Monday, July 31, 2006

Pest Control fiasco - Urge MPSJ to halt new regulation, to reveal the contents of the contract and to organize a three party negotiation

Subang Jaya Municipal Council (Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya, MPSJ) has come out with a directive to all owners of commercial outlets under it’s jurisdiction that starting from 2009, they are required to sign pest control contract with a private consortium to get a pest-free certificate in order to apply for new trade license or to renew their current trade license.

Although the president of MPSJ, Datuk Arif Abdul Rahman has clarified that it will be implemented in 2009 till 2026 (in which the concessionaire will terminate in 2026), we have received complaints that owners are already required to sign up with this consortium before they can renew their license. I have also personally called up the Licensing Department of MPSJ and that the complaints are validated by the officers.

The name of the consortium is Konsortium SJ Pest Control Sdn. Bhd. The members of the consortium include Koswasta Asia Pest Control Sdn. Bhd., Damai Pest Control Sdn. Bhd., Vetga Sdn. Bhd., Inspirasi Asia Sdn. Bhd., Suria Sakti Resources Sdn. Bhd. and Denmas Sdn. Bhd.

DAP Selangor is outraged on the decision made by MPSJ based on the following five reasons:

1. What are the jurisdictions for MPSJ to require non-eatery commercial outlets to conduct pest-control exercise? It is of course reasonable for MPSJ to come out with the ruling to eateries and restaurants as well as food-processing factories but MPSJ is certainly lacking transparency in it’s policy making when requiring owners of non-eatery commercial outlets to do the same.

2. Even though if pest control exercise is compulsory for all commercial outlets, why do MPSJ only designate one consortium to conduct the exercise for more than 10,000 commercial outlets under MPSJ’s jurisdiction? Is this consortium more experienced than other companies in the market, or it’s charges are more economical than the rest? Is the awarding of the concessionaire conducted based on open-tender system?

3. This consortium is said not a member of the Pest Control Association of Malaysia (PCAM). If that’s the case, why MPSJ does not select a company registered, recognized and accredited by the association? Are the services provided by this consortium guaranteed and accredited by the association? Will it be held liable legally for any losses or accidents by its personnel when conducting pest-control exercises, especially when pest control personnel must be well-trained to handle insecticides and poisonous materials which could also be carcinogenic?

4. DAP Selangor has also conducted a company search for the companies under the consortium and discovered that some of the companies are not only newly established, but also led by directors in their 20s. This raises a question of whether these companies are capable to conduct proper pest-control exercise.

5. The lowest available charge of the consortium is RM600, which is twice the market price. If all owners of commercial outlets under the jurisdiction of Subang Jaya were to sign a contract with this consortium till 2026, that will be a great fortune for the consortium.

We do not hope that this will become another exercise which only benefits cronies of those in power, and since the decision will definitely affects the benefits of the owners, based on the principles of good-governance, transparency and accountability, we believe that the presidents of MPSJ and its councilors should be held liable and answerable to the taxpayers. We therefore urge the following:

1. MPSJ to immediately suspend the implementation of this ruling until there is a clear and acceptable explanations from the council on this matter. The council should also explain when it enters into an agreement with a private consortium without consulting the taxpayers.

2. MPSJ to immediately reveal the contents of the contracts in order to avoid MPSJ from entering any unjust contract with any private entity which will cause damage to the council and the taxpayers.

3. MPSJ to immediately arrange for a three-party negotiation between the owners (the taxpayers), the consortium and the council to reach for a solution, so as to avoid innocent owners to sign any contract with the consortium without adequate consultations on what have happened behind.



这间公司是一件财团公司(Consortium)。其名称是Konsortium SJ Pest Control Sdn. Bhd.,旗下的成员公司是Koswasta Asia Pest Control有限公司、Damai Pest Control有限公司、Vetga有限公司、Inspirasi Asia有限公司、Suria Sakti Resources有限公司以及Denmas有限公司。雪州行动党是基于以下五大原因对梳邦再也市议会的这项措施表示不满:

第一、 梳邦再也市议会是基于什么理由要求市议会管辖范围之内的所有商店进行害虫控制?如果是饮食业者,这还情有可原,但是为何从事非饮食业生意的商店和工厂也受当局规定呢?

第二、 即使必须进行害虫控制,为何市议会硬性规定商家们必须向这间财团公司签署和约,进行害虫控制?难道其他比这家公司更加有经验、收费更低廉的公司不符合资格吗?市议会是否以公开招标的方式来颁发这项特许经营权?

第三、 这间公司并不是大马害虫控制协会的成员公司。既然如此,为何市议会不选择该协会属下的成员公司?这间公司的服务素质是否得到该协会的核准和保证?万一发生意外(如杀虫剂外泄、或非法使用致癌药物等等),这些公司是否愿意承担法律上的责任?

第四、 这间财团公司的收费比市场上一般害虫控制公司的收费贵。据称,最低收费是六百令吉,这是其他公司收费的两倍。

第五、 部分公司的董事年龄非常年轻。他们是否拥有足够的经验经营这行业?


第一、 展缓实行这项措施,直至市议会能够详细交代整起事件的来龙去脉,解释为何市议会在纳税人毫不知情下和私人公司签署这项和约。

第二、 立即公布和约内容,避免市议会在缺乏充足的法律咨询下和私人公司签署不平等和约,损害纳税人和市议会的权益。

第三、 立即展开三造对话,解决疑惑,避免商家在毫无头绪下,贸贸然和该公司签署和约。

Yong Dai Ying should start to lead the charge to expose more wrong-doings of the council and it’s councilors to carry out her duty as elected represen

Two UMNO’s PJ councllors, Halimaton Saadiah Bt. Hj. Bohan dan Megat Firdouz B. Tan Sri Megat Junid had on last Wednesday MBPJ Full Board meeting criticized Bukit Lanjan State Assemblywoman (ADUN) YB Yong Dai Ying for bringing up petty matters in the full board meeting.

The two had accused Yong that the Council’s ful board meetings are meant to discuss issues related to the Council’s policy, not any other petty matters.

They were of the opinion that Yong should instead bring these matters to the different departments or committees set-up by the Council to look into, and that she should not numerously bring these matters up in the full board meeting, as if they are not discharging their duties as councilors entrusted to look after that area.

Halimaton, Megat Firdouz and another councilors from MIC, Krishnan a/l Narayan Redy are responsible to look after Kota Damansara and Bukit Lanjan, in which Datuk Mokhtar Dahlan and Yong Dai Ying are ADUNs for these two state seats. Datuk Mokhtar Dahlan is even the Selangor Government Executive Council (Exco) members.

Yong was later interviewed said that she had highlighted these matters to the different departments and committees but there was no actions being taken by the council to tackle the problem until she has to keep raising these matters several times in the full board meeting.

She even mentioned that: “Even though issues on policy is important, but do you also mean that a community hall which is left idle for years is not important? Policy when discussed is the same, you see, is there any solutions for the billboard fiasco?”

She claimed that the community hall is left idle very long. Although the residents had complained to Megat Firdouz and Halimaton, they have to switch to her as no actions had been taken by the two.

She also implied that although she and Mokhtar Dahlan are allocated three councilors to help them (Halimaton, Megat Firdouz and Krishnan), she have never seen them serving her constituency. Instead she found that they were more focused on Kota Damansara. Yong also disclosed that although each councilors is allocated RM10,000 as councilor allocations, but she has never saw them putting these money in use for the people in Bukit Lanjan.

I am disturbed and shocked by Yong’s statement as this has exposed MBPJ’s inefficiency and at the same time exposed another failure of appointed local councilors who failed miserably to discharge their duties.

Among the questions that we need to ask are:
1. Why there is not action taken against the many complaints made by Yong Dai Ying when Yong is an elected representative? If there are no actions taken on the complaints made by an elected representative, then what about complaints made by others?
2. Can Yong release a list of abandoned projects from MBPJ in her area? Though Halimaton and Megat Firdouz claimed that Yong should not discuss petty matters in full board meeting, the people still deserve the rights to know more on any abandoned projects and poor services of MBPJ.
3. Yong also claimed that each councilor is given RM 100,000 allocation every year to serve the people. Therefore, it must be made accountable that:
a. Whether other councilors, especially non-UMNO councilors are also given the same amount of money?
b. Where does the money come from? From MBPJ, state government, federal government, internal allocation from their parties or personal allocation from MPs or ADUNs?
c. Can the two councilors and other councilors come out with an itemized bills of how they utilize the allocations since these are public funds?

As an elected representative, since Yong has taken the initiative to expose part of the wrongdoings in the council and the councilors, Yong should continue to expose all these wrongdoing and malpractices by trying to find an answer for the above-mentioned queries.

武吉兰樟区州议员杨带英遭巫统市议员炮轰 — 杨带英应带头揭发更多八打灵再也市政厅和市议员的败笔和内幕。








一、 为何八打灵再也市政厅在接获多次投诉依然无动于衷,尤其是投诉者并非一般市民,而是人民代议士?如果市政厅也无法积极处理人民代议士的投诉,更何况是一般市井小民?八打灵再也市政厅在处理民生投诉是否出现双重标准?

二、 虽然梅格和哈里曼敦职责杨带英所带出的民生课题是琐碎小事,因为市政厅月常会议是用以讨论重要政策,但是杨带英可否通过媒体公布一个清单,罗列八打灵再也市政厅在其选区内延迟耽误解决的民生问题?

三、 除了被废置的礼堂,身为纳税人的达八打灵再也市民也有权利知道其他尚未解决的民生问题以及遭耽误延迟的发展计划。因此,身为人民代议士,如果杨带英知道任何被搁置的计划,那么她可否公布这些计划,向市政厅施压,要求市政厅交待原因并要求市政厅赶紧施工?

四、 更重要的一点是,杨带英表示这两名市议员每人每年获分十万令吉作为拨款。杨带应必须交待的就是:

a. 是不是只有这两名市议员获得这笔拨款?其他市议员,尤其是其他政党推介的市议员是否也获得同等数目的拨款?

b. 不管是不是每一名市议员能够获得这笔拨款,纳税人有权利知道:到底这笔拨款是从哪一个政府机构申请?是中央政府直接批发下来的,还是州政府机构,还是另有管道(如州议员的拨款或政党内部拨款)?

c. 如果证实这两名市议员每年可以获得十万令吉的拨款,那么这两名市议员必须交待他们如何使用这笔拨款。我们也要求这两名市议员出示一个清单,让人民知道到底人民所缴纳的税收用在什么地方。


Ethnic Relations Guidebook – the Ministry is taking time to vet it, but will the teaching of the subject be suspended until further notice?

The Minister of Higher Education Datuk Mustapa Mohamed was reported as saying in the Sun front page on 28th July 2006 that the Ethnic Relations Guidebook is under “thorough and careful review” by the Ministry.

Datuk Mustapa also said that they will not rush it, and that they will take their time perusing the contents of the guidebook.

One main question that the Minister has to answer is that whether the subject will still be taught in local universities pending on the study results of a panel of experts chaired by the Higher Educational Institution Management Department Director-General Prof. Datuk Hassan Said.

And if the answer is ‘yes’, and since the original guidebook is already withdrawn, it will leave with us a situation that the teaching of the subject, at least in UPM, will be a guideless subject, moreover when the Minister himself admitted that his Ministry is taking time to vet it.

If this is the situation, will not it be appropriate to also suspend the subject for the time being, pending on a full and comprehensive studies completed by the review panel chaired by the Higher Educational Institution Management Department Director-General Prof. Datuk Hassan Said?

Unless the Ministry is able to come out in time with a complete review of the subject for all public universities to adopt for teaching in this semester, otherwise the subject shall also be suspended temporarily pending on the study results.

Mustapa must be reminded that during the emergency motion tabled by DAPSY MP for Bandar Kuching YB Chong Chieng Jen, this is the last question that he has avoided to answer. Although he has later clarified that the subject will still be taught and that it is the content of the guidebook to be reviewed and rectified, it is definitely the time for him to come clear before he is questioned again on the matter in the next Parliamentary Seating.







Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Change lifestyle – How to change lifestyle when there are no proper public transportation system in place?

On Monday evening, some 1200 Putra LRT passengers were stranded after several trains came to a halt near Masjid Jamek, Pasar Senia and Kampung Baru due to the failure of the computer system, causing at least five passengers fainted form the stuff condition in the train.

The Putra LRT service was disrupted for more than two hours on Monday after both the central computer system which controls the movement of trains and the backup computer system failed simultaneously.

Despite an open apology and promise to prepare an internal report within 48 hours and a comprehensive report on the incident within 30 days from Putra LRT operator Rapid KL’s CEO Rein Westra, the incident is certainly another alarming signal showing that public transportation system in Malaysia, especially rail services in Klang Valley is in a deplorable condition whereby passengers do not enjoy quality services they should deserve while at the same time they have to pay higher and higher fare.

Since the announcement of the 30 sen petrol price hike on 28th February 2006, the government has been urging the public to change lifestyle to accommodate for the higher fuel price and subsequently higher cost of living.

One of the many advices from the government to the people is to switch to public transportation to reduce dependence on gasoline-guzzling private vehicles. Despite similar calls from various government officers, the government should at the same time improve the quality of public transportation service in order to promote public transportation in Klang Valley.

It is important that the ‘pull and push’ factors are in place to ensure that public transportation system in Malaysia can become an added value to city life, not ending up of becoming a liability to the community.

One very serious problem that has to be overcome is the punctuality of public transportation system especially KTM Komuter and feeder bus services. Many commuters and passengers in Klang Valley are suffering from the lacks of punctuality from Komuter trains and Rapid KL buses.

For the past few years, DAP Selangor has been receiving numerous complaints on the service of KTM Komuters, either on late trains or on-the-spot cancellation of trains sevice without earlier notice which caught many innocent commuters in shock during peak hours. We even have complainants that complained KTM did not take actions despite several official complaints been made.

We view this as a serious matter which will definitely deteriorate the quality of life in Selangor, and certainly this is another reason why encouragement from the government to the people to switch to public transportations has always been poured with cold waters, simply because these systems are not reliable.

A major overhaul on our current public transportation in Klang Valley is a long-waited public exercise and must be conducted without wasting any time.

Therefore, we would like to suggest that:
1. An overhaul on public transportation in Klang Valley be conducted, which include a review right from the conceptual planning to construction of any public transportation facilities.
2. The implementation of the concept “Public transportation before development” which includes a mandatory public transportation be in place (including rail system) before developing any new areas.
3. Full disclosure of the said comprehensive report from RAPID KL on the incident to the public after 30 days, including the disclosure of the party responsible for the incident. The report should not also be made available to the Minister as the public deserve the right to know the real of the break-down.


在周一晚上,大约1千200名轻快铁搭客被困在布特拉轻快铁位于Masjid Jamek,Pasar Seni以及Kampung Baru车站的车厢。据称这是因为轻快铁公司的电脑控制系统出现的问题所导致的。这也造成该公司的五名搭客因长时间困在车厢,面对呼吸困难而晕倒。








1. 从最初步的公共交通系统概念拟定到后期的承建工程,有关方面必须为巴生谷河流域的公共系统进行全面检讨和重整的工作。
2. 落实‘现有公共交通系统,后有发展计划’的概念,规定任何发展计划在获得有关方面的批准之前必须拥有完善良好的公共交通系统服务该地区。
3. 在三十天后全面公布吉隆坡综合交通网络有限公司提呈给交通部的完整报告书。我们认为这步骤是必要的,因为人民,尤其是搭客们必须知道到底当晚事发原因。

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Assaults on SPF members – The management of UPM should have the courage to listen to opinions from civil society and the people

We strongly condemn the bureaucratic attitude of UPM management of not accepting a memorandum submitted by a group of NGOs and political parties. It is clear from here that the management of UPM is trying to push this issue as an internal issue rather than a national issue that concern the rights and benefits of the rakyat.

23 NGOs and political parties gather this morning in front of the Administration Building of UPM in order to submit a memorandum to UPM Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students Affairs) as well as to have an open dialogue with him concerning various issues that took place in UPM, topping the list is the most recent assault on several SPF students by another group of UPM students, claimed to be the leaders of UPM Students Representatives Council and Residential College Students Representative Committee.

Though we had earlier made an appointment, that a group of 20 people, representing various sectors and stakeholders would like to meet the Deputy Vice Chancellor, we were stopped and limited with only three persons to enter the office. Much to our dismay is that we are only received by a normal staff while reporters and representatives from the media are not allowed to follow to cover the event.

The management of UPM has portrayed an unacceptable attitude towards public scrutiny on what happened in the campus recently. It is the stand of DAPSY that right from the beginning, the issue should not be treated as a trivial issue in the campus as it has a very serious and far-reaching impact on the development and image of Malaysian Higher Education, especially those of the Public Institutions of Higher Education. More over, the students who alleged to behave unruly are claimed to be the leaders from the Students Representative Council, which is the highest students body in the university.

It is equally sad to witness that the bureaucrats in UPM refused to “turun padang” as urged by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The PM has openly called for high ranking government servants to go to the field (turun ke padang) in order to understand the problem of the general society as well as concerns of the grassroot communities. What we encounter today is definitely not in accordance with the PM’s call.

Much to our dismay, when we were addressing the groups of NGOs and political parties who came to the campus to submit the memorandum, there were a group of people disturbing the progress of our activity this morning, either by shouting or laughing at us. I went upstairs to check for their identities only to find that they were wearing UPM tags, which I failed to identify whether the tags are student tags or staff tags as the two are almost the same.

Regardless of whether they are students or staffs, we need to stress that the gathering we have this morning is a peaceful gathering and that there is no intention to disturb anybody. If the group of people who disturb us upstairs are students, and if it is so unfortunately that they are from the UPM Students Representative Council, what we can say is that the culture of gangsterism is already deep-rooted in the campus until these students do not even know the basic courtesy of respecting the rights of other people to organize activities. Their behaviors certainly do not fit in the definition of the conduct of a university student.

By witnessing all these ugly incidents, let us ask ourselves a question of whether this is the like of the university students our universities are teaching? There is so much stress on human capital from the government but are all these just meaningless rhetoric since these unruly students are unfortunately part of the “human capital” we have on hands?

Therefore, we call on the management of UPM to be courages to listen to opinions from civil society and the people. Public Institutions of Higher Learning is the hope of the country if we were to be a fully developed nation. The tolerant attitude put up by the administration such unruly and uncivilized acts will only deteriorate the higher education crisis that we are encountering now and we certainly would not like to witness this disease from spreading into other universities.





首相曾经指示政府高级官员要‘Turun Padang’(意即要官员‘深入民间,体会问题的严重性以及亲自处理问题’),但是博大校方的态度显然和首相的呼吁相互违背。



难道马来西亚培育的大专生就是这个样子?首相一直强调人力资本(Modal Insan)的培训,难道这些大专生就是我们要积极栽培的人力资本?


Monday, July 24, 2006





• 对发生的事件进行调查
• 提问和会见有关人士,并参考和涉及者有关的所有资料或文件。
• 收集任何资料或文件用作调查用途。
• 根据收集到的证据和谈话内容分析及考虑。
• 确认涉及违反纪律的人士,并针对有关行为建议适当的纪律行动。
• 建议可资采纳的步骤,以确保类似事件不再发生。
• 提成调查委员会的报告予校长聂幕斯达化。






Friday, July 21, 2006

Unruly UPM students act - Conduct Open Investigation Now

DAPSY strongly condemn the latest students assault conducted by the a group of 40 students led by the UPM student representative council president who surrounded a group of Students Progressive Front (SPF) members and scolded them harshly for setting up the counter when the SPF is not a registered group.

Such unruly and uncivilized act is not only saddening, heart-brokening but also embarrassing the whole country, as well as students and graduates of other local public universities especially those from UPM!

Although university is a place to pursue higher level knowledge, it does not seem that the managements of public universities are concerned about academic freedom, excellence and student activism.

Previously we were talking about whether our students and children can perform academically or not in university studies, later we are worried of whether they are capable to secure a job after graduation. While we are still worried about this, it seems that some how we had to even worry for the safety of our students in the campus, maybe because of the “Samseng” students in high school have probably enrolled in local public universities.

Damage had been done and remedies must come fast to salvage the situation before more students are victimized and situations get deteriorated.

It will be most shocking if those who acted unruly are members of the Students Representative Council of UPM. As member of the Students Representative Council, instead of suppressing student’s rights, they should protect the right of the students. Even if they do not like activities organized by SPF, the best they can do is to stay away, or at least not to interfere and not to interrupt the running of the activities.

Therefore, DAPSY calls on the Office of UPM Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students Affairs) to conduct an open and immediate investigation against those who are involved in the unruly conduct and assault against “anti-establishment” students in UPM, as the tragedy has not only tarnished the image of Malaysian Higher Education, which is fast losing it’s academic shine, but also jeopardized efforts and calls from the government to established first world mentality, towering universities, promoting human capital etc.


社青团强力谴责有博大学生代表理事会主席所领导的40 余名学生干扰博大前进阵线的活动,并无理粗暴对待前进阵线的学生。







Thursday, July 20, 2006

Something is very wrong with UPM

I am saddened by what I see in a video clip which shown the unruly, uncivilised act and assault on a group of UPM students from Students Progressive Front recently.

It is event more annoying that those "samseng" are claimed to be elected representative from UPM students council and Residential College Students Representative Council.

Elected students representatives should stand up to protect the democratic rights of each and every students, not the other way by standing by the adminisration of UPM to suppress the students.

If they do not like the activities organised by SPF, the best they can do is to stay away, or at least not to interfere. Who are they to interupt the running of the activities? What rights they have to do that? Such crazy rights are not even provided under the current draconian UUCA or the Tatatertib!

Something must be done to rectify this, the best UPM can do at the moment is to suspend these samseng from holding any elected posts in the campus pending on a full investigation.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006













Sunday, July 16, 2006

Open call to all elected representative in Petaling Jaya to support the initiatives and struggles of the residents

What is the meaning of obtaining the status of a full city when the residents of the city do not even have the opportunity to know the account of the governing body safeguarding the environment and basic amenities of the place they live?

This is the irony of the Petaling Jaya city day celebration on this coming 20th June 2006. MPPJ City Day Celebration Budget Committee officer Ikhwan Salim Sujuk claimed that “PJ cannot claim to the world that it has become a city” with the reduction of the City Day celebration budget reduced from RM 7.5 million to RM 2.0 million.

Accountability and transparency are the two major elements towards good governance in any public administration.

One of Abdullah’s trade-mark slogans as Prime Minister in the past three years was for the eradication of the “First-World infrastructure, Third-World Mentality” Malaysian malaise, which he elevated into a major national mission in the Ninth Malaysia Plan by calling for a “first-class mentality” among Malaysians.

If Ikhwan’s view can be a representative view for majority of the officers running the offices of MPPJ, then it is a gross dismay that local government office bearers have to date failed to understand the real substance of celebrating a City Day is the enhancement of accountability and transparency.

MPPJ can actually become a role model for, not only local councils in Selangor, but also local councils nationwide, that by becoming a City, MPPJ itself is willing to provide greater accountability and transparency in any aspect of its administration, as well as providing greater consultation with the residents regarding to any local projects.

It's sad to note too that not much MPs or ADUNs in Petaling Jaya have come out openly to support the movement which seeks for greater transparency from MBPJ. Moreover, the movement is initiated by the residents who had granted them handsome victory during the last General Election. Their silence will inevitably lead PJ residents to believe that they are on MPBJ's side.

People representatives in PJ should be the leading force to advocate for good governance and transparency in local government. Being MPs and ADUNs for constituencies which are located under the management of MBPJ administration, BN ADUNs and MPs in PJ should explain their deafening inactions.



这就是今年6月20日即将举行的八打灵再也城市日的吊诡之处。八打灵再也市政厅城市日(City Day)预算委员会主席伊科万萨林曾向《太阳报》表示,一旦庆典仪式的预算由当初的750万令吉一减再减至200万令吉后,“八打灵再也就无法告诉全世界,我们已经是一个城市了”。








政府这次修改1971年大专法令,跟巫统所成立的少年团(Putera UMNO)有莫大关系

政府这次修改1971年大专法令,跟巫统所成立的少年团(Putera UMNO)有莫大关系,而解除大专法令的紧箍咒,可以让更多在藉的国立或私立大学生,尽早加入巫统。

所有大专生可别高兴得太早,否则最后只会落得一场空。政府这次修改大专法令,主要跟巫统所成立的少年团(Putera UMNO)有莫大关系。





在2005年7月,当时的高等教育部长沙菲益沙礼(Shafie Salleh)还在国会指政府不会检讨1971年大专法令。他当时说,大专法令并没有限制学生的言论自由和集会自由。然而,同年的11月,当时的高教部副部长胡亚桥就宣布政府要成立一个委员会,以检讨现有的大专法令。



Pindaan AUKU harus berlandaskan keseimbangan kuasa di antara Mahasiswa-mahasiswi, ahli-ahli akademik dan pentadbiran Universiti

Pindaan AUKU harus berlandaskan keseimbangan kuasa di antara Mahasiswa-mahasiswi, ahli-ahli akademik dan pentadbiran Universiti serta prinsip “hakmilik sama” di antara ketiga-tiganya.

Fasal 15, 15A, 15C, AUKU telah menidakkan hak asasi manusia mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang diperuntukkan di bawah Artikel 8 dan 10 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, dan dengan itu mesti dimansuhkan. Fasal 15B dan 15D perlu dipinda supaya mahasiswa-mahasiswi yang dituduh melakukan kegiatan jenayah diberi layanan selaras dengan undang-undang jenayah di Malaysia. Fasal 16, 16A, 16B dan 16C AUKU harus dipinda untuk mengelakkan kuasa pembubaran dan penggantungan mana-mana persatuan Mahasiswa tidak terlalu tertumpu pada Naib Canselor.

Peranan yang dimainkan serta pengaruh oleh Menteri Pengajian Tinggi dalam AUKU harus dikurangkan. Menteri hanya bertanggungjawab untuk menetapkan dasar pembangunan pengajian tinggi di Malaysia secara makroskopik, manakala pengurusan dan pentadbiran mikroskopik Universiti harus dikendali sepenuhnya oleh Lembaga Pengarah Universiti.

Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah Universiti harus terdiri daripada wakil ketiga-tiga pihak Pentadbiran, Ahli-ahli Akademik dan Mahasiswa-mahasiswi, yang dipilih oleh pertubuhan masing-masing untuk menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah Universiti melalui pilihanraya. Pindaan harus dijalankan terhadap fasal-fasal dalam AUKU yang menakrifkan penubuhan Lembaga Pengarah Universiti.

Perlantikan Naib Canselor harus ditentukan sepenuhnya oleh Senat Universiti tanpa pengaruh daripada mana-mana pihak sama ada secara langsung atau secara tidak langsung demi mempertahankan kebebasan Universiti.

Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah Universiti harus dilantik oleh oleh Senat di kalangan ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah Universiti selepas melalui pemilihan dalaman Lembaga Pengarah Universiti. Beliau akan terpilih jikalau beliau mendapat undi majoriti.

Ahli-ahli Senat harus dianggotai oleh mereka yang tidak berkepentingan politik dan majoritinya mestilah terdiri daripada Ahli-ahli Akademik yang sudah bersara, disegani masyarakat akademik antarabangsa serta disanjungi masyarakat awam.

Semua Dekan Fakulti harus dipilih oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswi dan para akademik Fakulti berkenaan dan kemudian dilantik oleh Senat Universiti.

Majlis Perwakilan Mahasiswa Universiti harus diberi nafas, jiwa, peranan dan fungsi baru. MPM harus dijadikan sebagai badan mahasiswa induk yang berautonomi dan mempunyai sumber kewangannya sendiri.

Pindaan AUKU – Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi harus bersikap liberal terhadap pendapat dan pandangan daripada pelbagai pihak

Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi dalam meminda AUKU harus bersikap liberal terhadap pendapat dan pandangan daripada pelbagai pihak termasuk pertubuhan-pertubuhan mahasiswa yang tidak berdaftar kerana mereka juga merupakan sebahagian daripada masyarakat kita

Timbalan Menteri Pengajian Tinggi Datuk Ong Tee Keat telah menyatakan bahawa beliau hanya bertanggungjawab untuk mengaturkan dialog and taklimat dengan Ahli-ahli Parlimen dari BN dan pembangkang, oleh itu tidak dapat memberi ulasan terdapat perjumpaan dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan mahasiswa,.

Ulasan Ong Tee Keat ini menunjukkan mentaliti beliau masih berada di paras dunia kelas ketiga. Mana-mana menteri yang responsif dan peka terhadap pandangan rakyat akan pasti mengambil tindakan segera untuk menyelesaikan sebarang masalah dan persoalan yang tertimbul akibat pelaksanaan mana-mana dasar kerajaan.

Walaupun Ong bukan seorang Menteri penuh dan tugasnya hanya untul mengadakan dialog dan taklimat dengan Ahli-ahli Parlimen, tetapi kami berpendapat Ong tidak harus dikekang dengan birokrasi ini. Jikalau pihak Kementerian ikhlas untuk mendengar pandangan-pandangan daripada pelbagai pihak, maka Ong sebagai Timbalan Menteri harus merujuk perkara ini kepada Menteri untuk dibawa berbincang bersama sama ada perjumpaan harus diadakan dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan mahasiswa yang tidak berdaftar.

Sementara itu, Kementerian telah mengeluarkan surat jemputan kepada semua Ahli Parlimen BN dan Pembangkang bahawa mereka dijemput untuk menghadiri satu taklimat yang akan diadakan di Parlimen berkenaan dengan Rang Undang-undang Pemindaan AUKU. Taklimat untuk Ahli-ahli Parlimen BN dijadualkan pada esok, Hari Isnin, 10hb Julai 2006 manakala taklimat dengan Ahli-ahli Parlimen Pembangkang dijadualkan pada 13hb Julai 2006, iaitu Hari Khamis yang akan datang.

Dengan itu, kami berharap pihak Kementerian akan mengumunkan juga Ahli-ahli Panel yang membuat pindaan-pindaan terhadap AUKU, termasuk mereka yang menyandang jawatan Pengerusi dan Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasanya, serta mengumumkan terma-terma rujukannya (Terms of Reference).

Ini berikutan dengan jawapan bertulis daripada Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Mustapa Mohamed terhadap pertanyaan lisan Ahli Parlimen DAP untuk Batu Gajah dan Naib Pengerusi DAPSY berkenaan dengan perkembangan terbaru pemindaan AUKU. Menteri pada masa itu hanya menjawab bahawa Kementerian telah menubuhkan sebuah Jawatankuasa Panel Penilaian Semula (Review Panel) dan ahli-ahlinya terdiri daripada pensyarah-pensyarah kursus undang-undang dari IPTA tempatan seperti UM, UiTM, UIA dan sebagainya.

Adalah menjadi satu tanda soal besar terhadap kandungan pindaan yang akan dibuat apabila orang ramai tidak mengetahui terma-terma rujukan dan siapa yang menganggotai Review Panel itu. Apa yang membimbangkan kami ialah jikalau ini tidak dilakukan, kemungkinan besar AUKU yang dipinda nanti akan menjadi lebih draconian dan menindas, sekaligus memusnahkan kecermelangan dan kebebasan akademik di IPTA-IPTA.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

MBPJ billboard issue – Expect not only Termizi to explain, but also ADUNs and MPs in PJ to explain their deafening inactions.

Newly appointed Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ) mayor Datuk Termizi Ahmad Puteh not only has assumed a totally new job for him, but also has an all new question for him to answer – whether the MBPJ has already completed on the total number of billboards in Petaling Jaya under the administration on MBPJ?

This is the question raised when the Mayor was quoted by China Press KL/Sel Section through a tele-conversation that the City Hall is in still in the process of investigating the total number of outdoor advertising billboards in the whole Petaling Jaya under its jurisdiction.

This was inconsistent with some documents sourced from an anonymous party that the city hall has already issued warning letter to one of the many advertising companies. It will be mind-boggling to notice that the city hall “is still in the process of investigation” in July 2006 when the city hall had as early as July 2005 issued warning letter to outdoor advertising companies, alerting them to demolish illegal outdoor advertising billboards or the city hall will take actions against them.

How would the city hall be able to warn companies on illegal outdoor advertising billboard in July 2005 when the investigation is yet to be completed in July 2006?

Termizi should think twice in finalizing his reply to His Majesty the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafudding Abdul Aziz Shah. Otherwise, he will commit a serious crime of not speaking the truth to His Majesty.

It's sad to note too that not much MPs or ADUNs in Petaling Jaya have come out openly to support the movement which seeks for greater transparency from MBPJ. Moreover, the movement is initiated by the residents who had granted them handsome victory during the last General Election. Their silence will inevitably lead PJ residents to believe that they are on MPBJ's side.

People representatives in PJ should be the leading force to advocate for good governance and transparency in local government. Being MPs and ADUNs for a constituency which is the heartland of MBPJ’s administration, YB Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, Bukit Lanjan ADUN, YB Ms. Yong Dai Ying, Taman Medan ADUN, YB Abdul Wahab Ibrahim, Bukit Gasing ADUN, YB Datuk Lim Thuan Seng (State Exco) cannot afford to be seemed missing from action. (Kampung Tunku ADUN and Damansara Utama Adun, YB Datuk Dr. Wong Sai Hou and YB Datuk Lim Choon Kin are MBPJ Councillors, PJ Selatan MP YB Datuk Lim Siang Chai has voiced out his grouses on MBPJ yesterday)

In relation to MBPJ billboard issue, we expect not only Termizi to explain, but also ADUNs and MPs in PJ to explain their deafening inactions. A letter will be issued to them to highlight the issue and to urge them to take up the issue.