look East Policy"

28. 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired i.e. Medicine (in 2004)

29. 10% place for non-bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% malays

30. 50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians, are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003

31. 25% is Malaysian Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957

32. 7% is the present Malaysian Indians population (2004), a drop from 12% in 1957

33. 2 millions Chinese Malaysians had emigrated to overseas since 40 years ago

34. 0.5 million Indians Malaysians had emigrated to overseas

35. 3 millions Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became Malaysian citizens with bumis status.

36. 600000 are the Chinese and Indians Malaysians with red IC and were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenships compare with the Chinese and Indians

37. 5% - 15% discount for a malay to buy a house, regardless whether the malay is rich or poor

38. 2% is what Chinese new villages get compare with 98% of what malays villages got for rural development budget

39. 50 road names (at least) had been change from Chinese names to other names

40. 1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort) when it was being officially used for a few days. Government try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in a round year 2000 or sort

41. 0 temples/churches were built for each housing estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built

42. 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing estates throughout Malaysia since 1970. No temples, no churches are required to be built in housing estates

43. 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. But told by malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004

44. 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002)

45. 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, TV3) are directors of non-malays origin

46. 30 government produced TV dramas and films always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face, and the good guys had malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency becomes less

47. 10 times, at least, malays (especially Umno) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969

48. 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from the government to develop. Or these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed

49. 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had been racistly re-delineated so Chinese voters were diluted that Chinese candidates, particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s

50. Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified by Malaysia government since 1960

51. 0 elimination of, all forms of racial discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malaysia government since 1960s

52. 20 reported cases whereby malay ambulance attendance treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and malay government hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200

53. 50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise there will be no record

54. 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down malays were seriously assaulted or killed by malays

55. 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks fixed deposit is only about 3.5% per annum

Friday, April 21, 2006













Thursday, April 20, 2006

Memorandum Kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Negeri Maju Oleh DAP Selangor Berkenaan Dengan Pencemaran Air Sungai Di Selangor

20 APRIL 2006

Y.A.B. Dato' Seri Dr Mohd Khir bin Toyo
Pejabat Menteri Besar Selangor
Tingkat 21,
Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,
40503 Shah Alam
Tel: 03-55141119/55447013 Fax: 55190032 SERAHAN TANGAN

Y.A.B. Dato’ Seri,

Memorandum Kepada Kerajaan Negeri Selangor
Negeri Maju Oleh DAP Selangor Berkenaan Dengan Pencemaran Air Sungai Di Selangor


Pengguna-pengguna air di Lembah Klang dan Selangor sekali lagi dikejutkan dengan kejadian pencemaran air beberapa hari yang lepas berikutan peningkatan mendadak kandungan amonia dalam Sungai Semenyih.

Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas) telah bertindak menutup loji rawatan air di Semenyih jam 8.30 pagi kelmarin apabila kandungan amonia mencapai paras berbahaya 4.8 mg seliter, sedangkan paras selamat tidak boleh melebihi 1.5 mg seliter. Walaupun Syabas berjaya menutup loji air di Sungai Kembong, tetapi gangguan bekalan air juga telah menjejaskan kehidupan orang ramai.

Pencemaran amonia itu berlaku akibat limpahan air kumbahan ke Sungai Kembong yang terletak berhampiran dengan satu tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal kepunyaan Majlis Perbandaran Kajang (MPKj) ketika hujan lebat kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi pada 16 April 2006 selepas benteng yang menakungnya pecah akibat hujan lebat.

Perkara ini bukan kali pertama berlaku di Selangor. Pada 26 Februari lalu, tiga loji di Sungai Selangor dicemari amonia akibat resapan air kotor dari pusat pelupusan sampah Bukit Tagar. Kawasan-kawasan yang mana bekalan air terjejas ialah Kuala Lumpur, Gombak, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Selangor, Ulu Selangor, Klang, Shah Alam dan Kuala Langat. Kandungan amonia dikatakan melebihi paras selamat sebanyak enam kali ganda.

Kejadian-kejadian pencemaran air sungai yang kerap berlaku ini telah membimbangkan orang ramai sama ada air minuman mereka selamat diminum atau tidak.

Pendirian DAP Selangor

DAP Selangor berasa besar hati apabila YAB Menteri Besar telah mengarahkan supaya tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal kepunyaan MPKj itu ditutup.

Biarpun begitu, kami amat prihatin dengan pencemaran air sungai yang semakin berlaku kerana ini tidak jelas sejajar dengan status negeri maju negeri Selangor. Kejadian pencemaran yang pertama pada Februari bukan sahaja telah menjejaskan kehidupan harian pengguna-pengguna air di Selangor, khususnya penjaja-penjaja dan kilang-kilang industri yang terpaksa bergantung kepada bekalan air Syabas untuk beroperasi, malahan air minuman yang tidak bersih ini akan menjejaskan kesihatan pengguna-pengguna air di Selangor.

Lebih-lebih lagi, kejadian pencemaran air yang pertama berlaku pada bulan Februari sepatutnya menjadi satu amaran yang baik kepada Kerajaan Negeri untuk memperbaiki sistem pemantauan dan kawalan pencemaran sungai yang setiap ada supaya perkara ini tidak akan berulang. Malangnya, langkah berjaga-jaga sebegini yang begitu asas tidak diberi perhatian serious oleh Kerajaan Negeri.

Laporan akhbar juga menyatakan bahawa tapak pelupusan sisa pepejal yang terletak berhampiran dengan Sungai Kembung yang menyebabkan pencemaran air sungai ini. Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Datuk Ch’ng Toh Eng yang memegang portfolio Multimedia, Alam Sekitar dan Pembangunan Kampung Baru telah mengatakan bahawa tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal di Selangor biasanya dibina bersebelahan dengan sungai oleh Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) demi menjimatkan kos pengangkutan kerana PBT biasanya tidak ingin membina tapak perlupusan sampah di kawasan pedalaman yang berbukit-bukau.

Datuk Ch’ng Toh Eng juga menyatakan bahawa kebanyakan tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal di Selangor didirikan bersebelahan dengan sungai-sungai utama di Selangor. Antaranya termasuk tapak perlupusan sampah di Bukit Beruntung dan Batang Berjuntai.

DAP Selangor tidak boleh menerima alasan penjimatan kos ini kerana pembinaan tapak perlupusan sampah berhampiran dengan sungai-sungai utama akan mudah mencemari bekalan air minuman rakyat Selangor. Tiada apa lagi yang lebih penting daripada kesihatan rakyat Selangor. Kesihatan rakyat dan keselamatan air minuman Selangor tidak harus dikompromi dengan alasan ingin menjimat kos pengangkutan.

Kami berpendapat bahawa pihak berkuasa tempatan di negeri Selangor perlu prihatin terhadap keselamatan air minuman dan kesihatan rakyat negeri Selangor.

Pakar-pakar perubatan telah menyatakan bahawa air minuman yang mempunyai kandungan amonia melebih paras keselamatan jika diminum dalam jangka masa yang panjang akan memudaratkan organ-organ badan dan menyebabkan cirit-birit.

Kami juga berasa kesal kerana kekurangan pemantauan dan langkah-langkah berjaga-jaga di tapak-tapak perlupusan sampah ini sehingga air kumpahan mudah mengalir masuk ke sungai-sungai utama. Walaupun Kerajaan Negeri, khususnya kerajaan tempatan yang terletak di bawah bidang kuasa Kerajaan Negeri perlu memikul tanggungjawab yang besar dalam kedua-dua kes pencemaran air ini, kami juga berasa kesal dengan hujah bahawa pembinaan beberapa tapak perlupusan sampah di Selangor, contohnya tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal Bukit Tagar diluluskan oleh Kerajaan Pusat tanpa mendapat kelulusan daripada Kerajaan Selangor.

Persoalannya ialah bagaimana Kerajaan Selangor dapat membiarkan projek pembinaan tapak perlupusan sampah ini diteruskan oleh Kerajaan Pusat apabila Kerajaan Selangor belum lagi meluluskan projek ini?

Lebih-lebih lagi, tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal ini dibina tanpa dilengkapi kemudahan-kemudahan rawatan air sisa dan air kumbahan. Ini merupakan satu masalah yang sangat serious. Bagaimana sesuatu tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal boleh dibenarkan dan laporan EIAnya boleh diluluskan apabila tapak perlupusan sampah itu tidak dilengkapi dengan kemudahan-kemudahan rawatan air kumbahan, sedangkan kemudahan ini merupakan satu kemudahan yang paling asas dalam mana-mana tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal.

Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid telah menyatakan bahawa Jawatankuasa Kabinet berkenaan dengan Pencemaran Alam Sekitar yang dipengerusi oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak akan bersidang pada 28 April bagi membincangkan sebaga isu dan dasar yang berkaitan dengan pembuangan sampah pepejal di Lembah Klang.

DAP Selangor berasa kecewa kerana mesyuarat ini sepatutnya melibatkan wakil daripada Kerajaan Selangor kerana yang turut terjejas ialah rakyat negeri Selangor. Bagaimana pula Kerajaan Selangor dapat membiarkan Jawatankuasa Kabinet bermesyuarat dan membuat keputusan sedangkan Kerajaan Selangor tidak dijemput untuk turut hadir bersama dan berkongsi pendapat.


DAP Selangor dengan itu ingin mencadangkan yang berikut sebagai langkah-langkah untuk menyelesaikan masalah pencemaran air sungai oleh tapak perlupusan sampah:

1. Mengarahkan semua PBT di negeri Selangor untuk berhenti membina tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal yang berhampiran dengan sungai pada masa depan.

2. Menghukum mereka yang mencemari air sungai, termasuk mendakwa mana-mana pegawai PBT yang lalai dan syarikat-syarikat swasta yang mengurus mana-mana tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal yang pernah mencemari air sungai.

3. Memulakan proses perundangan untuk memulihkan pilihanraya kerajaan tempatan. Kejadian ini berlaku kerana sikap tidak prihatin ahli-ahli majlis dan YDP majlis. Ianya boleh dielakkan sekiranya terdapat pemantauan dan penyemakan daripada ahli-ahli majlis yang dipilih oleh rakyat.

4. Mendesak Kerajaan Pusat dan Jawatankuasa Kabinet berkenaan Dengan Pencemaran Alam Sekitar untuk mengadakan satu Extended Meeting dengan menjemput wakil daripada Kerajaan Selangor untuk membincangkan isu ini. Sebarang keputusan Jawatankuasa Kabinet dan Kabinet berkenaan dengan pengurusan sisa dan pencemaran air sungai perlu ditangguhkan sehingga ianya dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua Kerajaan Pusat dan Negeri.

5. Memastikan semua tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal di Selangor dilengkapi dengan sistem rawatan air kumbahan dan mengarahkan semua Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan untuk melengkapi mana-mana tapak perlupusan sisa pepejal yang tiada sistem rawatan air kumbahan dengan sistem berkenaan.

6. Membentangkan satu Kertas Putih ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor untuk menjelaskan kedua-kedua kes pencemaran air ini dengan sejelas yang mungkin dan menyatakan langkah-langkah yang telah dan akan diambil untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.

DAP Selangor.












Monday, April 17, 2006




一、 国有在2004年赚355亿令吉,但是这笔钱却不知道用去哪里?
二、 政府调涨30仙油价所节省的44亿令吉汽油津贴有可能被滥用,而不是用来推动发展或提升公共交通系统。
三、 国阵政府根本阻止不了国内汽油走私到邻国,也没有兑付滥用渔民每公升一令吉柴油津贴的人士,导致我国去年蒙受亏损16亿令吉。
四、 国阵政府误导人民,指我国油价价格仍然是本区域最低的,而事实上却是所有石油输出国中最高的。
五、 国阵政府未制定替代能源政策。
六、 自1997年5月以来,国有提供高达140亿令吉的折扣优惠,给国内最富有家族所拥有的独立发电厂。
七、 1974年,国油一共赚取5千令吉,可是身为石油输出国的马来西亚却没有让人民分到一分钱。
八、 内阁部长与政府高官没有使用公共交通,未曾以身作则,反而要人民改变生活习惯。






Work done in SS4A Petaling Jaya finally after several follow-ups with MPPJ

In reply to my earlier correspondence to MPPJ regarding to the application of SS4A residents to MPPJ, urging the authority to set-up Polyurethane road dividers to prevents vehicles from cutting into Jalan SS4A/4 from Jalan SS2/3, Assistant Director of the Department of Corporate and Public Relation, Pn Azizah binti Kosni has emailed me on 30th March 2006 that MPPJ had extended the existing dividing island to prevent cars from entering from Jalan SS4A/1 (which is painted with double-line).

It was not done only after several correspondence and emails with MPPJ, with the last one being an email sent to the President of MPPJ and copied to Puan Sharipah Marhaini bt Syed Ali (Director of the Department of Planning Development of MPPJ) and Encik Abdul Shukor bin. Mohamed Noor (Director of the Department of Maintenance Development of MPPJ) on 27th February 2006 when the case was first brought up to my attention at the end of 2005.

I was then informed by the residents that MPPJ had finally decided to carry out the job mid March 2006. On 30th March 2006, in her official reply representing MPPJ, Pn Azizah binti Kosni emailed me that the work requested is completed. I expressed my immediate gratitude in my reply to Azizah for the works done.

Though the works are finally done by MPPJ, it is regrettable that there are still some motorists who resist to follow the rules and still cut through the double line. I wish all motorists could strictly follow the rules without endangering the safety of other motorists.


针对八打灵再也SS4A区居民(投诉从Jalan SS4A/1方向驶来的车辆为了要驶入SS4A从Jalan SS4A/1切进来Jalan SS4A/4)要求市议会装置塑胶路堤,八打灵再也市议会公共关系局助理主任Pn Azizah binti Kosni在2006年3月30日寄送一封电邮给我,表示市议会已经提升现有的洋灰路堤。


在2006年3月中旬,居民向我透露,即市议会已经进行该工作。在2006年3月30日,八打灵再也市议会公共关系局助理主任Pn Azizah binti Kosni正式通过电邮,来函告知我市议会已经完成有关工作。我也在我的回应中向Pn Azizah binti Kosni致以万二分的谢意。

虽然市议会已经加长原有的洋灰路堤,大大减少从从Jalan SS4A/1切进Jalan SS4A/4的车辆,但是仍然还有一小撮不负责任的驾车人士趁对面方向没有汽车时偷偷切进来。如此危险的驾驶态度已危害其他驾车人士的安全。我们呼吁所有驾车人士严守交通规则。

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


















Monday, April 10, 2006

MPPJ should issue an immediate open explanation to Petaling Jaya taxpayers with regards to PJX project

MPPJ conducted a briefing concerning the MPPJ’s proposal to change parts of Petaling Jaya Local Draft Plan (RTPJ1) on 31st March 2006

One of the controversial issue which also caught the attention of the Selangor Mentri Besar was the controversial PJ Exchange (PJX) building project by SBC Corporation, located in Lot 11, Section 52, Mukim Bandar Petaling (car park near the Taman Jaya LRT), in which the status of the car park will be changed to commercial function.

The briefing was organized as part of the requirements of Section 12A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976, whereby consultation with residents is required before any changes could be carried out.

Though, with regards to PJX project, it was launched by Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Khir Toyo recently, with banners on PJ roads bearing both the state government’s and the council’s crest. Serious question must be asked on how the council could approve and advertise a project before it was tabled for discussion with residents.

MPPJ Town Planning Department Director Sharipah Marhani Syed Ali and MPPJ President Datuk Ahmad Termizi Puteh were not able to provide satisfactory answera. Sharipah was quoted as saying that “this is a session for us to discuss, debate and negotiate, and I am ever willing to see all of you in another more interactive session in smaller groups to explain these changes further” in her conclusion and that “we will then prepare a report that will take into consideration all the changes from the feedback that we receive.”

In lieu of the seriousness and urgency of the matter, I urge Sharipah and Termizi to immediately come out with an immediate open explanation to clear the doubts and to preserve the integrity of MPPJ.



其中一项过后引起雪州州务大臣主席争议性的事项就是由SBC集团发展的八打灵再也交易中心(PJ Exchange,或简称为PJX计划)。这项发展计划是要把靠近Taman Jaya轻快铁地铁站的停车场,即位于八打灵县第52区Lot 11的一片土地,转成商业地。





Saturday, April 08, 2006

44 local councils nationwide shall declare their definitions and benchmarks for “indecent acts”

44 local councils nationwide shall declare their definitions and benchmarks for “indecent acts”, and suspend the enforcement of any by-laws to curb “indecent acts” prior to clarifications and acceptance of such definitions and benchmarks pertaining to “indecent acts”, as Malaysians from various walks of life, ethnic, cultural, lingual, territory and religious backgrounds have different understandings, definitions and benchmarks for “indecent act” by members-of-public.

The landmark decision of the Federal Court that kissing and hugging in a public park can be charged with indecent behaviour under Section 8(1) of the Parks (Federal Territory of Putrajaya) By-Laws, 2002 as the said By-law does not infringe Article 5(1) of the Federal Constitution guaranteeing freedom of life has prompted several local councils to declare that they will step up their enforcement on “indecencies” in public parks. According to a Sin Chew Daily report dated 9th April 2006, Alor Setar Municipal Councils claimed that anyone who behaves indecently in public parks will be fined no more than RM300, under By-law Local Government (Parks) 1983.

It is also reported that such by-law also exists in Ipoh. Unfortunately, there are no further explanations, clarifications, definitions or benchmarks related to “indecent acts” or “kelakuan tidak bersopan”.

Perak State Exco (Local Governments Affairs) YB Dato’ Chang Ko Youn said that it depends on how the court interprets “indecent acts”, whereas Kedah State Exco (Transportations, Industry, Trades, Consumers Affairs and Chinese Community Affairs) YB Dato’ Chong Itt Chew mentioned that according to Islamic techings, hugging, kissing and other intimate touching are indecent acts and such acts are prohibited by Islamic teachings.

At the moment, all local councils are empowered to enact and enforce their own by-laws and there are numerous local council which have enacted that “indecent acts” are prohibited in public parks, including DBKL, local councils in Pahang, Kedah, Penang, Negri Sembilan etc.

Another argument which is of equal importance is whether local councils can act as moral police to clamp down “indecent acts”?

Selangor Mentri Besar Dato’ Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo had once claimed that other than Selangor Islamic Affairs Department, local councils in Selangor are not empowered to enact and enforce by-laws pertaining to “indecent acts”. Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Federal Territory, Yew Teong Look echoed that his Ministry is concerned with the decision of DBKL to enact such by-law to prohibit “indecent acts” in public parks.

He said that he has discussed this matter with the Minister Dato' Haji Zulhasnan Bin Rafique and will further discuss this matter “in a day or two”.

In lieu of the situation whereby much confusion caused among members-of-public, all local councils shall immediately announce their definitions and benchmarks on “indecent acts” and suspend the enforcement of any by-laws to curb “indecent acts” prior to clarifications and acceptance of such definitions and benchmarks pertaining to “indecent acts” by members-of-public.




4月9日的《星洲日报》报道指出,怡保市政厅及亚罗士打市政厅都有这样的规定,惟没有对“行为不检”(kelakuan tidak bersopan)作进一步说明或举例。

霹雳州掌管地方政府的行政议员拿督郑可扬说,这主要得看法庭如何去诠释“行为不检”;吉打州行政议员拿督张日洲则说, “行为不检”是根据回教教义,两个人在公共场所,不可以拥抱接吻及有肢体上的接触。






Friday, April 07, 2006

The Ministry of Housing and Local Government and DBKL should come out with a full and proper explanation as to why Kampung Bohol is chosen as the prop

Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Dr S. Subramaniam said in the Parliament on 4th April, Monday that the Ministry of Housing and Local Government only serves as a technical consultant whereby the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) will be managing the South Kuala Lumpur Transfer Station, which will be collecting solid waste from households in Southern Kuala Lumpur before sending to Bukit Tagar Landfill or Broga incinerators for thermal treatment.

Dr S. Subramanian also said that his ministry will convey the grouses, complaints and opinions of the affected people in that area to DBKL.

It is disappointing that the Ministry was unable to deliver a full and proper explanation pertaining to the construction of the transfer station which is believed to have an adverse impact on people’s livelihood in that area.

Being the manager of the transfer station, the failure of DBKL to provide a public explanation is equally disappointing especially when the issue has been several times highlighted by the press and that the people are eagerly waiting for an answer from DBKL?

Far from being a convincing answer, Subramaniam’s explanation that his Ministry is only serving as a Technical consultant is widely regarded as mere rhetoric without addressing the following issues:
• The EIA report has mentioned that the area is one of the largest residential area in Kuala Lumpur with 79,323 houses in this area in 2000. It is questionable that the area is still regarded as “suitable” for a solid waste transfer station.
• The Selangor state government has claimed that they are not informed of any proposal to build any solid waste transfer station nearby the boundary of Kuala Lumpur – Selangor.

These are among some of the arguments included in a official objection to the EIA report submitted to the Department of Environment on 24th February 2006 filed by DAP Selangor, in which DAP Selangor has yet been informed any decision on the EIA report to date.

Therefore, the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and DBKL should come out with a full and proper explanation as to why Kampung Bohol is chosen as the proposed site for South Kuala Lumpur Transfer Station (SKLTS) when that area is a densely populated area.





• 该计划地环境评估报告书表示该计划位处吉隆坡最大的住宅区之一。吉隆坡士不爹-甘榜波何一带在2000年已有79,323间屋子。在人口如此稠密的地区兴建一座垃圾集运中心是否恰当呢?
• 雪州政府表示他们由始至终并不知道当局要在雪兰莪-吉隆坡边界兴建一座垃圾集运中心。



Saturday, April 01, 2006








Position Paper on National Energy Policy

Increasing petrol prices for the past few years together with the recent 30 sen hike on all petroleum products have served as a wake-up call for all Malaysians.

Although the oil price hike is totally inevitable in lieu of the increasing crude oil price, the government must also at the same time gives serious thought to overcome this entanglement by providing multiple alternatives to the people to avoid being further burdened by increasing oil prices. Similar emphasis shall also be placed on energy efficiency of our industries.

Energy efficiency has been the top agenda of industries nowadays when industrial players are struggling to keep a lower operational cost without sacrificing the quality of their outputs or products. One of the methods to achieve this will be to improve energy efficiency.

In order to achieve this, industrial players are at this moment more than willing to slowly phase out conventional fossil fuel (i.e. diesel, fuel oil etc which are less efficient and eventually be more expensive) and replace it with other energy resources like natural gas.

Although the government calls for “a change of lifestyle”, it must be reminded that unless a comprehensive, sustainable, user-friendly, integrated and affordable public transportation system is in place, there will be very little the general public can do to change their lifestyle. Malaysian vehicles generally still depend on fossil fuel. It will be even more difficult for general public to totally cut off from the pressure of increasing oil price hike as living costs are all directly and indirectly relied on petrol and diesel when alternatives fuels like biodiesel / biofuel are yet marketable in Malaysia.

Therefore, Malaysia requires a comprehensive energy policy to provide strategies and solutions to transform Malaysia into a fuel-efficient and environmental-friendly nation, and also to stay sustainable in terms of energy management and consumption, as well as to ensure a secure energy supply for our next generations.

It must be reminded that the policy must also simultaneously coincide well with other policies, i.e. National Automobile Policy, National Public Transportation Policy as well as National IT Policy.

There are a few pressing reasons why we should look into this issue deeply. These reasons are as followed:

1. Economical reason: a comprehensive planning on how we shall manage our energy resources can protect Malaysia from being continuously affected by soaring oil price.

2. National security reason: future war-fares among countries will not longer be launched based on lands and territories, but on resources and water, which form the most important elements for the survival of human beings.

3. Environmental reason: there is no doubt that the combustion of fossil fuel produces green house gases which cause global warming. Under Kyoto Protocol, industrialized countries shall reduce their emission of green house gases by an average of 5.2 per cent during the first implementation period between 2008 and 2012. Industrialized countries that contribute 55 per cent of the emissions are required to ratify the protocol before it is brought into force.

From here, we shall ask ourselves the following questions:
1. Do we have a long-term solution to ensure that we do not lose out economically especially when Malaysia will become a net oil importer in 2010? If we have, then what are the solutions?

2. Can Malaysians be guaranteed of an undisrupted, stable and undisturbed supply of oil for the next 15 years at least, before Malaysia become a developed nation?

3. By taking into consideration the current consumption rate of fossil fuel, is the government determined to preserve a clean urban environment by cutting down urban fossil fuel consumption, although Malaysia is not a developed nation at the moment?

Current situation
In order to answer these questions, the bigger question lying behind is: Are we a petrol-depending country and how do we measure whether we are a petrol-depending country?

Oil Intensity Index, an often overlooked indicator, measures the quantity of oil required to produce US$ 1 billion of GDP (in this case using 1996 US Dollars). The index assesses each country’s intensity relative to the world average, which is equal to one.

Malaysia was ranked 26th in 2004 with an index score of 1.69 (see attachment), which is above world average index of 1.00. Most developed countries known with comprehensive and sustainable public transportation system and higher efficiency of energy usage ranked lower than world average. All ASEAN countries except Philippine ranked higher than Malaysia in 2004.

Biofuel as an alternative
Much has been mentioned about biofuel but what exactly is biofuel? Biofuel is a blended product of petrol and vegetable oil blended in various proportions. Biodiesel is a very good example of biofuel, in which diesel is blended with vegetable oil at certain percentage.

Biodiesel is a vegetable oil-based fuel that runs in diesel engines - cars, buses, trucks, construction equipment, boats, generators, and oil home heating units. It's usually made from soy or canola oil (which blended biodiesel is also named as First Generation Biodiesel), and can also be made from recycled fryer oil (Second Generation Biodiesel). In Malaysia, the major vegetable oil used is palm-oil.

Other than palm oil, alcohol can also be blended with gasoline. The product of this blended fuel is “Gasohol”. Gasohol is already marketable in Thailand and is widely accepted in Brazil after the 1970s Arab oil embargo.

In order to cut down our reliance on conventional fossil fuels, this will not be achieved if a sustainable, comprehensive, affordable, user-friendly and integrated public transportation system and a variety of fuel alternatives to be selected are not in place. This should form a two-prong strategy for the government to adopt in formulating a policy on this matter.

This paper intends to focus on the second strategy with priority given to biofuels. Other resources such as natural gas will be separated from this discussion.

Increasing dmands for Biofuel in oversea’s market
In UK, the UK government's Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation demands that 5% of all motorcar fuel must come from renewable sources by 2010, bioethanol will be used to fuel a growing number of cars on British roads. Ordinary cars can run on blends of 5% ethanol and 95% petrol, and this is quickly and silently emerging as a standard fuel at Britain's service stations.

But some of the ethanol will be mixed with just 15% petrol to produce a fuel dubbed E85 (since it contains 85% ethanol), which can be used by special biofuel-enabled cars, like the Ford Focus flex-fuel or the Saab Biopower.

Furthermore, signatories of Kyotol Protocol are also bounded to reduce green-air gas by 2012. Coincidently, biofuel can help to reduce pollution by reducing emission of green-air gas.

Looking at the prospect of biodiesel in the European market, there shall be no reason for Malaysia, being the largest palm oil exporter in the world, to be left behind in marketing biodiesel to the European market.

In 2005, Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) had already announced that it will invest RM 60 million to construct three Biodiesel refineries. These refineries will be built in Port Klang, Selangor, Pasir Gudang, Johore and another one will be built in Labu, Negri Sembilan. MPOB will be holding 50% equity in each refinery. Port Klang refinery is expected to be the first operational refinery.

With these three refineries operational, Malaysia is expected to be major biodiesel producer by 2007. Although this is impossible without the amendment of Petroleum Development Act before biodiesel can be marketable.

What are the benefits?
1) National security – Biodiesel can be produced domestically and this reduces our dependence on imported oil especially when Malaysia expects to be a net oil-importer by 2010.

2) National economy. Using Biodiesel keeps our fuel buying ringgits at home instead of sending it to foreign countries. This reduces our trade deficit and creates jobs.

3) Biodiesel is more sustainable and less toxic compared to fossil fuel. European Commission Biomass Action Plan describes Biodiesel as "the only direct substitute for oil in transport", and as such it is "one of the only two measures that have a reasonable chance of [reducing greenhouse gas emission] on a significant scale in the near future" - the other being reduced emissions from petroleum-powered engines.

4) Controlled emissions. Biodiesel contributes fewer emissions to global warming compared to fossil fuel as it contains vegetable oil. Biodiesel reduces emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) by approximately 50% and carbon dioxide by 78.45% on a net lifecycle basis because the carbon is biodiesel emissions is recycled from carbon that was already in the atmosphere, rather than being new carbon from petroleum that was sequestered in the earth’s crust. A reduction of 65% of particles is also expected and aromatic hydrocarbons which are carcinogen are can be reduced up to 71%. Biodiesel can produce more NOx (nitrogen oxides) emissions but this can be overcome by using catalytic conversion.

5) Engine life. Biodiesel reduces engine wear by as much as one half, primarily because it provides excellent lubricity. Biodiesel also provides smooth engine running with less pollution.

Arguments on Biodiesel
The government should not solely depend on biodiesel to handle energy crisis potentially faced by this country. Biodiesel should not be regarded as an easy way to deal with the soaring petroleum price while reducing the problem of greenhouse gas emissions as it allows people to continue driving petrol-guzzling vehicles, allowing us to continue living unsustainably. Thus, the government must be proactive in finding more alternatives to meet the fuel demands of the people.

Emphasis shall not be placed on biodiesel and its accompanied huge potential profit, but shall be placed on how to diversify the people’s reliance on fossil fuel. Thus other readily available energy resources such as natural gas shall be given equal importance and priority by the government. In short, biodiesel should not be regarded as an “answer-all” solution. Some arguments surrounding the future of biodiesel must be vastly addressed:

1. High demand on palm oil may cause cooking oil shortage – due to its higher profitability and huge market in Europe, palm oil producer will tend to supply more to produce biodiesel, causing less supply to domestic cooking oil industry, indirectly posing pressure to the government to increase the ceiling price of domestic cooking oil.

While we are not sure whether the government is willing to increase the ceiling price of cooking oil due to its possible shortage of supply, the government must realize that the production of biodiesel should never in any situation upset the supply of crude palm oil to the cooking oil industry and the price of cooking oil shall be maintained at an affordable level. The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumers Affairs shall come out with an official stand on what are the steps the government will engage as to stabilise the price of cooking oil.

2. Far from being environmentally friendly, climate change experts claim that biodiesel in fact poses a threat as more forest reserve will be cleared for oil-palm plantation, causing devastation of green-lungs instead of improving air quality. Palm oil has been blamed for destroying vast swathes of jungle, pushing endangered animals such as the orangutan to extinction, and creating Southeast Asia's annual haze crisis as plantations are burned off.

For example, most biofuels in the UK are provided by imports, some of which comes from producers whose green credentials are questionable.

The “large market” in Europe is mainly caused by the slow acceptance of biodiesel in the region while regulations had been passed to increase the usage of biodiesel at a certain timeframe. Furthermore, the EU has conceded that it will miss its target of getting 5.75% of transport running on such fuels by 2010. UK is doing particularly badly, with just 0.3% of cars using the fuel. The most advanced country is Austria with 2.5% of the target that they have reached in 2005, but there are other countries that have done very poorly - for instance the UK or Finland.

Looking from this angle, there will be a great market for biofuel in the European market and it is important for the government to fix a proper accreditation scheme to ensure that it will not contribute to pressure on land use, guaranteeing that biofuel crops are not damaging sensitive environments.

3. The government has to depend on plantation companies to produce a fix amount annually to maintain a stable palm oil supply to produce enough biodiesel for both domestic consumption and export purpose. The government has requested plantation owners to commit 5% of their annual production to be utilized for the national biodiesel venture. Indirectly this could cause uncertainties in biodiesel supply and its price, unless the government is prepared to fix the price of biodiesel and provide subsidies.

4. Biodiesel only benefits diesel vehicles, which is not the type of vehicle that most Malaysians are travelling with. In addition to that, Malaysia’s poor diesel quality (of having a sulphur content of about 0.05%, which is at least 10 times higher than high quality diesel suitable for modern diesel engine in Europe) is deterring automobile importers from marketing diesel-driven vehicles in Malaysia automobile market, thus reducing Malaysians’ opportunity to consume cheaper diesel for their drivings.

Therefore, the government shall review its policy of importing high sulphur crude oil from Arabic nations and exporting our low sulphur refined petroleum in order to provide more alternatives to the people in terms of allowing them to use higher quality diesel.

Will the government subsidize biodiesel? How will the government encourage biodiesel?
Despite that biodiesel (B5) will be a direct viable substitute for gasoline, but a big question yet to be answered is its ceiling price.

Although various parties claim that biodiesel will be sold at a lower price than conventional diesel fuel, the government shall also reveal the pricing mechanism for biodiesel and if possible, the government shall be transparent of whether it is prepared to revamp the current pricing mechanism for fossil fuel, especially of whether the government is prepared to subsidize biodiesel when this is a common practice in a lot of countries.

For example, the Thai government taxes heavily on the bulk fuel to subsidize biodiesel in Thailand. This is why biodiesel in Thailand is sold much cheaper in order to promote its usage among the Thais. Government initial decision to place the price of biodiesel at RM1.58 per litre, which is the same as diesel price in Malaysia is not going to help to promote the use of the fuel among motorists. Various incentives must be provided to bring down the ceiling price of the fuel and this shall be done as earlier as possible as to stabilise confidence of industry players and consumers.

Sweden's state-backed bioethanol programme, meanwhile, ensures that there is no duty on the fuel. E85 (85% vegetable oil blended with 15% diesel) -enabled cars are offered free parking in Gothenburg, Stockholm and other municipalities. Biofuel cars are also 20% cheaper to insure and are exempted from the Stockholm congestion charge, while both personal and fleet users pay less tax.

The government shall adopt similar strategy to impose a higher taxation on petrol-guzzling SUVs and to encourage people to use biodiesel or natural gas for their vehicles through various incentives.

Private effort is equally important
Thailand has been the leader, if not the pioneer in the region, in terms of the production and commercialization of biofuel, mainly because Thailand is not an oil producing country, which explains the continued sence of urgency for the government to develop alternative fuels when international crude oil price is soaring high.

Petroleum products available today in Bangkok include Premium Gasoline, Regular Gasoline, Gasohol 95 (a mixture of ethanol and gasoline, which is not marketable in Malaysian market), diesel and also biodiesel.

While Malaysia has yet marketed our biofuel, gasohols and biodiesels are already marketable in the Thai market, due to the cohesive cooperation between the private sector and Thai government. While in Malaysia, the government are still in talks with various plantation companies to commit a fixed amount of annual production for the national biodiesel venture as well as to urge all palm oil refining companies to adopt new technology in their palm oil refineries. This poses worries of whether Malaysia can be a leading biofuel producers in 2007 as envisaged by the government.

Plantation Enterprises and Commodities Minister Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui was quoted as saying in New Straits Times dated 2nd January 2006 that:

About 80 per cent of the 70 oil palm plantation companies in Malaysia are reluctant to invest in new technology touted by the Government as labour and cost-effective.

“The technology, called the "continuous sterilisation process", is a more efficient way of milling oil palm fruit. It cooks the fruit before crushing it in an integrated conveyor-belt process to extract crude palm oil (CPO), an important component of biodiesel.

“Companies were reluctant to adopt the new technology due to its RM15 million cost as they are comfortable with the present ways of processing palm oil, which involve many workers.

“Continuation of current practices will risk them of being left behind as Indonesian companies have adopted the method and are aggressively investing in new ways to increase production.

Thailand’s leading agri-business group, CP Group had recently announced its plan to sell products from its biodiesel project to PTT Plc, the state energy group.

PTT Plc has approached the private company for a marketing proposal. Besides PTT, foreign investors from the United States, Germany, France and Japan have shown interest in being partners of the projects. Thailand government encourages the private sector to setup an output of 300,000 litres per day, could be online next year. Thai government also aims for an output of 8.5 million litres of biodiesel produced per day in 2012, with the intention to make gasohol mandatory in 2008 and the use of biodiesel widely available as an alternative to pure diesel in 2012.

Looking from this angle, one willl be interested to know as to what extend Petronas had committed to provide aids to MPOB’s national biodiesel venture. There shall be a full reveal of how the government is going to engage more local and foreign companies with cutting edge technologies to boast and develop Malaysia’s biodiesel production. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s claim that Petronas has agreed “principally” to cooperate with MPOB to market biodiesel in selected petrol kiosks (Sin Chew Daily, 22nd March 2006) does not provide us the impression that Petronas is committed or is at least ready to spearheading the usage of biodiesel nationwide. Being a national oil company with vast experience in penetrating international oil market, Petronas should become an active player in this sector rather than being a passive by-passer. Petronas should directly and actively involved and engaged in the production, distribution and marketing of the fuel both in international market, just like what its counterpart is doing in Thailand.

Step up research efforts on 2nd Generation Biodiesel
2nd generation biodiesel means biodiesel produced from waste oils and waste cooking oils, or in another words, it is produced from recycled oil, instead of crops.

The major advantage of 2nd generation biodiesel is that the biodiesel industry can reduce its dependency on palm oil plantation to supply vegetable oil, thus saving the environment from being cleared for planting oil palms.

The technology to fully commercialise the fuel is still under study but Malaysia shall have no reason to be left behind if Malaysia is committed to become a major international biodiesel supplier.