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Thursday, May 27, 2010
'Special' security for Subang Jaya council chief

BCorp may want to take the loophole but wait....
Selangor local councils mount barrier against sports bettingBy Malaysiakini Reporter Aidila RazakMay 27, 102:37pmSeveral local councils in Selangor have moved to freeze the license of gambling premises which offer sports betting, in what appears to be a cascading wave of protest against the federal government legislation.Starting with the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) on Tuesday, the movement appeared to have spread to Selayang yesterday and Ampang Jaya this morning, with both acting to disallow sports betting in their respective jurisdictions.Speaking to reporters after their full-board meeting, councilor Latheefa Koya said that they acted under Section 101 of the Local Government Act which covers issues concerning health, safety and convenience.Latheefa, (left) who is also PKR information chief, said that sports betting is detrimental to mental health and turns sports into an unhealthy activity.According to Selayang councilor Lee Khai Loon, local councils can bar the activity by controlling through the issuance of premise licenses, which stipulates the type of items that can be traded."Existing gambling premises like Sports Toto list lotteries as their trading item, not sports betting."To add sports betting as a trading item, operators have to apply to the local council and our stand is to reject such applications," he said, adding that the decision was unanimous.Khai Loon, who is also PKR Youth information chief, added that the council will close down premises reported offering sports betting."We have 24 councilors who, with the help of the public ,will act as the eyes and ears for (the Selayang Municipal council)," he warned.No round-the-clock betsOn top of controlling trading items, Ampang Jaya councilor Lee Shok Jing said that the council, whose vote on the issue was also unanimous, is also using the premise license to limit the trading hours of gambling operators."We expect that with the FIFA World Cup, punters will want to place bets around the clock, so we are limiting the trading hours to ensure that this does not happen," she said.The councils will also not approve license applications for new gambling premises, with all the decisions made regarding sports betting taking immediate effect.
万达广场“Rock The Vote”选民登记运动

节目: “Rock The Vote” 选民登记运动
日期: 5月29日至5月30日
时间: 10.30 am 至 10.00 pm
地点: 万达广场(旧翼)底层(Sakae Sushi对面)
Letter from Councillor Richard Yeoh In Response To Nadeswaran
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Phase in build-then-sell system
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Rundingan Malaysia-Singapura – Jangan Biar Pisang Berbuah Dua Kali Seperti Rundingan Malaysia-Brunei
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Mencabar UMNO dan PERKASA membantah pemberian lesen judi bola oleh kerajaan BN
Low cost house fiasco: Publishing names of owners is the first step towards clearing the mess of the past
Saturday, May 22, 2010
New definition on "State Assembly" from Sarawak DUN Speaker
新闻更新 >> 08:20 2010-5-22砂议长:被禁足州议会议员 不能踏进议会范围(古晋21日讯)被禁足州议会的议员,是不能踏进议会范围,包括花园和停车场、建筑物公开场所、篱笆附近等的范围,否则又是犯规的行为。州立法议会议长拿督斯里阿斯菲雅今日在州立法议会进行议员辩论的环节作严正声明,已被禁足议会的议员,在禁足令期间,不仅是连公众席不被允许进入,议会范围也都不许踏足半步。他谴责浮罗岸区议员黄锦河已于本月19日被议会裁决禁足议会,该禁足令是即日生效,但后者却在20日要硬闯议会的做法是全然抵触议会常规。他指出,在议会常规第14(2)条文下已阐明,被禁止出席议会的任何一名议员,是不准再进入议会建筑物范围,也不能在公众席当听众。议长表示,他于今日接获黄锦河函件,提出到议会大厦公众席旁听和获取议会开会记录的2项要求。他说,议会驳回黄锦河提出在公众席旁听的要求,惟接纳另一项请求,即是已指示议会秘书为黄君提供每日议会开会记录。
Thursday, May 20, 2010
MBPJ tubuh QRT tangani aduan penduduk

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar harus menyiasat kes Dr Selvaa terlebih dahulu dan bukan menghukum beliau
Laporan akhbar hari ini mengatakan bahawa seorang doktor yang membongkarkan keadaan pesakit-pesakit orng asli yang teruk di sebuah hospital Orang Asli di Gombak telah dikena surat tunjuk sebab oleh Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) pada 19 April 2010.
Doktor yang bernama Selvaa Vathany Pillai berkata bahawa beliau menerima surat ini atas tindakan beliau membongkarkan peristiwa itu dan tindakan ini telah dikatakan sebagai melanggar peraturan tetap kakitangan awam.
Dr Selvaa telah membongkarkan perkara ini di Majlis Peguam Malaysia pada 11 Februari 2010 di mana beliau turut mengatakan bahawa rawatan yang diberi kepada pesakit-pesakit Orang Asli tidak memenuhi piawai yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan.
Tindakan Dr Selvaa yang berani ini diikuti dengan peristiwa tunjuk perasaan yang diadakan di hospital berkenaan pada 24 Februari yang diadakan oleh lebih daripada 30 orang penduduk Orang Asli.
Saya berasa kecewa dengan tindakan JHEOA ini kerana tindakan ini sememangnya tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah kesihatan yang dialami oleh golongan Orang Asli. Selain itu, masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh Dr Selvaa ini berkait rapat dengan profesionalisme perkhidmatan perubatan di Malaysia dan sebagai seorang doktor perubatan yang bertauliah, beliau berhak untuk menyuarakan kepincangan dalam perkhidmatan perubatan kepada pihak yang berkenaan supaya tindakan pembetulan boleh diambil.
Saya percaya Dr Selvaa memilih untuk membongkarkan perkara ini kepada pihak luar kerana beliau tidak menampak apa-apa tindakan susulan daripada pihak berkenaan, sama ada daripada JHEOA, Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar ataupun Kementerian Kesihatan untuk memperbetulkan keadaan ini.
Jikalau kerajaan BN betul-betul berjiwa 1Malaysia, maka mereka harus menyiasat tuduhan-tuduhan yang dibuat oleh Dr Selvaa dan mengenakan tindakan disiplin terhadap pegawai-pegawai kerajaan di JHEOA dan Kementerian Pembangunan Luar Bandar yang tidak menyelesaiakn masalah yang dibangkitkan oleh Dr Selvaa ini.'
Saya menyeru kepada Kabinet dan Perdana Menteri untuk bercampur tangan dalam hal ini. Seseorang kakitangan awam tidak harus dipersalahkan hanya keranan beliau menyuarakan kebenaran. Sebaliknya, tindakan berani beliau harus dipuji dan siasatan harus dijalankan terhadap tuduhannya.
Campaign in rural areas - DAP new focus
Sunday, May 16, 2010
诗巫乡区连水电供应都没有, 1000台手提电脑成英雄无用武之地
Friday, May 14, 2010
Manikavasagam should cooperate with Selcat
I read with grave concern on Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam's statement that he does not trust Selangor Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) regarding Mentri Besar's decision to refer his graft allegations against Rangkaian Semesta Sendirian Berhad (RMSB) to the selection committee.
Selcat was formed in the Selangor State Legislative Assembly, the highest legislative platform in the state of Selangor on 26th May 2008. The committee will regulate and inspect the competence, accountability and transparency in all administrative matters of the state government and all agencies, statutory bodies, local authorities and organisations linked to or are under the administration of the state government.
Selcat is also empowered to hold public hearings and could recommend investigations. The committee is chaired by State Assembly Speaker Teng Chang Khim and his deputy Haniza Mohamed Talha, Mohamed Azmin Ali (PKR- Bukit Antarabangsa), Saari Sungib (PAS-Hulu Klang), Edward Lee Poh Lin (DAP-Bukit Gasing), Sulaiman Abdul Razak (BN-Permatang) and Ismail Sani (BN-Dusun Tua).
In a statement yesterday, S. Manikavasagam jumped into the gun by saying that he does not trust Selcat Chairman Teng Chang Khim, thus he does not trust Selcat as he has an open argument with Teng Chang Khim on the relocation of Klang Sentral Bus Terminal. Teng Chang Khim is the Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly and the Assemblyman for Sungai Pinang, under Kapar parliamentary seat.
I strongly support MB's decision to refer the case to Selcat. In the past, Selcat has conducted numerous public hearings and established its fame in upholding the principle of Competency, Accountability and Transparency (CAT) in Selangor. Selcat's hearings are also conducted openly and transparently and are broadcasted via TV Selangor. Selcat has also acted without fear or favour. Government officers, elected representatives and others have been summoned to its hearings to testify on issues brought to the attention of Selcat.
Therefore, Selcat is one of the best and probably the quickest platform to investigate the Kapar MP's allegations on KSSB. I do not think S. Manikavasagam should complicate the matter by bringing in his personal dispute with Selcat's chairman Teng Chang Khim on the relocation of Klang Sentral Bus Terminal as Selcat is not Teng Chang Khim's personal property. Selcat is directly responsible to the State Assembly and there are seven members in Selcat, including two BN's elected representatives to check the state government's administration.
What more to say when you have two BN elected representatives in the select committee to probe his graft allegations against KSSB? Manikavasagam should cooperate with Selcat and provide all the information he has as the people of Selangor have the right to know of any corrupt practices of the State Government's subsidiaries.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Proposed USJ6 development – SPC should meet to resolve the matter
I read the development of a proposed commercial development on a piece of telecom utility land in USJ6 Subang Jaya with deep concern.
Since the issue was first brought up openly more than one year ago, it seems like there is no clear-cut solution to the dispute. Worst, the issue has turned into a sore point among MPSJ councillors.
Without prejudice to MPSJ personnel, including its present batch of councillors and president, State Planning Committee (SPC), the landowner and the developer, such approval, once it is granted by a local authority like MPSJ, will create a precedence and utility reserve lands in other local authorities will be at stake as owner of the land can apply to convert and develop it for other purposes.
When a piece of land is developed, the developer, city planner and the local authority will examine the land use. There is always a reason for the planner to demarcate a certain portion of land as reserve for certain amenities, which are of public importance.
Therefore, I urge the State Planning Committee (SPC) to seriously think through the application to convert that said utility reserve land into commercial land as it will have serious impact on other local councils. State Planning Committee should and must have a strong stand and not pass the buck around without clear-cut solutions provided to the people. It is unfair to both the people and the landowner.
Furthermore, local council's decision making process must also be made transparently according to rules and regulations. For any official meeting, adequate notices must be served, agenda of the meeting must be provided, quorum must be met, minute-of-meeting should be taken and tabled for endorsement in the next meeting. These are simple rules that any secondary school students know. In this case, the council should come clear to clarify whether it had called and conducted the meeting according to rules and regulations.
Thirdly, the authority must be made aware that there are enough development in Petaling Jaya and Subang Jaya. Further development to these places in future must be planned properly as any unplanned, ad-hoc development will definitely jeopardize the living standard of the people in these areas. The situation is so serious that the State Assemblyman for Bukit Gasing Edward Lee had once even suggested a two-year moratorium for all development in Petaling Jaya.
I hope the State Planning Committee can call for an urgent meeting to resolve the matter.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Kerajaan Negeri Harus Menilai Semula Prestasi Alam Flora di Selangor
Saya telah menerima banyak aduan daripada orang ramai tentang prestasi Alam Flora dan kontraktor-kontraktornya yang rendah dalam mengendalikan masalah kutipan sampah dan pembersihan di kawasan mereka. Aduan-aduan yang sama turut diterima oleh wakil rakyat di kawasan yang lain.
Antara aduan yang diterima ialah kekerapan kutipan sampah yang tidak mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan, pembersihan tidak dijalankan di tempat-tempat yang sepatutnya dan tidak mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan, pekerja-pekerja meminta "duit kopi" untuk menjalankan tugas pembersihan dan kutipan sampah dan sebagainya.
Saya memahami bukan semua kontraktor Alam Flora yang menunjukkan prestasi rendah dan terdapat sebahagian masalah adalah berpunca daripada penduduk sendiri. Walaupun begitu, aduan-aduan yang semakin banyak diterima oleh wakil rakyat sedikit sebanyak menunjukkan bahawa Alam Flora perlu menilai semula prestasi kontraktor-kontraktor yang dilantiknya.
Saya tidak ada masalah jika kontraktor-kontraktor yang dilantik itu mempunyai kepentingan politik dengan Barisan Nasional dan UMNO kerana yang penting ialah mereka perlu menunjukkan prestasi yang memuaskan. Contohnya, kerja-kerja pembersihan di Seksyen 20, 21 dan 22 di DUN Kampung Tunku telah dikontrakkan kepada kontraktor bernama Mazlynoor Holdings kepunyaan Datuk Mazlynoor Abdul Latiff, mantan Ahli Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) dan Timbalan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Klang. Saya tiada masalah dengan syarikat Datuk Mazlynoor mendapat kontrak ini tetapi beliau perlu memastikan kerja-kerja pembersihan dijalankan mengikut jadual.
Apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh Kerajaan Negeri ialah kita perlu lebih tegas dengan perlantikan kontraktor-kontraktor Alam Flora yang dilantik tanpa rundingan, malahan tanpa pengetahuan kerajaan negeri biarpun kerajaan negeri dan kerajaan tempatan yang menerima kesan-kesannya nanti.
Selain itu, kontrak antara PBT dengan Alam Flora juga telah tamat dan kini ianya hanya dijalankan atas asas setahun ke setahun dan setiap dua tahun. Justeru itu, kerajaan tempatan mempunyai peluang untuk menentukan sama ada mereka ingin meneruskan perkhidmatan dengan Alam Flora atau tidak. Jika mereka ingin meneruskannya, maka mereka perlu merunding semula perjanjian mereka dengan Alam Flora dan satu cara pemilihan dan perlantikan kontraktor yang lebih telus perlu dijalankan untuk memastikan prestasi kontraktor Alam Flora sentiasa di tahap yang memuaskan.