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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Is Chan Kong Choy running for life?
Below is a report from the Star today:
Kong Choy on medical leave
PUTRAJAYA: Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy has gone on a two-week leave due to health reasons.
He needs to go abroad for a medical check-up and consultation, his press secretary Ng Kok Wai said in a statement Wednesday.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi approved the leave, said Ng.
Chinese daily Guang Ming Daily News has a different approach on the issue.
It is reported in the Chinese daily that it is learnt that Chan was severely pressurised from various issues including the RM4.6 billion PKFZ scandal and road accidents involving bus drivers.
Below is the report from Guang Ming:
Updated:2007-08-29 19:44:38 MYT
同时,部长平日也热爱以跑步机作为健身器材,也让他近年来看起来更健硕了。 (光明日报?2007.08.29)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Reply from Senator Lee Sing Chooi on PKFZ, 26/7/2006
Tuan Lee Sing Chooi to ask the MINISTER OF TRANSPORT to state the development of Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) and the number of local and foreign companies that have agreed to invest in PKFZ and the amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on PKFZ that has been approved.
Reply from Ministry of Transport:
Kerja-kerja pembangunan Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang (PKFZ) telah bermula pada 1 Julai 2004 dan sedang berjalan lancer mengikut jadual. Kemajuan pembangunan keseluruhan sehingga kini ialah 97 peratus dan projek ini dijangka siap sepenuhnya pada 1 November 2006.
Sehingga kini syarikat Aker Kvaerner dari Norway telah mengesahkan penyertaan mereka di PKFZ bagi menjalankan industri pengilangan dengan jumlah pelaburannya berjumlah RM175 juta atau USD48.6 juta. Syarikat tersebut telah pun menandatangani perjanjian bersama dengan Port Klang Free Zone Sdn. Bhd., syarikat yang ditubuhkan untuk mengurus dan mentadbir PKFZ.
Di samping itu, Port Klang Free Zone Sdn. Bhd. sedang mengadakan rundingan dengan 58 buah syarikat yang menunjukkan minat dan komited untuk melabur dan menjalankan aktiviti perniagaannya di PKFZ. Dari jumlah tersebut, 31 buah syarikat merupakan syarikat asing dan 27 buah syarikat merupakan syarikat tempatan.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
投报住家爆窃被揶揄 事主不满警方态度草率
欧阳捍华吁居民 加强保安自我保护 2007/08/24 18:07:17
Monday, August 27, 2007
RM2 mil for BN Sgor ADUNs, explain where is it!
Parthiban was quoted as saying that:
“I give priority to youths since I am a young man myself. I have organised many sporting events such as futsal and badminton to keep them occupied. I built badminton courts for them,” he said.
These are funded through an annual development fund of RM2 million allocated to each state assemblyperson in Selangor, he explained.
DAP Selangor is shocked that:
• If each BN ADUN enjoys RM2 million annually as constituency development funds, what it means is that Selangor State Government will have to fork out RM108 million in total just for constituency development funds alone.
• RM108 million should be regarded as a huge amount for a state government and it is equally astonishing that not a single BN ADUN has ever been accountable to the allocation by announcing how the allocation was spent for the past few years.
And if we review the performance of our ADUNs in Selangor, such huge allocation for them to be disposed as “constituency development funds” is totally not matching with their performances at all.
Moreover, the State Assembly Hall has lost its function to be an effective platform for ADUNs to raise matters concerning the people of Selangor. For example, the Selangor State Assembly Hall was only convened for about five days last year and the year before, even the last seating was only convened for one day and only 5 oral questions were answered.
This shows that the Selangor State Assembly Hall has lost its shine as an effective platform for the people to voice their opinions on matters concerning Selangor through their elected State Assemblymen/women, whom more than 90 percent of them are from BN. If BN ADUNs fail to play an effective role in the Selangor State Assembly Hall to speak up for the people, which is their most basic and fundamental responsibility to be discharged as elected ADUN, then what excuse they could have to enjoy hundreds of million ringgit as “constituency development fund”.
For the information of the public, each BN MPs enjoy up to RM2 million as constituency development funds, which is increased from RM500,000 to RM2 million.
The State Government also spent more than RM30 million to renovate the current Selangor State Assembly Hall which is completely a white elephant as it is never used for more than five days a year.
We wish to stress that such astronomical amount of allocation is not personal property of BN but the money form taxpayers. It will be a laughing stock if the state government spent tens of million of ringgit to renovate the Selangor State Assembly Hall building but has never used it for more than five days, it will even be a bigger laughing stock if hundred of millions of constituency development funds are not made accountable and transparent to the rakyat.
Is this they type of “developed state” that the MB wishes to achieve? Is this the benefit of having zero opposition in Selangor, which has been lauded by the MB since years ago? Are all 54 BN ADUNs dare to announce where has this RM2 million gone to?
第一、 如果每一名国阵州议员能够每年获得200万令吉的选区拨款,那么54名国阵州议员一年便花掉雪州州政府1亿800万令吉的公款。
第二、 面对每年这么大笔的拨款,国阵竟然没有一名州议员公布他们如何花费每年1亿800万令吉的拨款。
RM2 mil for BN Sgor ADUNs
"I give priority to youths since I am a young man myself. I have organised many
sporting events such as futsal and badminton to keep them occupied. I built
badminton courts for them,” he said.
These are funded through an annual development fund of RM2 million allocated to each state assemblyperson in Selangor, he explained.---- K. Parthiban, MIC Ijok State Assemblyman, interview with Malaysiakini.com
This is the amount of money allocated to BN Selangor ADUN annually used for their constituency development. This is also the money that keep BN alive in the state as opposition ADUN will never be treated fairly that they can enjoy the same benefit.
Of course, if Malaysia were a mature democracy, then development is a must from the government for the people rather then a gift to the people.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Kit on the Sun - Looking back to look ahead
Among others, Kit Siang thinks that it’s a very mixed result after the country is coming up to 50 years.
"I think when we achieved independence 50 years ago and then with Sabah and Sarawak we formed the Malaysian federation, we all had one aspiration – that we would become more Malaysian over the years.By the way, Sdr Jeff Ooi blogged on it too. So did Kit.
"Which means we would become less Malay, less Chinese, less Indian, less Kadazan and less Iban and so on, but on the 50th year looking around, especially with the events in the last two months, we seem to have become less Malaysian and more Malay, more Chinese, more Indian, more Kadazan and more Iban than anything else."
Thursday, August 23, 2007
MCA Youth's sandiwara
For example, the sixteen words of “ren bu fan wo, wo bu fan ren, ren nuo fan wo, wo bi fan ren” (人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必犯人) in relation to Liow‘s Mandarin speech was not translated in Malay and we can say that the Malay and Chinese speeches were two totally different speeches. Instead, the Malay translation was only words of praises.
What is more regretting is that the full translation was only issued four days (22nd August 2007), this shows that MCA Youth had never intended to prepare the full Malay translation until when DAP put pressure on MCA Youth to check on their sandiwara gimmick.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
2007/08/18 18:11:19
值得一提的是,当时的永山的助选团队非常成功,9 位华裔参选的候选人全都成功当选。除了非常积极参与校园选举外,永山也和笔者一样非常热衷于华语辩论,也曾经是辩论场上的队友。在马大辩论队的日子里,永山也练得一身好口才。毕业后,他最早决定从政,现是民主行动党秘书长林冠英的政治秘书之一。以笔者对永山的了解,笔者相信他将会是一位非常优秀的政治人物。
渐彪毕业于马大中文系,副修国际关系。老实说,渐彪是四位中笔者接触最多,合作最久,认识最深的一位学长。巧的是,渐彪和笔者一样,都是拉曼学院完成大学先修班然后进入马大的。渐彪先是笔者的辩论教练,后来成为了队友而且也曾帮助笔者参与了马大新青年协会的校园选举的助选活动 .对于很多人来说,渐彪也许只是个拥有绝佳口才的辩论员和主持人。然而,对笔者而言,渐彪具有魄力、毅力及领导力。笔者也绝对相信渐彪将会在从政路上拥有自己的一片蓝海。
争取年轻人支持 马华行动党打“青年才俊”牌
2007/07/21 11:00:22
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
政府会向他们采取行动吗?Razali Idris, Ketua Penerangan Pemuda UMNO Terengganu
“Hak Orang Melayu tidak boleh dicabar, jika tidak orang Melayu akan mengamok, peristiwa Mei 13 akan berulang yang ianya akan lebih teruk daripada tahun 1969 yang akan menjadikan Kuala Lumpur padang terkukur.
UMNO rela mengorbankan nyawa dan bermandi darah untuk mempertahankan bangsa dan agama daripada bukan Muslim atau bukan Melayu.”
Reezal Merican Naina Merican
“Maka berdasarkan fakta-fakta ini, Pemuda dengan tegas menyelar tindakan bekas Presiden ASLI (Institut Kepimpinan dan Strategik Asia), Dr. Lim Teck Ghee yang cuba memutarbelitkan fakta dengan niat ingin menidakkan agenda Melayu, sekaligus merubah kontrak sosial.
“Tinjauan Pemuda mendapati hampir 80 peratus daripada jumlah kontrak keseluruhan, pusingannya pergi ke tangan bukan Melayu.“Ini kerana pembekal bahan binaan terdiri daripada kaum Cina yang wujud dalam rangkaian kartel yang begitu kuat sejak sekian lama dari dahulu lagi.
“Pemuda juga meminta kerajaan terus menamakan pembekal bumiputera dalam setiap kontrak yang diberikan di bawah tender bagi memastikan pusingan kontrak dinikmati oleh bumiputera.”
Datuk Salamon Selamat
“UMNO Selangor mencadangkan agar proses pemberian kontrak secara berkelompok diberi keutamaan manakala syarikat bumiputera yang berpotensi diberi peluang memperoleh kontrak projek mega melalui Inisiatif Pembiayaan Swasta (PFI).
“Peluang perlu diberi kepada kontraktor bumiputera berkemampuan mendapatkan kontrak dengan GLC, mewajibkan semua GLC mewujudkan Unit Penyertaan Bumiputera dan mengadakan pakatan strategik antara GLC dengan industri kecil dan sederhana (IKS) dalam projek pembangunan dan infrastruktur.”
Datuk Hamdi Abu Bakar, Ketua UMNO Bahagian Beruas“Kita ini sebagai tuan, tetapi tuan apa kalau papa kedana, tuan apa kalau tak mampu, tuan apa kalau selekeh, sengkek dan lembek? Tuan mesti hebat, barulah kita kata kita kuat.
“Jika dicabut semua bangunan milik bukan bumiputera di Kuala Lumpur, rakyat boleh melihat bahawa tidak ada apa lagi bangunan yang tinggal. Ibu negara akan menjadi ‘padang jarak padang tekukur’.
“Begitu juga dengan Bursa Malaysia. Kalau digugurkan saham milik bukan bumiputera, maka tidak ada apa-apa lagi yang tinggal kecuali papan sahaja.”
Datuk Azimi Daim
“Kerajaan perlu melantik ahli UMNO yang profesional menggantikan CEO GLC terbabit yang tidak mampu menjalankan tugas.”
Senator Mohd. Puad Zarkashi
“UMNO Johor juga ingin mencadangkan supaya televisyen berbayar diletakkan di bawah Kementerian Penerangan dan tidak lagi diletakkan di bawah Kementerian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi, dan kementerian itu sendiri mesti diketuai menteri UMNO.“Langkah tertentu diambil termasuk mensyaratkan syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) memperuntukkan peratusan tertentu untuk iklan dalam akhbar-akhbar Melayu sahaja.”
Naib Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Khairy Jamaluddin
“Angka 45 peratus yang sengaja dikeluarkan oleh Institut Strategi dan Kepimpinan Asia (ASLI) itu sengaja mengelirukan kita.“Tidak kiralah ASLI itu think tank siapa. Hakikatnya orang Melayu masih lemah dan perlu dibantu.”
Ketua Puteri UMNO bahagian Tangga Batu, Azlieza Azizan
“Pergerakan Puteri UMNO Melaka meminta kerajaan menentukan syarikat-syarikat swasta mengambil lebih 60 peratus bumiputera profesional untuk mengisi keperluan dalam organisasi mereka.”
Perak’s RM1.4b biofuel plant cancelled
One year after the launching of biofuel, the progress is so slow that consumers to date cannot benefit from biofuel, which is a replacement to the conventional fossil fuel.
Now, we have a news - Perak's RM1.4 billion biofuel plant cancelled.
IPOH: A plan to build the country’s first biofuel plant project in Trong near Taiping is off and the state government is not saying why for fear of legal action.
Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali, who told reporters this after chairing the weekly state executive council meeting on Wednesday, only said: “It did not materialise.”
Declining to reveal the reason for cancellation of the RM1.4bil project, he said: “No need-lah. Later, I could get sued.”
Tajol Rosli was responding to queries on whether the company Pioneer Bio Industries Corp Sdn Bhd had briefed the state government on the project.
It has been reported that Pioneer Bio Industries Corp Sdn Bhd, the inventor of the nipah or mangrove palm-based ethanol, would invest RM1.4bil to set up the country’s first plant to produce biofuel on a large scale.
Its chairman Md Badrul Shah Mohd Noor has been quoted as saying the factory would be built in a 1,000ha area where some 6,000 wild nipah trees are found growing in Trong, about 82km from here.
In January, a grand ceremony was held to unveil the company’s five-storey building and announce the project.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bangunan Parlimen, Jalan Parlimen
50680 Kuala Lumpur. 手呈
雪州行动党谨此向国会下议院廉正特选委员会提交针对各项报道关于隶属巴生港务局的46亿令吉巴生港口自由贸易区(Port Klang Free Zone,简称PKFZ)丑闻。
最近,《当今大马》(http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/69074)、新加坡《商业时报》以及《太阳报》(http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=18941 and http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=18951)都纷纷报道联邦政府斥资46亿令吉的公款来拯救巴生港口自由贸易区。
- 巴生港口自由区的发展成本已经从原定的11亿令吉预算膨胀至46.3亿令吉。
- 由于成本严重超支,政府必须通过一项拯救配套来拯救这个占地405公顷的巴生港口自由区计划。
- 巴生港口自由区而获得批准,是因为其可行性以及其能够自行融资的保证。目前证明两者皆非。
- 为巴生港口自由区购买1000依格土地的争议,财政部及总检察署建议以官方的每平方尺10令吉估价徵用相关地段,但港口当局却以本身的方式,根据双方同意的每平方尺25令吉价值买下有关地段,而交通部则保证巴生港口自由区是可行的,以及能够自行融资。
- 成本出超数十亿令吉是在未经授权下而作出,因此这是非法之举,因为任何计划的成本每增加1亿令吉,都应事先获得财政部批准,但当局没办到这点。
- 交通部在未获得财政部的批准下已经非法发出支持函件,以让巴生港务局委任开发有关地段的私人公司——Kuala Dimensi——发售超过40亿令吉的债券来集资,这总额目前必须由联邦政府来拯救。交通部长未经授权地非法发出支持函件。这封信“是当时获得3A级债券评估的重要工具”,因为这种函件“形同政府作出担保”。
- 建筑110,000个廉价屋单位(以雪州每单位4万2千令吉作计算),
- 建筑418间学校(根据八打零再也白沙罗华小丽阳镇新校舍1千1百万令吉的建筑费)
- 建筑9间医院(根据新山班兰新医院5亿令吉的建筑费),以及
- 把国内燃料价格维持在2006年2月28日之前的价格,也就是比现在的燃料价格更为便宜30仙,因为当初政府提高燃料价格每公升30仙的决定为政府剩下大约44亿令吉的燃料津贴。
刘永山 谨启
Illegal advertisers get bolder
A number of these have sprouted around Petaling Jaya, especially in the SunwayMas Commercial Centre and Aman Suria areas.
Aman Suria residents committee chairman Wendy Chan said the banners had been up for at least a year, and had become an eyesore.
She said it was the Petaling Jaya City Council’s (MBPJ) responsibility to do their job by enforcing rules and taking action against those who put up the illegal banners and bunting.
Call at your own risk: Banners and bunting put up by money lending companies are especially prominent.
“They’ve been there for so long. MBPJ officers should conduct enforcement on their own initiative instead of waiting for residents to point out the problem,” she said.
Chan said she would raise the issue at the next Petaling Jaya Utara (PJU) monthly meeting with MBPJ, which is chaired by Damansara Utama assemblyman Datuk Lim Choon Kin, and attended by residents’ representatives in PJU.
Kg Chempaka resident Zubir Suardi noted that these advertisements were more prominent in the commercial areas, though there were some in residential areas.
“The advertisements used to be in the form of small stickers, but they’re growing bigger in size and increasing in number.
Eyesore: MBPJ says they could not clean up illegal advertising in some areas due to a shortage of staff.
“I’ve seen MBPJ enforcement officers passing these areas, but they’ve never done anything about the banners,” said the 49-year-old labourer who also frequents a park in nearby SS25.
“Some banners and bunting were put up as recently as two weeks ago,” said M. Balakrishnan, a lorry driver who has been working in Dataran Prima and Aman Suria for 10 years.
The 60-year-old said he had seen MBPJ enforcement officers issuing parking summonses around the SunwayMas and Aman Suria areas, but they had never taken down any of the banners.
The most prominent banners are those put up by money lending companies, though there are others offering services like tuition, computer repair, printing, house renovation and car wash, as well as promotions by restaurants and optical companies.
Illegal: Poster-sized banners posted by the roadside are now part of the scenery in many areas of PJ. When contacted, MBPJ public relations officer Zainon Zakaria said the enforcement unit made daily rounds to check on illegal bunting and banners.
However, she said some areas may have been overlooked due to a shortage of staff.
She said the council would take down all illegal bunting and banners in Aman Suria and other areas in Petaling Jaya soon.
Zainon said those who wished to advertise using bunting and banners should apply for a special permit from the council.
“They should submit an application to the licensing department. This can be done over counters 8, 9 and 10 at the MBPJ office.
“When an application is sent, it’s charged according to its size,” she added.
She said that the council had taken down 9,228 bunting and banners between Jan 1 and Aug 12 this year.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Bailout for PKFZ bad for Malaysia's TI CPI standing
I will present something on the scandalous Port Klang Free Zone in which the government has bailed out using a total of RM4.6 billion taxpayers money.
Below is my presentation:
15th August 2007
Y.B. Dato’ Dr. Wah Hashim bin Wan Teh
Chairman of the Dewan Rakyat Select Committee on Integrity
Malaysian Parliament,
Bangunan Parlimen, Jalan Parlimen
50680 Kuala Lumpur. BY HAND
Y.B. Dato’ Dr,
RM4.6 billion bailout scandal for Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) violates National Integrity Plan (NIP) and poses far reaching impact on Malaysia’s standing in the TI CPI 2007
DAP Selangor would like to refer to the various media reports on the RM4.6 billion PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) scandal under the authority of Port Klang Authority (PKA) to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity .
PKFZ is modeled after the highly successful Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai and it was conceptualized as the region’s hub of choice for the export and trans-shipment of manufactured goods.
However, six months after its completion, the ambitious PKFZ now resembles a ghost town, with only about a dozen tenants scattered about the site instead of the anticipated crush of clients, raising question marks on the viability, feasibility and integrity of the project.
Recent reports in Malaysiakini (http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/69074), Singapore Business Times and The Sun (http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=18941 and http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=18951) have reported about the Federal Government’s RM4.6 billion bail out on the PKFZ project with taxpayers’ money.
Among the scandalous allegations are:
• That the development costs for PKFZ have ballooned to RM4.63 billion from the original estimate of RM1.1 billion;
• That the government has to step in to salvage the 405-hectare PKFZ project with a bail-out package as a result of massive cost overruns;
• The PKFZ had been approved on the assurances that it would both feasible and self-financing. It is proven to be neither so.
• The controversy over the purchase of the 1,000 acres for the PKFZ, with the Finance Ministry and Attorney-General Chambers proposing forcible land acquisition at official valuations – then at RM10/sq foot – but the port authority bought it at RM25/sq foot on a willing-buyer-willing-seller basis and the Transport Ministry’s assurance that the PKFZ would be both feasible and self-financing.
• The multi-billion ringgit cost overruns were unauthorized and therefore illegal as any RM100 million increament in a project’s cost had to be first approved by the Ministry of Finance and this had not been done.
• The Transport Minister had illegally and without sanction from the Finance Ministry issued letters of support to enable Kuala Dimensi, the private company tasked by the Port Klang Authority to develop the site, to issue bonds in excess of RM4 billion to cover its costs – the totality of which have now to be bailed out by the Federal Government. The unauthorized and unlawful letters of support by the Minister of Transport “were instrumental in getting the bonds at the time a triple-A rating” as such letters “are akin to government guarantees”.
General public demands an explanation not only as to why the total amounts involved for the project jumped from RM 1 billion (Dec 2004) to RM3.1 billion (June 2007) and now RM 4.63 billion, but also whether the RM4.6 billion bail out from the Federal Government on PKFZ project with taxpayers’ money goes against the National Integrity Plan (NIP).
The National Integrity Plan (NIP) was launched by Abdullah in May 2004 and proclaimed a five-point NIP Target 2008. Its first target is to “effectively reduce corruption, malpractices and abuse of power” with the specific objective of improving Malaysia’s ranking in the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from 37th place in 2003 to at least 30th position in 2008.
Sadly speaking, we have been heading in the opposite direction in the past three years, falling to 39th placing in 2004 and 2005 and plunging to 44th placing in 2006, with all signs of further drop to 50th placing this year when the nation is celebrating its 50th Merdeka anniversary.
Therefore, DAP Selangor would like to make a strong urge to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity that the whole scandalous bail-out worth RM4.6 billion on Port Klang Free Zone should be given grave concern as it will pose far reaching impact on our standing in the TI CPI this year.
Has it not been used for the bail out, that RM4.6 billion could be better used to improve the livelihood of Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Ibans from the lower income groups since it can be translated into:
• 110,000 low cost houses in Selangor based on selling price of RM42,000 per unit,
• 418 schools based on RM11 million per school as in the case of the new building of SJKC Damansara,
• 9 hospitals based on RM500 million per hospital as in the case of Johor Bharu, and
• Oil subsidies which can be used to reduce the fuel price 30 sen cheaper than now when the government decided to increase fuel price by 30 sen/litre on 28th Feb 2006 in which the exercise was said to have saved the government a total of RM4.4 billion in terms of fuel subsidies.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Selangor DAP State Committees
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Spend RM1.7 bil to build another LCCT?
The terminal was opened in March 2006 and is currently handling 10 million passengers a year and it will soon reach it 15 million passengers limit in two years time, meaning that the terminal only has a life span of three years!
Does this mean MOT (Ministry of Transport) waste RM108 million to construct a terminal which can only be used for three years and three years later the Ministry has to fork out another RM1.7 billion ringgit to build an all new LCCT. making the total expenses to construct a terminal for low-cost carriers mount up to RM1.808 billion?
Something is wrong in MOT when they could not plan before build!
August 12, 2007 18:36 PM
Present LCCT Never Meant For Permanent Terminal - Chan
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 12 (Bernama) -- The present Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at the KL International Airport (KLIA) is never meant to be a permanent terminal, Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy said Sunday.
He said it was built to meet the urgent need at that time.
"The present LCCT, we needed it urgently, but it is never meant to be a
permanent terminal from day one," he told reporters when explaining the rationale for the decision to build a new LCCT, which can cater up to 30 million passengers a year, close to the KLIA.
Chan also pointed out the RM108 million existing terminal could not be expanded due to space constraints.
"We need a new permanent LCCT to cater for the need of the increasing
number of budget carrier passengers as the present terminal will reach its 15 million-a-year-passenger capacity in two years' time," he told reporters after opening the Arts of Wong Teng Hee - A 70 Retrospective Exhibition.
Chan said the existing terminal was already congested with almost 10 million passengers a year since its opening in March last year.
"The new LCCT will have a very big potential when it is completed in four to five years' time. It will also have room for future expansion," he said, adding that it would have
the capacity to accommodate 30 million passengers a year.
An industry expert said, the new LCCT project, announced by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Thursday, would cost about RM1.7 billion.
Asked what would happen to the existing LCCT, which was completed in just eight months, Chan said several options are being considered, including converting it into a cargo terminal.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
EYE ON MALAYSIA becomes BLACK EYE ON MALAYSIA – Tourism Minister must explain!

Malaysiakini carries the report as below:
However eight months since its official launch, the long queuesI had raised the issue in 3rd January 2007 in a statement that is this another mega project without proper public consultation and accountability?
expected by the ministry are simply missing.
Apart from the initial
euphoria and excitement, the visitors have avoided the Eye on Malaysia, causing
potential embarrassment and financial worries for the ministry and the private
One foreign tourist even told Malaysiakini that the Eye had
"nothing special".
Now new facts have emerged that the Tourism Ministry
and MST Ad Suria are trying to revitalize the Eye on Malaysia.
The plan
is simple - the ministry buys thousands of tickets from the private company to
be distributed for free. In other words, the ministry is bailing out MST Ad
Sources have told Malaysiakini that tickets worth RM5.7 million
have been snapped up by the ministry from the private company.
At the beginning of 2007 when the government was busy promoting Malaysia’s 50-year nationhood and Visit Malaysia Year 2007 (VMY2007), mainstream media had also started promoting various tourist spots for VMY2007. Among others is this 60-metre high 'Eye on Malaysia', similar to the 'London Eye', which will be unveiled at the launch of VMY2007on Jan 6 at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur.
Tourism Minister Tengku Adnan said it would cost RM30 million to set-up the wheel and discussions were still ongoing whether the structure would remain a permanent feature after VMY 2007, indicating that the structure could be dismantled after 2007 and there is no pre-planning at all on this project.
Piling work began at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa end of 2006 where a 60m-high Ferris wheel with 42 gondolas was installed as one of the major attractions for VMY2007. Each of the Ferris wheel’s air-conditioned gondolas can carry eight adults. “Eye On Malaysia” was then believed to be able to provide city folks with a view of the Kuala Lumpur skyline. The Ferris wheel is of Swiss technology and was specially brought in as one of the main attractions for VMY 2007.
Malaysians are surprised as to why such huge project which involved a whopping RM30 million minimum is not made known to the public earlier for public scrutiny when country’s economy is not performing as it should be, crippled with billion ringgits of losses due to the gigantic flood in southern Peninsula.
Will it not be better for tourist to take the KL Tower amidst the city of Kuala Lumpur at 515m above sea level, which is majestically poised at a breathtaking height of 421 metres to grasp a full view of KL at a greater height and a cheaper entry ticket (RM10 per adult) for a longer time as compared to only 60 metres of Eye On Malaysia at RM15 per entry? Even if you want to enjoy a free view, then Bukit Ampang (nicknamed “Little Genting”) can be a good choice also.
If the cost of construction is RM30 million as claimed by the Minister with an estimation of at least two million tourists to tour the Ferris wheel in order to break even based on RM15 entry ticket per person, then a valid question posed if whether this project is capable to attract that minimum amount of tourist in order to break-even, not to mention about making profit.
Malaysiakini’s report and interview with staffs there has validated my suspicion early this year when it was reported that “there were no other tourists or locals on sight when malaysiakini visited the Eye yesterday evening. Even the staff manning the ticketing counter looked dispirited.”
And now the Ministry Tourism has to fork out taxpayers money of RM5.7million to bail out the MST Ad Suria. The whole argument is whether such wastage of public fund could be avoided again if the government is sincere to walk the talk by having proper public consultation first before putting the cart before the horse when the government only informed the public only when the construction of the project started.
We therefore demand the Ministry of Tourism to validate the reports and explain this matter.

Ad Suria有限公司已经开始运筹帷幄,以拯救大马眼。计划很简单——旅游部向这家公司购买数千张大马眼的门票,然后在免费分发出去。
换言之,旅游部斥资拯救MST Ad Suria有限公司。
“旅游部仍拥有50万张门票,等于是570万令吉的纳税人金钱,旅游部让他们(MST Ad
当政府在今年年初欢庆新年,迎接立国50周年庆典和2007大马旅游年的当而,主流媒体已经开始为各项旅游景点作大肆宣传,其中一个景点就是这座位于吉隆坡蒂蒂旺沙湖滨公园,高60公尺、模仿‘伦敦之眼’建筑的摩天轮——‘放眼大马’。 ‘放眼大马’ 摩天轮已经在今年1月6日正式由首相推介。
现在,旅游部被迫挪用570万令吉纳税人的钱来斥资拯救MST Ad Suria。问题在于,如果政府当初能够先咨询人民的意见,才来策划动工,这部就能够为政府省下一大笔钱吗?为何政府在这个问题先斩后奏?
Thursday, August 09, 2007
INVITATION to Parliamentary Roundtable to reaffirm Merdeka social contract
INVITATION to Parliamentary Roundtable on Friday 10th August 2007 to reaffirm Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement on the occasion of 50th Merdeka anniversary that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as official religion and not an Islamic state
When Malaya achieved independence in 1957 and Malaysia was formed six years later in 1963, a national social compact was reached that the nation shall be a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic State.
The Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state was given expression in the Federal Constitution, articulated by the founding fathers of the nation including the first three Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein and given full recognition by the highest court in the land.
For over four decades, there was national consensus of the secular character of Malaysian nation-building which was only disrupted in the past six years, raising questions about the national commitment to protect and sustain this fundamental cornerstone of Malaysian nation-building.
A Parliamentary Roundtable to reaffirm that the Merdeka social contract and the Malaysia Agreement that the nation is a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state is being convened in Parliament on Friday, 10th August 2007 at 10 am. (Bilik Taklimat)
This is to send out a clear and unequivocal message on the occasion of the 50th Merdeka anniversary of the nation in 2007 that the Merdeka social contract and the Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state must continue to be the bedrock of the Malaysian nation-building process.
You are invited to the Parliamentary Roundtable to endorse the reaffirmation of the Merdeka social contract and Malaysia Agreement that Malaysia is a secular state with Islam as the official religion and not an Islamic state.
I apologise for the shortness of time. Kindly inform my office of your ability to accept this invitation or your representative to the Parliamentary Roundtable by Wednesday, 8th August 2007. (Contact person Lau Weng San 016-3231563, 03-79578022, Wong Choy Onn, 016-2681483).
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
(Lim Kit Siang)
Opposition Leader,
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
P'raya: Majlis Fatwa benar SPR guna dakwat khas
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Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan hari ini memutuskan untuk membenarkan penggunaan dakwat khas yang dicadangkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya (SPR) bagi menanda jari pengundi dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang kerana ia tidak melanggar hukum syarak. Pengerusinya, Prof Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Husin berkata keputusan itu dibuat berdasarkan penjelasan dan hasil kajian yang dijalankan oleh Jabatan Kimia dan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), demikian menurut laporan Bernama. ![]() "Oleh sebab itu, jawatankuasa yang bersidang hari ini meluluskan atau membenarkan penggunaan dakwat tersebut. "Tidak ada halangan dari segi hukum dan tidak ada keraguan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat tersebut hari ini. Akan maklum pada SPR Dr Abdul Shukor berkata keputusan itu tidak membabitkan hukum atau fatwa baru tetapi untuk melihat dari aspek umat Islam dalam soal beribadat. Katanya Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) akan memaklumkan secara rasmi dan serta-merta kepada SPR berhubung keputusan tersebut. SPR sebelum ini mencadangkan untuk menggunakan dakwat khas itu untuk menanda jari pengundi bagi mengelakkan penipuan dalam pilihanraya. Berikutan itu, Jakim menghantar sampel dakwat khas itu kepada Jabatan Kimia untuk dianalisis bagi memastikan dakwat yang kekal pada jari selama dua hingga tiga hari itu tidak mengandungi bahan najis yang boleh merosakkan ibadat umat Islam. Semalam, Pengerusi SPR Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman berkata keputusan daripada Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan itu perlu bagi mengelakkan keraguan dan syak di kalangan umat Islam bahawa dakwat khas itu boleh menjejaskan ibadat. |
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Monday, August 06, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Saturday, August 04, 2007
《当今大马》 青年才俊闯政坛一石击千浪 精英参政能否改变政治冷感? | ||||
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青年才俊参政自古有之 来 届大选跫音近,马华和民主行动党纷纷拉拢前电视新闻主播胡渐彪和著名部落客黄泉安入党,掀起了一股所谓的青年才俊闯政坛的风气。然而,这股潮流究竟是否会 继续延烧,带起更多名人参政?能否冲击政坛的面貌和生态?应该如何被社会公评,已引起媒体的炽热报道,更引发网民积极的争论。 ![]() 受 邀的各路朝野政党人士及时评论人包括人民公正党实权领袖安华办公室政治协调员沈志勤、马华公会妇女组中委林礼菲、著名部落客黄泉安、联合国紧急通信工作组 科学与法律顾问胡逸山、民主行动党雪州莲花苑服务中心主任李映霞以及《当今大马》编辑杨凯斌。圆桌讲坛的主持人则是《东方日报》编辑黄金城,《东方日报》 代总经理吴彦华也参与其中。 “若去示威就不要回来吃饭” 针对青年参政的现象,90 年代末曾积极参与“烈火莫熄”运动的沈志勤透露,这已不是新鲜事。他追溯历史指出,第一波青年参政的风潮出现在1938年,当时就出现17至18岁青年参 与马来青年协会(KMM)。第二波则是70年代由安华和希山幕丁莱斯所领导的大专学生运动,关心马来社会内的赤贫问题,尝试改变马来社群的命运。 “至于我的参与,则是历史的因缘或呼唤。朋友都叫我们‘烈火莫熄’世代,我们大概是因为国家制度的不公平、不民主,和媒体的不自由等等因素驱使之下,才会为这个国家做出努力。” 曾在美国留学时期参与共和党政治活动的胡逸山也表示赞同,并指出英国在美国争取独立时期的首相,威廉彼特(William Pitt Jr)担任有关职位时只有21岁。 “相对于现在来说,也许政治被年级比较大的人所控制,因此看到年轻人反而是奇怪的事。” 唐南发指出,华裔青年之所以忽然对政治冷漠,是因为华人在513事件后的权益节节失守,意识到自己是少数民族,父母阻止孩子求学时参与政治。此外,执政联盟也需为此负上责任,因为他们动用种种的法令和恐吓手段来打压大专生的自由。 李映霞透露,她的父母甚至曾告诫说“若去示威就不要回来吃饭”。 林礼菲则认为,华裔青年对政治冷漠的主凶是母亲,因为他们往往强烈反对孩子参与政治。 “我从大学开始就去示威。支持我的是父亲,反对我的是母亲。我的母亲和她的母亲一模一样,就是认为男孩子应该安份守己读完学位,读完后找一份工作,女孩子则是嫁一个好老公,而政治是怪物做的事。” 杨凯斌:热闹有余,冲击不足 ![]() 他举例,华教人士在90年大选加入民主行动党鼓吹两线制,1999年非政府组织活跃份子群起加入人民公正党推动人权意识,皆带来国阵政府的“小开放”以及阿都拉新政府清廉肃贪的承诺。 “因此评估青年才俊闯政坛,不在乎热闹和名气,而应该是看他们究竟能够带来多少的结构性改变。” 但是,他遗憾的说,来届大选缺乏大议题,媒体上只充斥着朝野政党的捉对厮杀,如马华总会长黄家定对垒民主行动党秘书长,抑或马华派出名主播对垒行动党的超级王牌团,显得“个人化”和热闹有余,但是对现今政治结构的冲击却远逊从前。 “这背后显示出我们的社会已经被严重切割,缺乏公共性。” 黄泉安:部落客顶多“九品芝麻官” ![]() “部落客起不了作用,因为在当今马来西亚的部落客都是采用匿名方式,犹如保护罩般保护自己。目前我们是处于白色恐慌的时代。每个人都担心自己说得太狂妄猖獗,因此必须收敛一点,能有几个人‘我不入地狱,谁入地狱’呢?” 唐南发:依附政纲还是提出改革? 也是著名时评人的唐南发表示,青年才俊实际上能在党内发起改革运动,改变目前的寡头政治结构,不过至今却未看到这些人士做出相关的努力。 他分析,虽然国阵内部目前是由巫统一党独大,不过马华本身却有选择权,是否要继续依附于巫统的霸权之下,因此有志之士可以选择通过党内改革,进而改变政治大环境。不过,他目前依然看不到刚入党的胡渐彪是否存有推动党内改革的议程。 ![]() “这就是马华的局限,其实行动党也一样……这些人进去可能会在关心政治人当中激起反响,但是并没有改变这两个政党的内部结构。” 改变遴选候选人方式减低反弹 杨凯斌同意唐南发的看法,并表示虽然这些青年才俊进党未必会动摇到党内寡头的权力,但是他们也可以首先改变党内遴选候选人的问题,让原有的基层能够接受他们。 “胡渐彪面对外面的舆论是其次,反而是党内排队的人不满被‘越车’。现在的问题是,你可以招很多青年才俊进党,不过,他们进党后不受欢迎,感觉很受伤。其实,华教人士进入行动党、非政府组织人士加入公正党也面对同样的问题。” 他认为,若要改变这个遭遇,政党就必须引入进步的遴选方式,如采纳党内和党外民调,以让这些新血们能够经历党员的筛选、挑战和民意的洗礼,从而赢得党员和选民的信服。 “允顾客点菜,一洗政治冷感” ![]() “有民主的参与方式,自然可吸引很多外面的人进来参政。现在的情况是回音式,我们选了很好的人把他捧到台面去,告诉他这是很好的菜,不过顾客是不可以加菜或点菜,而是看你端什么菜给我。现在就是要增加互动。” 杨凯斌也关注青年才俊是否能将新概念带入党内的问题。他表示,目前大多数政党都不是学习型政党,他们并未学习新的东西,以促成政党的转型。 “如果青年才俊能带着他的专才进去,全体领袖和党员一起上课,成为学习型政党。这个政党有改造其政治结构,这样的参政方式是进步的。” “这视乎青年才俊是否有自觉?如果你没有自觉,那么你就是偶像派;如果你又自觉,那么你就是偶像实力派。” 李映霞:食得咸鱼要抵得渴 不过,李映霞认为青年才俊初入党内就推行改革,在现实世界里是很难行得通的,因为他们往往被逼先求在党内生存下去,而他们的头衔实际上无法协助他们在党内开路。 “这很理想,但是当党面临派系或斗争时,这就有赖于你的生存艺术。因为有些人可能很有理想热情,不过却好像一只牛冲过去,结果撞了墙壁也不知道什么事情。我不排除有些在逼不得已、失望的情况退党,不过也要看当事人怎样在很约束的游戏规则中闯出一片天空。” 她也以“食得咸鱼要抵得渴”提醒青年才俊,若他们选择参政就必须要有心理准备面对这些问题,并且要有毅力,才能继续在党内做改革工作。 ![]() “比如说,马华现在‘不小心’成为全国最民主的政党,表面上它的机制是最民主的。它的改变背后一定是有权力的考量。不过,我觉得你可以因为你的对手已经做了表面上的改变,所以你的政党是不是还要有复选,而不可以直选呢?这些都需要顺应时势来做出改变。” 更高的自我期许和评估 他也指出,出来竞选或参政的青年才俊既然获得更大社会关注,就必须要有自我期许,尝试扮演更好的楷模,并准备为自己作评估、成绩单,让后人可以做客观的鉴定和学习。 “青年才俊应该展现出一个开放自信的姿态,坦荡荡面对群众,准备面对社会公评。因为若你有这样大的曝光率,就会有很多揣测,不能都说是媒体搞出来的。” |
Thursday, August 02, 2007
United for Water: Religions Speak on the Right to Water
Time: 8:45am to 4:30pm
Venue: Masjid Negara.
All religions consider water as sacred and God's gift to people. Islam acribes the most sacred qualities to water as life, sustaining and purifying resources. Christianity states that in heaven and earth, water symbolizes life in its pristine form. The Orang Asli believe that water is ruai (soul) and is a sacred life force, which is a pre-requisite for life. Hinduism considers water as one of the main forces or elements of Nature, which must be respected, prayed/worshipped, conserved, and utilised as a basic need for all human beings and living things on the earth. Buddhism believes that water is one component of the five elements (fire, air, earth, water and wisdom), which form the universe.
How to participate?
Please register by sending your details (name, contact number, email address and name of organisation) to monitoring.globalisation@gmail.com or call or text Simon Lee at 012.633.2349.
To confirm participation, please fill in the registration form and make payment by cheque to MSN Diversified Sdn. Bhd. RM20 will be collected to cover cost if venue, facilities and resource materials.
(mail cheque to 506, 5th Floor, Menara Mutiara Majestic, No. 15, Jalan Othman, Section 3, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
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《当今大马》探悉 胡渐彪是在本月初获得马华中央理事会批准加入马华,居住在八打灵万达镇的他目前隶属马华八打灵北区区会的党员。他早前在接受《当今大马》访问时,表明将会慎重考虑在来届大选上阵的可能性。 ![]() 熟料,马华总会长黄家定仍坚持要胡渐彪竞选百乐镇州议席,理由是为了抗衡民主行动党最近频频招揽中产阶级精英入党的举动,以为马华在下届大选营造气势。 在投诉不果之下,有些满腹怨言的马华基层恫言,若胡渐彪来届大选在百乐镇初试啼声却铩羽而归的话,黄家定本身必须对此负上全责。 “若总会长硬硬要派胡渐彪上阵,那么一切胜输后果就由他来负责好了。” 马青领袖不满苦候多年被“越车” 另外,许多马青领袖也对胡渐彪甫入党即获得“青睐”在大选披甲上阵,产生强烈的不满。 据知这些马青领袖对马青总团长廖中莱欢迎胡渐彪来届大选上阵的谈话有所不满,并指责廖中莱没有捍卫现有马青领袖的权益,让新人没有排队就享有“越车”的特权。这是因为不少马青中央级领袖苦等多年仍没有机会上阵,如马青副总秘书蔡金星和马青副总团长周连琼。 也有马华领袖认为,若党中央随意派遣“外人”代表马华出阵,等于告诉他人马华无法从百万党员当中找出形象清新,又有吸引力的领袖,无亦宣告黄家定所打出的“终生学习运动”和“堂堂正正做人、清清白白做官、踏踏实实做事”口号已经失败。 是王乃志还是苏进安的翻版? 不仅如此,马华内部对于胡渐彪的“空降”模式也出现两种截然不同的诠释。 ![]() 然 而,另一种分析却认为,胡渐彪与王乃志的情况根本不同。因为王乃志在从政前已经活跃於马六甲中华大会堂青年团,是甲华青的团长,并频频在公共场合为华社权 益发言,早已建立起一定的形象和拥有鲜明的政治立场。他们认为,胡渐彪空有清新的形象,但是却未曾受过民意的考验,其政治立场也不明朗。 他们担心,胡渐彪可能会步80年代前国家足球队长苏进安在马六甲市区国阵议席单挑林冠英的后尘,最终仍在大选中败下阵来。 “胡渐彪虽然是优秀的辩论员,但是经验却很缺乏。犹记得当年全马谁不认识外号“头家”的苏进安,但是他还不是落败?” 周美芬:一切仍言之过早 ![]() 她指出,目前胡渐彪只是一名刚入党的党员,而马华是随时都欢迎年轻人及其他人士的加入。 她也表示不曾听闻胡渐彪将竞选百乐镇州议席的说法,并指一切只是媒体的揣测。 “他只是进党吧了。我们随时都欢迎年轻人进来,我们欢迎所有人加入马华。” “(如果胡渐彪竞选百乐镇州议席?)这交由上头决定,我不知道到时候情况会怎样。党领袖知道在什么时候做什么样的决定。你等啦。总会长已经说过现在还早,还没有决定候选人名单。” 针对当地基层对于胡渐彪可能上阵的反应时,周美芬不愿多加评述,她重申,“他现在只是进党吧了,有什么支持还是反对的?” 指基层对胡渐彪拜访反应冷淡 八打灵北区国会议席底下共有两个州议席,即百乐镇和甘榜东姑。消息指出,周美芬曾经带着胡渐彪到该区拜访基层和党团领袖,但是所获得的反应却相当冷淡。 目前坊间盛传,林春景和甘榜东姑州议员黄世豪在来届大选将不获上阵;熟谙马华党内生态的人士相信,这与周美芬有意除掉林春景和黄世豪两人有关。 百乐镇州议员林春景在受询时表示,他也只是从报章上获悉胡渐彪将在百乐镇州议席上阵的消息,但是至今未获得党中央的通知。 他指出,这些传言在大选之前经常都会甚嚣尘上,因此已见怪不怪。 “不管这是否属实,我是受委的议员,必须要完成我的任务。这不会影响我继续为选民服务的努力。我不知道,也不会理会这些传闻。” 林春景:过去这个议席没人要 ![]() “这个议席在1999年之前是没有人要的。15年来都是由行动党控制,马华从来都没有人赢过。如果真的是由胡渐彪上阵,这应交由领袖和人民决定。” 根据雪州马华网站资料,林春景在1980年加入马华,於1989年至1999年担任马华总部公共服务局法律顾问。他於1998年迄今担任八打灵再也市议员,从1999年至2005年担任马华八打灵北区秘书,之后更上层楼担任该区署理主席。 林春景是於1999年中选为百乐镇州议员。在2004年大选中,林春景以3千847张多数票击败民主行动党的严志培胜出。 百乐镇共有逾4万5千名选民,其中82.63%是华裔、马来选民有11.92%和印裔4.78%。 |