Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Zam triviliased the police reports lodged by DAP members

Zainuddin Maidin is trivializing the matter when he accused the DAP of having hidden agenda when it lodged police reports against several Umno members for their fiery speeches at the recent party general assembly, when focus should be put on how to preserve national unity by preventing UMNO delegates from making such racist remarks in future publicly again.

Zainuddin Maidin was commenting on several police reports lodged by DAP members against racist remarks of some UMNO delegates and Datuk Badruddin Amilruddin’s May 13 threat to the non-Malay two years ago at the same platform.

To date, there are already five police reports lodged and the fifth one was lodged by Penang DAP in Penang last Saturday. Out of these five police reports, two were lodged by me. My first report was lodged against several UMNO delegates who made racist remarks during the just concluded UMNO general assemblies. The second report was lodged on last Friday against similar remarks made by UMNO MP for Jerai, Datuk Badruddin Amilruddin two years ago in the same occassion.

I cannot agree more with what Zainuddin Maidin when he said that DAP was motivated by self-interest when we lodged these police report.

I must stand up to make it very clear that it is the responsibility of every citizen to come out to preserve racial and social harmony in Malaysia especially it is severely under threat after fiery speeches by UMNO delegates and MP. To lodge a police report against them is merely a fundamental step that must be taken before others, especially UMNO members from continuing such insensitive action.

I cannot agree more with Zainuddin’s statement when he said that DAP asked the police to also investigate UMNO fiery speakers under Internal Security Act (ISA). I must make it clear that I have never asked the police to launch any investigation under ISA. I wonder how a professionally trained journalist like Zainuddin could make such a basic but colossal mistake when he did not read my police report before he commented on the issue.

What I mentioned in my two police reports are that the fiery speeches by UMNO delegates are seditious in nature as these speeches promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia, according to the definition of seditious tendency.

Section 3 and 4 were quoted in my first police report as I intend to assist the police in helping them to identify why I consider the statement as seditious, when this is the most precise legal document in the Land that provide the clearest definition of an act of sedition, including the definition of seditious tendency.

Even if I use content of the Act to point out to the police the seditious element of UMNO delegates’ fiery speeches, it does not necessarily mean that I ask the police to launch investigations under the the Act, or to ask the Attorney-General to charge those UMNO delegates under the Act.

In fact, when Zainuddin said that the DAP ‘agrees’ to ISA and Sedition Act, which is ‘in contradiction with the long standing position of the party to urge the government to abolish the Acts’, does he also agree that UMNO delegates’ fiery speeches are not only seditious in nature, but are also posing serious harm and damages on our social and racial harmony, especially when he claimed that the police reports DAP members lodged show that the act is necessary?

Of course, I also cannot agree more with Zainuddin when he said that DAP has hidden agenda as we are merely saying in our reports that the fiery speeches of UMNO delegates are seditious in nature not to charge them under the Act as it is the job of the police and the Public Prosecutor to raise the charge against UMNO delegates, if they found that there are valid and solid proofs to do so.

I must remind Zainuddin that DAP members had always been threatened numerously that we will be charged under Sedition Act whenever we stand up for public interest and justice, one of the very infamous example is that the defense of the 1957 Merdeka Constitution and “social contract” is regarded as an arrestable offence under the Sedition Act, where the DAP condemns the unilateral ‘929 Declaration’ by former PM, Tun Dr Mahathir that Malaysia is already an Islamic State, while Mahathir and other BN leaders and member enjoy legal immunity for the real “sedition” of openly challenging the 1957 Merdeka Constitution and “social contract” with his “929 declaration”!

Therefore, Zainuddin should be able to differentiate between the real seditious act (by UMNO delegates) and the victimization of DAP members under the Act whenever we stand up for public interest and should not merely equate our police reports with the victimization of DAP members and others under Sedition Act.













然而,当蕉赖区国会议员陈国伟提交一份减薪黄家定10令吉动议之后,马华和马青衮衮诸公基于护主的心态便在这数天发动一连串令人苦笑皆非的文告示众 。







一、 当查氏事件今年年初被揭发之后,为何黄家定身为房屋及地方政府部部长以及身为国家地方政府理事会副主席,但是却以他的地位、身份和影响力来要求政府严厉查办查卡利亚以及其他贪污滥权的巴生市议员?
二、 联邦宪法第95A(5)条文中阐明国家地方政府理事会的权限,即在征求联邦政府以及州政府的意见之后,规划全国各地地方政府的晋升、发展和管制的国家政策,以及任何有关法律的行政管理;联邦政府以及州政府必须以旬该理事会所规划的政策行事。黄家定是该理事会的副主席,他自然就有权利和责任去纠正任何有关地方政府的课题,更何况是查卡利亚事件从爆发到现在一直都是闹得满城风雨的全国课题。既然如此,为何黄家定不使用这个权力,为何黄家定一言不发?
三、 黄家定不能逃避的另外一个问题就是宋奇才的委任。查卡利亚事件发展的最后,宋奇才的工厂被人揭发没有呈交图测给巴生市议会。既然马华衮衮诸公口口声声说要‘清清白白做官’,但是为何宋奇才却能够顺顺利利当上市议员?众所周知,马华的县市议员是经过面试核准之后才呈交予州务大臣批准通过。有时候,黄家定本人亲自主持县市议员候选人面试。既然这样,黄家定根本难逃其责。


Friday, November 24, 2006

Lodge police report against UMNO MP for Jerai

Together with DAP Selangor State Committee Batumalai, PKR Selangor Youth Publicity Secretary Khairul, DAPSY Assistant National Organising Secretary Loh Chee Heng, DAP Seri Setia Branch Chairman T. Kannan, DAP Kota Branch Chairman Phillip Tan dan DAP International Secretary Ronnie Liu, I lodged a police report with IPD PJ against racist and seditious remarks from UMNO MP for Jerai and Deputy Speaker for UMNO General Assembly, Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin.

During his speech at the UMNO General Assembly two years ago, Badruddin waived a book on May 13 incident and spoke to warn the non-Muslims and non-Malays of not to offend the Malay by challenging the special rights of the Malay and the special position of Islam in this country. Although this took place two years ago, we strongly feel that the police must start investigation on him against his remarks which are racist and seditious in nature. We also wish that through this police report, the police and the Attorney-General can take action against those whose remarks are hurting the feelings of others and jeopardizing our national unity. Police’s investigation and AG’s legal action can stop others, especially those hot heads from UMNO from delivering such racist remarks in future.

Below is my police report:

Laporan Polis Terhadap Hujah-Hujah Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin, Ahli Parlimen UMNO Untuk Kawasan Jerai, Kedah.

Nama: Lau Weng San
No Kad Pengenalan: 78XXXX-XX-XXXX
Jantina: Lelaki
Alamat Kerja: No. 24, Jalan 20/9, Taman Paramount, 46300 Petaling Jaya.
Nombor Telefon Kerja: 03-79578022
Alamat Rumah: No. 67, Jalan 21/22, SEA Park, 46300 Petaling Jaya.
Nombor Telefon Rumah: 03-78751837.
Nombor Telefon Bimbit: 016-3231563.
Pekerjaan: Setiausaha Politik Kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP.
Jawatan: Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Selangor.

Saya dengan nama di atas, ingin membuat satu laporan polis untuk meminta pihak polis memulakan siasatan terhadap hujah-hujah berbau perkauman yang dilafazkan oleh Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin, Ahli Parlimen UMNO Untuk Kawasan Jerai, Kedah (yang turut memegang Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap UMNO sejak tahun 2004) semasa beliau membahaskan ucapan dasar Presiden UMNO pada 24hb September 2004.

Selepas saya membuat laporan polis untuk meminta pihak polis untuk memulakan siasatan terhadap hujah-hujah berbau perkauman yang dilafazkan oleh perwakilan-perwakilan UMNO, Pemuda UMNO dan Puteri UMNO semasa mereka berhimpun di Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Perdagangan Dunia Putra untuk menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-57 yang berlangsung daripada 13hb November hingga 17hb November 2006, saya mendapati di pejabat saya di Petaling Jaya melalui laman web arkib Harian Metro yang diterbitkan oleh News Straits Times Press Berhad bahawa Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin, Ahli Parlimen UMNO Untuk Kawasan Jerai, Kedah juga pernah melafazkan kenyataan yang lebih kurang sama pada tahun 2004 yang pada pendapat saya akan merosakkan keharmonian sosial dan perpaduan nasional serta bersifat hasut-menghasut.

Antara kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin semasa beucap adalah seperti berikut (laporan terperinci boleh dibaca daripada laporan akhbar Harian Metro di mana teksnya dimuat-turun daripada lam web arkib News Straits Times Press Berhad seperti yang dilampirkan selepas laporan ini):

‘"Jangan cuba hendak menjolok sarang tebuan, kerana seandai sarang tebuan ini dijolok maka tebuan ini akan menyengat dan sengatan ini akan berakhir di negara ini,

Sambil memberikan pesanan itu, beliau mengangkat sebuah buku 13 Mei supaya semua perwakilan mengambil ingatan, sekali gus menjadikan peristiwa terbabit sebagai pengajaran dan mengelakkan daripada berulang.

"Ingat buku ini...Jangan persoalkan suara azan kerana ini maruah agama ku dan agama tuan-tuan. Jangan persoalkan kedudukan Perdana Menteri kerana itu hak kami sebagai negara kami," kata Badruddin ketika membahaskan ucapan dasar Presiden semalam.’

Hujah-hujah Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin pada masa itu telah merosakkan keharmonian kaum, integrasi dan perpaduan nasional di mana hujah-hujah ini bersifat menghasut dan berkauman ini ditujukan untuk mengapi-apikan perasaan dan sentimen perkauman bagi mengukuhkan kepentingan politiknya.

Bahkan hujah-hujah Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin seperti ‘Jangan cuba hendak menjolok sarang tebuan, kerana seandai sarang tebuan ini dijolok maka tebuan ini akan menyengat dan sengatan ini akan berakhir di negara ini ’ dan tindakan beliau melayang-layangkan buku mengenai peristiwa Mei 13 juga telah menimbulkan perasaan takut, terancam, dimusuhi dan tidak selamat bagi warganegara bukan Muslim dan bukan Melayu.

Walaupun peristiwa ini telah berlaku kira-kira dua tahun yang lalu, tetapi impaknya amat besar kerana baru-baru ini semakin ramai ahli-ahli politik, khususnya mereka yang datang daripada UMNO yang mengeluarkan hujah-hujah yang bersifat menghasut ini.

Perbuatan sebegini perlu disekat dan mereka yang mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegini adalah tidak bertanggungjawab dan perlu diambil tindakan sebelum mereka mengorbankan keharmonian sosial negara ini untuk kepentingan politik mereka.

Berikut ialah teks laporan akhbar Harian Metro:

Publication : Harian Metro
Date : 25/09/2004
Page Number : 04
Headline : Usah pertikai hak Orang Melayu
Words : 256
Byline :
Text :

KUALA LUMPUR: "Jangan cuba hendak menjolok sarang tebuan, kerana seandai sarang tebuan ini dijolok maka tebuan ini akan menyengat dan sengatan ini akan berakhir di negara ini," pesan Ahli Parlimen Jerai, Datuk Badruddin
Amiruldin kepada pihak tertentu di negara ini.

Beliau yang terpilih bagi jawatan Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap UMNO pada pemilihan kelmarin, memberikan pesanan dengan lantang dan penuh bersemangat bagi mengingatkan pihak berkenaan supaya tidak mempertikaikan hak orang Melayu.

Menurutnya, negara sudah merdeka berpuluh tahun dan sejak itu kuasa pemerintahan berada di tangan orang Melayu.

"Kita sudah ada perjanjian dengan bangsa lain yang kita beralah memberi mereka menumpang negara ini, termaktub dalam perlembagaan hak kita sebagai bangsa Melayu.

"Jangan ada bangsa lain mempertikaikan hak bangsa Melayu di negara ku ini. Jangan pertikaikan agama Islam di negara ku ini kerana ini hak ku sebagai orang Melayu. Jangan persoalkan ketuanan negara kita ini," katanya.

Sambil memberikan pesanan itu, beliau mengangkat sebuah buku 13 Mei supaya semua perwakilan mengambil ingatan, sekali gus menjadikan peristiwa terbabit sebagai pengajaran dan mengelakkan daripada berulang.

"Ingat buku ini...Jangan persoalkan suara azan kerana ini maruah agama ku dan agama tuan-tuan. Jangan persoalkan kedudukan Perdana Menteri kerana itu hak kami sebagai negara kami," kata Badruddin ketika membahaskan ucapan dasar Presiden, semalam.

Beliau berharap pemimpin yang diamanahkan jangan sesekali menghina bangsa Melayu, kerana bangsa inilah yang meletak diri mereka masing-masing di atas kehendak Allah.

Sekian, laporan saya.

Lau Weng San





Laporan Polis Terhadap Hujah-Hujah Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin, Ahli Parlimen UMNO Untuk Kawasan Jerai, Kedah.

Nama: Lau Weng San
No Kad Pengenalan: 78XXXX-XX-XXXX
Jantina: Lelaki
Alamat Kerja: No. 24, Jalan 20/9, Taman Paramount, 46300 Petaling Jaya.
Nombor Telefon Kerja: 03-79578022
Alamat Rumah: No. 67, Jalan 21/22, SEA Park, 46300 Petaling Jaya.
Nombor Telefon Rumah: 03-78751837.
Nombor Telefon Bimbit: 016-3231563.
Pekerjaan: Setiausaha Politik Kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP.
Jawatan: Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Selangor.

Saya dengan nama di atas, ingin membuat satu laporan polis untuk meminta pihak polis memulakan siasatan terhadap hujah-hujah berbau perkauman yang dilafazkan oleh Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin, Ahli Parlimen UMNO Untuk Kawasan Jerai, Kedah (yang turut memegang Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap UMNO sejak tahun 2004) semasa beliau membahaskan ucapan dasar Presiden UMNO pada 24hb September 2004.

Selepas saya membuat laporan polis untuk meminta pihak polis untuk memulakan siasatan terhadap hujah-hujah berbau perkauman yang dilafazkan oleh perwakilan-perwakilan UMNO, Pemuda UMNO dan Puteri UMNO semasa mereka berhimpun di Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Perdagangan Dunia Putra untuk menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-57 yang berlangsung daripada 13hb November hingga 17hb November 2006, saya mendapati di pejabat saya di Petaling Jaya melalui laman web arkib Harian Metro yang diterbitkan oleh News Straits Times Press Berhad bahawa Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin, Ahli Parlimen UMNO Untuk Kawasan Jerai, Kedah juga pernah melafazkan kenyataan yang lebih kurang sama pada tahun 2004 yang pada pendapat saya akan merosakkan keharmonian sosial dan perpaduan nasional serta bersifat hasut-menghasut.

Antara kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin semasa beucap adalah seperti berikut (laporan terperinci boleh dibaca daripada laporan akhbar Harian Metro di mana teksnya dimuat-turun daripada lam web arkib News Straits Times Press Berhad seperti yang dilampirkan selepas laporan ini):

‘"Jangan cuba hendak menjolok sarang tebuan, kerana seandai sarang tebuan ini dijolok maka tebuan ini akan menyengat dan sengatan ini akan berakhir di negara ini,

Sambil memberikan pesanan itu, beliau mengangkat sebuah buku 13 Mei supaya semua perwakilan mengambil ingatan, sekali gus menjadikan peristiwa terbabit sebagai pengajaran dan mengelakkan daripada berulang.

"Ingat buku ini...Jangan persoalkan suara azan kerana ini maruah agama ku dan agama tuan-tuan. Jangan persoalkan kedudukan Perdana Menteri kerana itu hak kami sebagai negara kami," kata Badruddin ketika membahaskan ucapan dasar Presiden semalam.’

Hujah-hujah Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin pada masa itu telah merosakkan keharmonian kaum, integrasi dan perpaduan nasional di mana hujah-hujah ini bersifat menghasut dan berkauman ini ditujukan untuk mengapi-apikan perasaan dan sentimen perkauman bagi mengukuhkan kepentingan politiknya.

Bahkan hujah-hujah Datuk Badruddin Amilrudin seperti ‘Jangan cuba hendak menjolok sarang tebuan, kerana seandai sarang tebuan ini dijolok maka tebuan ini akan menyengat dan sengatan ini akan berakhir di negara ini ’ dan tindakan beliau melayang-layangkan buku mengenai peristiwa Mei 13 juga telah menimbulkan perasaan takut, terancam, dimusuhi dan tidak selamat bagi warganegara bukan Muslim dan bukan Melayu.

Walaupun peristiwa ini telah berlaku kira-kira dua tahun yang lalu, tetapi impaknya amat besar kerana baru-baru ini semakin ramai ahli-ahli politik, khususnya mereka yang datang daripada UMNO yang mengeluarkan hujah-hujah yang bersifat menghasut ini.

Perbuatan sebegini perlu disekat dan mereka yang mengeluarkan kenyataan sebegini adalah tidak bertanggungjawab dan perlu diambil tindakan sebelum mereka mengorbankan keharmonian sosial negara ini untuk kepentingan politik mereka.

Berikut ialah teks laporan akhbar Harian Metro:

Publication : Harian Metro
Date : 25/09/2004
Page Number : 04
Headline : Usah pertikai hak Orang Melayu
Words : 256
Byline :
Text :

KUALA LUMPUR: "Jangan cuba hendak menjolok sarang tebuan, kerana seandai sarang tebuan ini dijolok maka tebuan ini akan menyengat dan sengatan ini akan berakhir di negara ini," pesan Ahli Parlimen Jerai, Datuk Badruddin
Amiruldin kepada pihak tertentu di negara ini.

Beliau yang terpilih bagi jawatan Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap UMNO pada pemilihan kelmarin, memberikan pesanan dengan lantang dan penuh bersemangat bagi mengingatkan pihak berkenaan supaya tidak mempertikaikan hak orang Melayu.

Menurutnya, negara sudah merdeka berpuluh tahun dan sejak itu kuasa pemerintahan berada di tangan orang Melayu.

"Kita sudah ada perjanjian dengan bangsa lain yang kita beralah memberi mereka menumpang negara ini, termaktub dalam perlembagaan hak kita sebagai bangsa Melayu.

"Jangan ada bangsa lain mempertikaikan hak bangsa Melayu di negara ku ini. Jangan pertikaikan agama Islam di negara ku ini kerana ini hak ku sebagai orang Melayu. Jangan persoalkan ketuanan negara kita ini," katanya.

Sambil memberikan pesanan itu, beliau mengangkat sebuah buku 13 Mei supaya semua perwakilan mengambil ingatan, sekali gus menjadikan peristiwa terbabit sebagai pengajaran dan mengelakkan daripada berulang.

"Ingat buku ini...Jangan persoalkan suara azan kerana ini maruah agama ku dan agama tuan-tuan. Jangan persoalkan kedudukan Perdana Menteri kerana itu hak kami sebagai negara kami," kata Badruddin ketika membahaskan ucapan dasar Presiden, semalam.

Beliau berharap pemimpin yang diamanahkan jangan sesekali menghina bangsa Melayu, kerana bangsa inilah yang meletak diri mereka masing-masing di atas kehendak Allah.

Sekian, laporan saya.

Lau Weng San

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Zakaria may have his chance for another term

Zakaria claimed that there were 1500 who turned up at his Hari Raya open house on Monday and he said that he will stand up for the next general election.

He seemed to be not bothered with the demolishment of his satay house while he claimed that his new luxurious mansion would be used to hold another open house when it is fully constructed next year.

Are you angry with his statement, are you going to vote him if he is a BN candidate in Selangor? Are you going to urge your local BN ADUN and MP to push Prime Minister not to list him as one of the candidate for the next general election in Selangor? What will you do if it turn up to be the opposite?

Think about it, Khairy attended his open house and he got a warm welcome hug from Zakaria...I think his chance for another term is quite bright. Don't you think so?



邓章钦昨日在此揭发雪州政府另外一名行政议员西华令甘在没有呈交建筑图测的情况下,经营了一间位于莎亚南Padang Jawa餐馆近3年。该餐馆也获得沙阿南市政厅发出的临时营业执照。








Wednesday, November 22, 2006






这项苛政的最新受害者就是雪州安邦路甘榜伯仁邦(Kampung Berembang)木屋区的大约50户人家,他们在当地住了超过30年,却在阻挡安邦再也市议会拆除他们的栖身之所时遭警察逮捕,最终仅有的栖身之所也在一天之内化为乌有。





Monday, November 20, 2006

Peaceful demonstration at Bukit Gasing on 19th November

There is a plan to to build more than a hundred luxury bungalows on Bukit Gasing, involving the clearing of massive tracks of land and trees.

Unfortunately, as usual, there has been no public consultation on this development project and DBKL is keeping quiet about this.

This will have direct and indirect effect, in terms of safety and the environment, to a sizeable population, ranging from PJ Section 5, Gasing Indah as well as Pantai Dalam.

Can you imagine another Highland Towers again? This will no doubt happen if we allow this development to proceed!

The residents under the Joint Action Committee for Bukit Gasing held a protest against the development and clearing of Bukit Gasing yesterday, 19 Nov 2006 at the Gasing Indah Playground at 4.30 pm. (Near Jalan 5/46 Petronas Station) to ensure that the people's voices are heard.




updated:2006-11-18 20:05:42 MYT









Sunday, November 19, 2006

Laporan Polis Terhadap Hujah-Hujah Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Perwakilan-Perwakilan UMNO.

I lodged a police report yesterday morning against all the racist slurs from UMNO delegates during the five-day General Assembly of UMNO.

For the past five days, Malaysians were bombarded with all sorts of racist remarks from UMNO delegates all around the country and this posed a serious alarm on our national integration and social harmony.

At the same times, it also fears off investor from investing in Malaysia as delegates called for the government to demand all GLC CEOs to be UMNO members and urged government to regulate provate companies to employ at least 30 percent Bumiputera employees.

These racist remarks are seditious in nature and there can be no way for any Malaysian to tolerate such remarks which tear racial harmony into pieces.

Below is my police report:

Laporan Polis Terhadap Hujah-Hujah Yang Dikeluarkan Oleh Perwakilan-Perwakilan UMNO.

Nama: Lau Weng San
No Kad Pengenalan: 78XXXX-XX-XXXX
Jantina: Lelaki
Alamat Kerja: No. 24, Jalan 20/9, Taman Paramount, 46300 Petaling Jaya.
Jawatan: Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Selangor.

Saya dengan nama di atas, ingin membuat satu laporan polis untuk meminta pihak polis untuk memulakan siasatan terhadap hujah-hujah berbau perkauman yang dilafazkan oleh perwakilan-perwakilan UMNO, Pemuda UMNO dan Puteri UMNO semasa mereka berhimpun di Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Perdagangan Dunia Putra untuk menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ke-57 yang berlangsung daripada 13hb November hingga 17hb November 2006.

Hujah-hujah mereka ini telah merosakkan keharmonian kaum, integrasi dan perpaduan nasional di mana hujah-hujah mereka yang bersifat menghasut dan berkauman ini ditujukan untuk mengapi-apikan perasaan dan sentimen perkauman bagi mengukuhkan kepentingan politik mereka.

Bahkan hujah-hujah mereka juga telah menimbulkan perasaan takut, terancam, dimusuhi dan tidak selamat bagi warganegara bukan Muslim, bukan Melayu dan mereka yang menganggotai beberapa Badan-Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) yang dibidas semasa perjalanan Perhimpunan Agung UMNO ini.

Selain itu, hujah-hujah mereka ini juga akan menjejaskan iklim pelaburan dan pembanguan ekonomi negara yang sedang mengalami kemelesetan sekarang.

Di antara hujah-hujah menghasut yang dapat dikumpulkan bagi memulakan siasatan awal PDRM ialah seperti yang berikut. Hujah-hujah ini merupakan petikan daripada laporan-laporan akhbar tempatan.

Razali Idris, Ketua Penerangan Pemuda UMNO Terengganu

“Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur.

UMNO rela mengorbankan nyawa dan bermandi darah untuk mempertahankan bangsa dan agama daripada bukan Muslim atau bukan Melayu.”

Reezal Merican Naina Merican

“Maka berdasarkan fakta-fakta ini, Pemuda dengan tegas menyelar tindakan bekas Presiden ASLI (Institut Kepimpinan dan Strategik Asia), Dr. Lim Teck Ghee yang cuba memutarbelitkan fakta dengan niat ingin menidakkan agenda Melayu, sekaligus merubah kontrak sosial.

“Tinjauan Pemuda mendapati hampir 80 peratus daripada jumlah kontrak keseluruhan, pusingannya pergi ke tangan bukan Melayu.
“Ini kerana pembekal bahan binaan terdiri daripada kaum Cina yang wujud dalam rangkaian kartel yang begitu kuat sejak sekian lama dari dahulu lagi.

“Pemuda juga meminta kerajaan terus menamakan pembekal bumiputera dalam setiap kontrak yang diberikan di bawah tender bagi memastikan pusingan kontrak dinikmati oleh bumiputera.”

Datuk Salamon Selamat

“UMNO Selangor mencadangkan agar proses pemberian kontrak secara berkelompok diberi keutamaan manakala syarikat bumiputera yang berpotensi diberi peluang memperoleh kontrak projek mega melalui Inisiatif Pembiayaan Swasta (PFI).

“Peluang perlu diberi kepada kontraktor bumiputera berkemampuan mendapatkan kontrak dengan GLC, mewajibkan semua GLC mewujudkan Unit Penyertaan Bumiputera dan mengadakan pakatan strategik antara GLC dengan industri kecil dan sederhana (IKS) dalam projek pembangunan dan infrastruktur.”

Datuk Hamdi Abu Bakar, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Beruas

“Kita ini sebagai tuan, tetapi tuan apa kalau papa kedana, tuan apa kalau tak mampu, tuan apa kalau selekeh, sengkek dan lembek? Tuan mesti hebat, barulah kita kata kita kuat.

“Jika dicabut semua bangunan milik bukan bumiputera di Kuala Lumpur, rakyat boleh melihat bahawa tidak ada apa lagi bangunan yang tinggal. Ibu negara akan menjadi ‘padang jarak padang tekukur’.

“Begitu juga dengan Bursa Malaysia. Kalau digugurkan saham milik bukan bumiputera, maka tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang tinggal kecuali papan sahaja.”

Datuk Azimi Daim

“Kerajaan perlu melantik ahli UMNO yang profesional menggantikan CEO GLC terbabit yang tidak mampu menjalankan tugas.”

Senator Mohd. Puad Zarkashi

“UMNO Johor juga ingin mencadangkan supaya televisyen berbayar diletakkan di bawah Kementerian Penerangan dan tidak lagi diletakkan di bawah Kementerian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi, dan kementerian itu sendiri mesti diketuai menteri UMNO.
“Langkah tertentu diambil termasuk mensyaratkan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) memperuntukkan peratusan tertentu untuk iklan dalam akhbar-akhbar Melayu sahaja.”

Naib Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin

“Angka 45 peratus yang sengaja dikeluarkan oleh Institut Strategi dan Kepimpinan Asia (ASLI) itu sengaja mengelirukan kita.
“Tidak kiralah ASLI itu think tank siapa. Hakikatnya orang Melayu masih lemah dan perlu dibantu.”

Ketua Puteri UMNO bahagian Tangga Batu, Azlieza Azizan

“Pergerakan Puteri UMNO Melaka meminta kerajaan menentukan syarikat-syarikat swasta mengambil lebih 60 peratus bumiputera profesional untuk mengisi keperluan dalam organisasi mereka.”

Hujah-hujah sebegini sebenarnya digolongkan sebagai hujah-hujah yang mempunyai kecenderungan menghasut di bawah Seksyen 3(1)(e) Akta Hasutan 1948 yang menakrifkan bahawa ianya merupakan kecenderungan yang menyebabkan perasaan sakit hati di antara kaum atau kelas di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.

Mereka yang melakukan kesalahan ini boleh disabit bersalah di bawah Seksyen 4(1)(b) Akta Hasutan 1948 kerana mengeluarkan kata-kata yang menghasut dan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM5000 atau penjara maksimum tiga tahun atau kedua-duanya untuk kesalahan pertaman dan hukuman penjara tidak melebihi lima tahun untuk kesalahan seterusnya.

Sekian laporan saya.

Lau Weng San

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Chew Mei Fun, please announce your expenditure on MP Constituency Development Allocaitons.

It is reported in the press that MCA MP for Petaling Jaya Utara, YB Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun pledged another RM12,000 to fund a river mitigation project in PJ Utara. Another RM12,000 is also pledged by her to build safety gate next to the river to prevent residents from accidentally falling into the river. RM50,000 has also been pledged to resurface loopholes in that area.

Despite several calls for her to fully announce the whereabouts of her BN MP Constituency Development Fund for the past few months, which has been increased to RM2 million a year, a four-fold increment from the previous RM500,000 annual allocation, Miss Chew has not been transparent in dealing with our calls.

Chew Mei Fun should set a leading example by becoming the first BN MP in Selangor to announce the expenditure of her annual BN MP Constituency Development Fund.

It has been the eleventh month of the year. For the past ten months, Chew Mei Fun has failed miserably in announcing how the allocation is carved out. Public can only know about it whenever she went to the press and made announcements pledging donations to societies or associations and development projects for the community which should have been taken care by the local authority in the first place.

From what we read from the press, the total amount that she pledged so far hardly reach RM 2 million. This raise a good question of where has the rest of the money gone to and Chew Mei Fun owes us a very important answer.

Besides it is also important for the various aspects of how the money channeled to the beneficiaries to be announced, i.e. the various means allocation channeled to the public, projects that are funded by this fund as well as the final beneficiaries of the money. This question is raised because MCA MP for Kelana Jaya, YB Loh Seng Kok has claimed that MPs do not hold the money directly as they merely serving as the person who makes recommendations to the related authority for them to release the allocation.

In terms of various means allocation channeled to the public, there should be a proper disclosure of whether the money is directly distributed by MP according to their own discretion, or the money is channeled by various government departments like local councils, Public Works Department (PWD) or Welfare Department?

In terms of the projects funded by the allocation, it will also be interested to understand of whether the money is used to upgrade public facilities and infrastructure, or the money is treated as donation to various societies and association to assist them in running their activities for the communities.

Of utmost importance is the question about the beneficiaries of the allocation as we need to ensure that MPs do not carve out the money to benefit his/her cronies.

Such call is not a call without reason.

Recently, there have been reports that government and MPs allocation are being misused. The worry is not without reason because these monies are public monies and the taxpayers deserve their rights to know the whereabouts of the monies.

Furthermore, Selangor is in serious crisis of political integrity when Zakaria Mat Deros, Port Klang Pandamaran who erected a luxurious bungalow of more than RM 10 million without submitting his building plan can run away scot-free with minimal penalty despite his position as Member of the Selangor State Legislative Hall (ADUN) as well as an about-to-be-appointed councilor in Klang Municipal Council.

While the public still remain unknown of how Zakaria could accumulate such overwhelmingly huge wealth until he can afford such a luxurious mansion for his family, Zakaria’s scandal is definitely not an isolate case but it is just a small tip of the iceberg. Selangor MB and local councils are always caught involving in scandals and corruptions which have severely tarnished the ‘developed’ image of the State.

In the name of good and accountable governance, we urge Chew Mei Fun to explain the whereabouts of her RM 2 million allocation which has been increased from RM 500,000 a year to RM 2 million a year for each BN constituency, and if possible, future beneficiaries of her RM 2 million allocation.

I would like to even suggest to her that the most immediate and efficient way for her to do so is to announce and regularly put up information on her BN MP constituency development fund expenditure on her website to enable greater public scrutiny of the fund as this is not her personal money but public fund.

We are waiting for your announcement, YB Chew Mei Fun!







一、 有关拨款是以何种方式拨出去;既到底它是以金钱的方式拨出去,还是以发展项目的方式拨出去?这是一个很重要的问题,因为格拉那再也区国会议员卢诚国曾经表示国会议员其实只是推荐人,代表该团体或个人向有关政府机构申请拨款。至于成功与否另当别论。
二、 该拨款花在什么用途或项目;既到底这笔钱是以一般的捐款发出去,还是以拨款支付项目的方式拨出去?
三、 谁是拨款的受益人或团体;这是为了避免任何人士滥用公款。





Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bumi equity – more questions than answers after Awang Adek and Effendi gave their replies

One must be very confused when reading Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr. Awang Adek’s reply last Tuesday as compared with statement made by the Minister in the Prime Minister Department, YB Senator Datuk Effendi Norwawi, after doing a close checking on the mathematics.

During his reply to a oral question from MP for Gua Musang, YB Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Datuk Dr. Awang Adek revealed that Bumiputeras own 36.6 percent of equity ownership at Bursa Saham valued at RM78.4 billion as at Dec 31 last year, as compared to 46.9 percent or RM100.4 billion for non- Bumiputeras and 16.45 percent or RM35.2 billion for foreigners.

Bumiputeras own 45% equity in nominee companies – Awang Adek did not say it in hansard

Datuk Effendi Norwawi challenged Datuk Dr Awang Adek’s reply by clarifying that Awang Adek wrongly apportioned 45 percent of equity ownership held by nominee companies to Bumiputeras when it should be 8.3 percent.

One should not be seemed as defending Awang Adek’s figure when one argues about the validity of Effendi’s claim against Awang Adek’s that Awang Adek has wrongly apportioned 45 percent of equity ownership held nominee companies to Bumiputeras which leads Awang Adek to conclude that Bumiputeras own 36.6 percent equity.

A double check with the hansard on 7th November 2006 discloses that Awang Adek has never mentioned about this, that the figure of 36.6 percent equity ownership is based on 45 percent apportion of the equity in nominee companies owned to Bumiputeras.

Until there is a clear clarification from Awang Adek to specifically deal with this issue, i.e. of whether his figure of 36.6 percent equity ownership is based on 45 percent apportion of equity in nominee companies to Bumiputeras, Effendi’s statement can be legitimately doubted and cannot be taken as truth since there is no substantial fact to back-up in his clarifications.

8.3 percent Bumiputera equity in nominee companies not accurate when 180 out of 359 nominee companies are excluded

Effendi also further illustrated that instead of taking the figure as 45 percent, Bumiputeras actually control 8.3 percent equity in nominee companies based on a survey on 359 nominee companies to ascertain the status of ownership and beneficiaries of shares registered under nominees, which was conducted in March 2005 by EPU with the cooperation of SSM (Companies Commission of Malaysia).

A total of 179 companies (which equities represent 74.3 percent, or RM103.7 billion of the total equity held by nominee companies) are said to have responded to this survey. It is from this survey that the figure of 8.3 percent Bumiputeras ownership in such companies is derived.

This means that there are another 180 nominee companies (in which their equities represent the rest of the 25.7 percent of the equity, or RM35.9 billion of the total equity held by nominee companies) did not respond to this survey.

By assuming that 100 percent of the share of these 180 nominee companies are owned by Bumiputeras, it would mean an additional of RM35.9 billion of equity on top of the RM8.6 billion (equivalent to 8.3 percent of the share owned by Bumiputeras, value: RM8.6 billion out of RM103.7 billion – 179 nominee companies from a total of 359 nominee companies) equity owned by Bumiputeras as informed by Effendi.

Therefore, total equity owned by Bumiputeras in all the 359 nominee companies can be as high as RM 44.5 billion (RM35.9 billion + RM 8.6 billion = RM 44.5 billion) which is 31.9 percent of a total of RM 139.6 billion (RM 44.5 billion + RM 103.7 billion), the total equity value owned by nominee companies in Bursa Malaysia.

It could be unreasonable to assume that 100 percent equities of the rest of the 180 nominee companies are solely owned by Bumiputeras. It is also equally ridiculous to exclude the other 180 nominee companies which had not responded to the EPU-SSM survey when we come to evaluate the real percentage of equity owned by Bumiputeras in nominee companies listed in Bursa Malaysia. Therefore, in releasing his clarifications on nominee companies, we just cannot afford to ignore the rest of the 180 companies.

Since there is no further information on these 180 nominee companies, Effendi’s remark that Bumiputeras only controlled 8.3 percent of equity in nominee companies stands no ground. According to Effendi, it is this figure (Bumiputeras only controlled 8.3 percent of equity in nominee companies) that derives the conclusion that Bumiputeras only control 21.8 percent of equity in 914 listed companies in Bursa Malaysia. This percentage is reduced to 18.9 percent after extrapolation done against 609,595 active companies registered with the Companies Commission, which is also another question that why extrapolation is used instead of direct computation of the real figures.

Effendi: 609,595 registered companies; Awang Adek: 717,935 registered companies – Who is correct??

There is also a huge difference between 609,595 companies used by Effendi Norwawi and 717,935 companies used by Awang Adek. Effendi chooses to use 609,595 active companies for the extrapolation whereas Awang Adek could have included another 108,340 inactive companies for his computation. It is interesting to further pursue what type of extrapolation technique they used in order to come out with the same figure – 18.9 percent Bumiputera equity ownership – when there is such a huge difference in the total number of registered companies used by both of them.

What I wish to establish here is that all the numbers that both of them provide must be able to speak for themselves. With so many flaws and doubts after detailed examination of the figures provided by both high level officers of the administration, there is an urgent need of the government, in particular the Prime Minister himself to clarify everything once and for all.
One must be very confused when reading Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr. Awang Adek’s reply last Tuesday as compared with statement made by the Minister in the Prime Minister Department, YB Senator Datuk Effendi Norwawi, after doing a close checking on the mathematics.

During his reply to a oral question from MP for Gua Musang, YB Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Datuk Dr. Awang Adek revealed that Bumiputeras own 36.6 percent of equity ownership at Bursa Saham valued at RM78.4 billion as at Dec 31 last year, as compared to 46.9 percent or RM100.4 billion for non- Bumiputeras and 16.45 percent or RM35.2 billion for foreigners.

Bumiputeras own 45% equity in nominee companies – Awang Adek did not say it in hansard

Datuk Effendi Norwawi challenged Datuk Dr Awang Adek’s reply by clarifying that Awang Adek wrongly apportioned 45 percent of equity ownership held by nominee companies to Bumiputeras when it should be 8.3 percent.

One should not be seemed as defending Awang Adek’s figure when one argues about the validity of Effendi’s claim against Awang Adek’s that Awang Adek has wrongly apportioned 45 percent of equity ownership held nominee companies to Bumiputeras which leads Awang Adek to conclude that Bumiputeras own 36.6 percent equity .

A double check with the hansard on 7th November 2006 discloses that Awang Adek has never mentioned about this, that the figure of 36.6 percent equity ownership is based on 45 percent apportion of the equity in nominee companies owned to Bumiputeras.

Until there is a clear clarification from Awang Adek to specifically deal with this issue, i.e. of whether his figure of 36.6 percent equity ownership is based on 45 percent apportion of equity in nominee companies to Bumiputeras, Effendi’s statement can be legitimately doubted and cannot be taken as truth since there is no substantial fact to back-up in his clarifications.

8.3 percent Bumiputera equity in nominee companies not accurate when 180 out of 359 nominee companies are excluded

Effendi also further illustrated that instead of taking the figure as 45 percent, Bumiputeras actually control 8.3 percent equity in nominee companies based on a survey on 359 nominee companies to ascertain the status of ownership and beneficiaries of shares registered under nominees, which was conducted in March 2005 by EPU with the cooperation of SSM (Companies Commission of Malaysia).

A total of 179 companies (which equities represent 74.3 percent, or RM103.7 billion of the total equity held by nominee companies) are said to have responded to this survey. It is from this survey that the figure of 8.3 percent Bumiputeras ownership in such companies is derived.

This means that there are another 180 nominee companies (in which their equities represent the rest of the 25.7 percent of the equity, or RM35.9 billion of the total equity held by nominee companies) did not respond to this survey.

By assuming that 100 percent of the share of these 180 nominee companies are owned by Bumiputeras, it would mean an additional of RM35.9 billion of equity on top of the RM8.6 billion (equivalent to 8.3 percent of the share owned by Bumiputeras, value: RM8.6 billion out of RM103.7 billion – 179 nominee companies from a total of 359 nominee companies) equity owned by Bumiputeras as informed by Effendi.

Therefore, total equity owned by Bumiputeras in all the 359 nominee companies can be as high as RM 44.5 billion (RM35.9 billion + RM 8.6 billion = RM 44.5 billion) which is 31.9 percent of a total of RM 139.6 billion (RM 44.5 billion + RM 103.7 billion), the total equity value owned by nominee companies in Bursa Malaysia.

It could be unreasonable to assume that 100 percent equities of the rest of the 180 nominee companies are solely owned by Bumiputeras. It is also equally ridiculous to exclude the other 180 nominee companies which had not responded to the EPU-SSM survey when we come to evaluate the real percentage of equity owned by Bumiputeras in nominee companies listed in Bursa Malaysia. Therefore, in releasing his clarifications on nominee companies, we just cannot afford to ignore the rest of the 180 companies.

Since there is no further information on these 180 nominee companies, Effendi’s remark that Bumiputeras only controlled 8.3 percent of equity in nominee companies stands no ground. According to Effendi, it is this figure (Bumiputeras only controlled 8.3 percent of equity in nominee companies) that derives the conclusion that Bumiputeras only control 21.8 percent of equity in 914 listed companies in Bursa Malaysia. This percentage is reduced to 18.9 percent after extrapolation done against 609,595 active companies registered with the Companies Commission, which is also another question that why extrapolation is used instead of direct computation of the real figures.

Effendi: 609,595 registered companies; Awang Adek: 717,935 registered companies – Who is correct??

There is also a huge difference between 609,595 companies used by Effendi Norwawi and 717,935 companies used by Awang Adek. Effendi chooses to use 609,595 active companies for the extrapolation whereas Awang Adek could have included another 108,340 inactive companies for his computation. It is interesting to further pursue what type of extrapolation technique they used in order to come out with the same figure – 18.9 percent Bumiputera equity ownership – when there is such a huge difference in the total number of registered companies used by both of them.

What I wish to establish here is that all the numbers that both of them provide must be able to speak for themselves. With so many flaws and doubts after detailed examination of the figures provided by both high level officers of the administration, there is an urgent need of the government, in particular the Prime Minister himself to clarify everything once and for all.










阿芬迪说,由他掌管的经济策划单位早在2005年3月与大马公司委员会(Companies Commission of Malaysia)向359所托管公司进行联合调查,已确定到底是谁委托这些公司持有他们的股票。






阿芬迪:609,595间注册公司;阿旺阿迪: 717,935间注册公司—到底谁的才是对的?

除此以外,阿芬迪表示他是引用609,595间活跃的注册公司来算出18.9%的土著股权控制率。反之,阿旺阿迪泽则使用717,935间注册公司来计算出18.9%的控制率。两者之间相差108,340间公司,但是却能够得出18.9%的控制率。到底他们是使用哪一类的预算方式(extrapolation methods)?


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Jikalau kerajaan Selangor bersedia untuk meluluskan 5000 kilang haram dan Istana Zakaria, bagaimana pula dengan kuil-kuil Hindu yang haram?

Jikalau Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo mengatakan bahawa beliau terpaksa mengambilkira pelbagai aspek termasuk kepentingan kaum, agama dan ekonomi sebelum mengambil tindakan merobohkan mana-mana banguan yang tidak dihantar pelan pembangunan/pengubahsuaian untuk kelulusan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT), adakah MB sendiri sudi meluluskan kuil-kuil Hindu yang tidak mempunyai Lesen Menduduki Sementara (LMS) sebagai bangunan yang sah?

Ini merupakan satu persoalan yang ditimbulkan apabila MB mengatakan bahawa beliau perlu “bertimbang rasa dan sensitif terhadap perasaan” rakyat berbilang kaum di Selangor.

Apa yang MB sendiri mungkin tidak tahu ialah keadaan sebenar sebenarnya bertentangan dengan apa yang disarankan oleh MB.

Ini adalah kerana kuil-kuil Hindu di Malaysia, termasuklah kuil-kuil yang dibina di Selangor dirobohkan dengan kadar yang cukup dahsyat.

Sehingga keadaan ini tidak diperbetulkan seperti yang disarankan oleh MB sendiri, rakyat Selangor masih berhak untuk menuntut supaya bukan sahaja Rumah Satay kepunyaan Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros dirobohkan, bahkan Istana mewahnya yang berharga berpuluh-puluh juta ringgit juga perlu dirobohkan atas sebab yang sama, iaitu bersalah kerana tidak mendapat kebenaran merancang daripada PBT.

Jikalau Kerajaan Negeri Selangor sudi meluluskan hampir 5000 unit kilang haram di Selangor sebagai kilang yang sah, mengapakah kerajaan negeri pula tidak cuba menghalalkan kuil-kuil Hindu yang kebanyakkannya dibina di dalam ladang dan estet serta tidak mempunyai LMS yang sah?

Adakah keputusan MB ini akan dijadikan salah satu dasar kerajaan Negeri Selangor?

Seboleh-bolehnya Kerajaan Negeri harus menghulurkan bantuan kepada kuil-kuil ini dan bukannnya mengarahkan PBT untuk terus meroboh mana-mana kuil yang menduduki di atas tanah kerajaan.

MB juga menyatakan bahawa sesebuah bangunan itu akan diroboh sekiranya didapati bangunan itu tidak selamat, mengganggu keselamatan awam atau trafik setempat. Jikalau kita mengikut logik MB ini, kita akan mendapati lebih banyak sebab untuk merobohkan Istana Mahligai itu kerana mahligainya yang mempunyai empat tingkat melibatkan kerja-kerja pilling yang banyak.

Memandangkan ianya amat berdekatan dengan rumah awam, maka saya sendiri mengesyaki sama ada satu akses impak alam sekitar (Environmental Impact Assessment Report, atau EIA Report) telah disediakan oleh pihak Zakaria untuk kelulusan daripada Jabatan Alam Sekitar sebelum kerja-kerja pembinaan dimulakan. Jikalau laporan EIA tidak dijalankan, sesuatu projek ini masih lagi dipercayai mendatangkan kemudaratan bukan sahaja kepada alam sekitar tetapi juga kepada penghuni-penghuni persekitaran. Menteri Besar harus memberi penjelasan yang lebih mendalam berkenaan dengan dakwaan ini.









Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Invited to attend FES' function in New York - Day One

I am invited by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) to participate in the First Fall Academy for Young International Policy Analysts “Understanding the United Nations.”

The Fall Academy will take place in New York from Monday, 6 November 2006 until Friday, 10 November 2006.

This will be an excellent opportunity to deepen my understanding of the UN. More specifically, I can be informed about the capacities of the UN to deal with policy issues that are relevant to my work in Malaysia.

The first day of the programme was merely familiarising with the structures, operations and daily works and tasks handled by the different entity under the umbella of UN.

Mr Jurgen Stetten and Volker Lehmann from FES New York first briefed us on the programme. It was followed by a talk by Mr Hazem Fahmy, Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General. Mr Hazem Fahmy is currently serving in the UN Secretariat and he talked about the challenges of reforming the UN.

We were then brought to the UN building for a guided tour for one hour by walking to the UN headquarters.

In the afternoon, Sebastian Einsiedel from
International Peace Academy talked on Terrorism. International Peace Academy is an independent, international institution dedicated to promoting the prevention and settlement of armed conflicts between and within states through policy research and development.

In the context of their works with UN, IPA mainly serves to channelling external researches to the UN for decision-making.

We learnt more about UN Peacekeeping operations when we were given the last talk of the day by Lisa Buttenheim from the
UN Department of Peace-Keeping Operations (Asia and Middle East Division).

Saturday, November 04, 2006

More scandals coming, is Zakaria still fit as ADUN?

Yesterday, the Sun reported that Port Klang Assemblyman and Klang Municipal Councillor, Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros remained as senator while being an undischarged bankrupt.

The report also says that:

According to Dewan Negara records, Zakaria, who was then known as Zainal Mohd Deros, was appointed a senator on July 30, 1991, and served two terms which ended on July 31, 1997. In the 1999 general election, he stood as a candidate for the Selat Klang state seat which he won.

Two days ago, News Straits Times carried a front page report (Headline: Zak to Zak!) which reported Zakaria, as president of SBA, is alleged to have made the application for 10 acres (four hectares) of land to PKNS - he is chairman of its land committee, in which this is in a typical example of conflict of interest.

That was also the day when the UMNO Supreme Court ruled that Zakaria has to withdraw from being appointed as Klang Municipal Councillor.

Yesterday, Utusan Malaysia carried a front page report which headlined “Saya tidak perlu ikut cakap Menteri Besar – Zakaria” (I don’t have to follow what MB said – Zakaria).

With this latest remark and the two scandals highlighted by the press, the UMNO Supreme Council should embark on an emergency meeting to reveal it’s earlier decision that Zakaria shall withdraw from being appointed as Klang Municipal Councillor as Zakaria is no longer deemed fit as a State Assemblyman.

What moral and political legality does Zakaria enjoy to continue his ADUNship for Port Klang when he is not even fit, suitable and clean to be a councilor?

If Zakaria’s position as ADUN is maintained as it is, this is not only another episode of grave injustice from the current administration, but it is also a blow to the electoral pledge from the Prime Minister to uphold integrity and fight corruption.

DAP Selangor strongly urges the Prime Minister to take stern action on Zakaria and review the decision by the UMNO Supreme Council. To uphold law and order and to send a strong reminder to all elected representative, not only Zakaria should resign from his councillorship (which he claimed that it is a non issue as he has not sworn in as councilor yet) but Zakaria should better resign from his ADUNship to avoid tarnishing the image of the highest legislative entity in the State of Selangor. At the same time, not only Zakaria’s DZ Satay House must be demolished but his luxurious mansion must be demolished as well.




“根据当时上议院的纪录,当时被称为Zainal Mohd Deros的查卡利亚市在1991年7月30日被委任成为上议员。他担任了两届上议员,直至1997年7月31日。在1999年大选,他在巴生海峡州议席上阵并获胜。”


昨天,《马来西亚前锋报》头条新闻的标题是“Saya tidak perlu ikut cakap Menteri Besar – Zakaria”(意即“查卡利亚:我无需听州务大臣的话”)





Friday, November 03, 2006




• 家庭成员人数多达34人(包括1女佣),但却全挤在一间只有6间房间的双层排屋,查卡利亚说他有义务为家人提供较舒适的居住环境。
• 在甘榜依达曼里兴建这座住家(豪宅),能继续与当地居民,朋友,亲戚和选民为邻,感觉更亲切,也方便他们上门探访或求援。查卡利亚已经在这里居住了30年。
• 查卡利亚有11名孩子,7名媳妇和11名孙子,未来还会有更多。他兴建的新屋只是2层半,不是媒体说的4层楼。这样的屋子能容纳一家人及符合未来的需求。
• 这只是为了留给后代一个纪念,同时也提供一个更舒适的家族聚会环境。
• 为了上门求援的选民提供服务的空间,过去他们人数众多,现有的房子不够容纳他们,访客的车辆更是造成邻居出入不便。
• 每年的开斋节查卡利亚都需准备20个帐蓬接待访客,甚至安排到邻居家门前,络绎不绝的访客,也干攘了邻居。
• 豪宅附有的公共设施包括小型回教堂以教授回教知识,补习中心及社区活动中心,公开让地方居民使用。








Wednesday, November 01, 2006
















