HUKM director Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Razak said yesterday that out of 11 operating threatres, five were already decontaminated and would be operational after it has been ascertained that the air in them is free of bacteria, whereas the other six operating theatres would only be operational in a month.
Besides further affecting people’s confidence towards the service quality of government hospital, the incident also raise doubt on whether government doctors will also sweep everything under the carpet without being able to act transparently, as Director of HUKM Prof. Dr Mohamadd Abdul Razak mentioned that “it was lucky that the incident happened on Chiristmas Eve when there weren’t any operation scheduled. Therefore it did not affect anything”
We are shocked by Prof. Dr Mohd Abdul Razak’s statement as bacterial contamination was made public only about ten days after it happened. Bacterial contamination is a very serious accident in any hospital and the management of the HUKM should not even wait a second to inform patients, their families and public immediately to remind them to exercise extraordinary precautions when moving around in the compound of the hospital.
The incident will definitely not come to an end as the ten-day delay in announcing the bacterial contamination remained unanswered, which demands HUKM to come out with a clear explanation on the matter as it concerns the benefit of patients and the public. Will HUKM be ready to assume full responsibility if anybody infected with bacteria as a result of the leakage and eventually lost their life?
The Prime Minister has mentioned the importance of maintenance, maintenance culture should be placed in equal priority with development. HUKM should also come out with a full and complete explanation on this.
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